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Dry, itchy-ass eyes

John Smith

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Nah, started around the same time as my DP but i never connected the dots, and i think i remember reading complaints about it on the old board but im not really sure now, thats why i was wonderin about you guys...think it might be goin away but it's hard to tell, my scalp's as itchy as ever though, losing my hair by the minute from all the scratching, feel like a freakin cat :/

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This vision stuff has its moments. When first seeing your post I only read, "Dry, itchy ass" and thought, boy this guy is comfortable in speaking … lol

As for the "eyes", I get a histamine(?) reaction that is like an oily film that won’t wash out. It causes a diffusion of light like cataracts. This goes away with Sinemet – which seems strange. Also, if stop this med suddenly, the eyes will burn for a few days.

With Parkinson’s disease (a disorder involving insufficient dopamine), there is an ‘oiliness’ in the upper body. "Parkinson's patients may notice that they have developed greasier skin, especially around the nose and eyebrows, and a greasier scalp" - - http://www.streetdir...ns_disease.html

This is not to suggest you have PD, just that there is a possible connection here with dopamine. This neurotransmitter seems to be involved with HPPD.

Elsewhere you mention pain problems that started. What are these?

What are your visual symptoms?

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Yeah, although i think dopamine is more related to DP than hppd itself...

the pains are weird, they started along with the DpDR, i just get cramp-like pains in my body, even in weird places like the tips of my fingers, sometimes theyre barely perceptible other times they make me cringe with pain.

My symptoms arent really hallucinogenic thankfully, and the CEVs and weird faces are nearly gone, but i have trails, floaters, phosphenes, static, afterimages, and as of recently, i guess it's the DP, the world looks cartoonish and plastic and HD as hell. My night vision is horrible. Ghosting seems worse as well. Thats about it i think.

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With Parkinson’s disease (a disorder involving insufficient dopamine), there is an ‘oiliness’ in the upper body. "Parkinson's patients may notice that they have developed greasier skin, especially around the nose and eyebrows, and a greasier scalp" - - http://www.streetdir...ns_disease.html

Wow, so in the past year when my vision got worse I also developed extremely oily skin on my face around my nose and eye brows. I was always fortunate and had clean skin with rare acne but now it's a bigger problem. I get a small persistent rash on the sides of my cheeks near the nose because of it(seborrheic dermatitis I've been told).. My father has it too, and of course, no real cure for it.. I thought the ketogenic diet with all the fats just made my skin more oily.. Strange coincidence. Sorry did not mean to hijack just found that relevant

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Wow, so in the past year when my vision got worse I also developed extremely oily skin on my face around my nose and eye brows. I was always fortunate and had clean skin with rare acne but now it's a bigger problem. I get a small persistent rash on the sides of my cheeks near the nose because of it(seborrheic dermatitis I've been told).. My father has it too, and of course, no real cure for it.. I thought the ketogenic diet with all the fats just made my skin more oily.. Strange coincidence. Sorry did not mean to hijack just found that relevant

No need to appoligize. Sometimes it is this odd stuff that ‘clicks’ and helps people (and doctors) make a diagnosis or at least explore it.

Now your vision went bad 5 years ago right? So are you saying it got worse about a year ago?

Yeah, although i think dopamine is more related to DP than hppd itself...

the pains are weird, they started along with the DpDR, i just get cramp-like pains in my body, even in weird places like the tips of my fingers, sometimes theyre barely perceptible other times they make me cringe with pain.

My symptoms arent really hallucinogenic thankfully, and the CEVs and weird faces are nearly gone, but i have trails, floaters, phosphenes, static, afterimages, and as of recently, i guess it's the DP, the world looks cartoonish and plastic and HD as hell. My night vision is horrible. Ghosting seems worse as well. Thats about it i think.

The way these pains present really sound seizure like. Have you seen a good neurologist? [Note: it is best to find a doctor who is also involved in research – they are more open and alert to the weird things we suffer]

Dopamine helped night vision, contrast, depth perception, color, frames & trails, and auras right away.

Does anyone have pictures of CEVs – I don’t really know what they are. Is this an example? http://hppdonline.co...__fromsearch__1

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Yeah i had an mri and an eeg done and they showed nothing as far as seizure-like activity.

When you say dopamine helped, wat did you take? I know it's dopamine related because all these new symptoms started when i consumed caffeine, including fatigue and dpdr, not to mention the related cog issues which to me are the worst part.

And cevs are just purple or pink spirals, eyes closed or in near darkness, weird grotesque faces appeared later as well, it's all gone away a bit, think alcohol was sending me down the rabbit hole...btw the cevs also started due to the caffeine intake, it was just white static before.

i dont blame myself for hppd, but i do blame myself for not sobering up immediately, it's hard to think i mightve ruined my life just for an uncomfortable, tripped out high :/

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I've tried 5 different dopamine (DA) boosting meds. Sinemet seems to work the best

You mention that caffeine affects you - this more directly involves epinephrine and norepinephrine (NE). 90% of NE is found in the locus coeruleus, which is involved in control of mood, attention, sleep (and a bunch of other stuff). There is a close relationship between DA and NE ... as you can see from the chart below, it is actually made out of dopamine.


When you say caffine bothers you, do you mean just coffee? Or even coca cola? Or do you mean an energy drink?

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I was pretty high one time and i accidentally drank half a can of ginger ale that i thought was caf free, but about halfway down i got this horrible uncomfortable feeling on my neck and when i looked at my hands all i could think was "what are these," and when i looked it had caffeine. Needless to say I dont touch caffeine.

They literally looked like strange claws and it took me more than a tick to think that theyre my hands. Got strong closed eye visuals too.

Depression and suicidal thoughts started after this as well, i tried to sober up, but being sober just felt too shitty.

I believe that oxys also helped speed up this progression that my disorder took, at least the DP and visual aspects. Trails definitely became more prominent as a result.

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Dry eyes, greasy skin at the upper part of the body (particularly face and scalp), increased acne--- have them all. I use Wellbutrin 150 mg, but it has not helped against this. I have also used almost every antihistamine, but they don´t help much.

I think it might be some kind of neuroimmune or hormonal disorder which causes it, perhaps related to HPPD?

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I was pretty high one time and i accidentally drank half a can of ginger ale that i thought was caf free, but about halfway down i got this horrible uncomfortable feeling on my neck and when i looked at my hands all i could think was "what are these," and when i looked it had caffeine. Needless to say I dont touch caffeine.

They literally looked like strange claws and it took me more than a tick to think that theyre my hands. Got strong closed eye visuals too.

Depression and suicidal thoughts started after this as well, i tried to sober up, but being sober just felt too shitty.

I believe that oxys also helped speed up this progression that my disorder took, at least the DP and visual aspects. Trails definitely became more prominent as a result.

Wow, speechless. I’d ask how you are with a little bit of coffee – but better not try. Most peoples’ hands turn into claws when they don’t have coffee.

Have you tried tyrosine visual? I was thinkin about this.

Didn't have any success with it.

I think Timer uses it, though it didn't help visuals, he can think clearer


Dry eyes, greasy skin at the upper part of the body (particularly face and scalp), increased acne--- have them all. I use Wellbutrin 150 mg, but it has not helped against this. I have also used almost every antihistamine, but they don´t help much.

I think it might be some kind of neuroimmune or hormonal disorder which causes it, perhaps related to HPPD?

Good to here that Wellbutrin is agreeing (and helping), though not HPPD

I get this filmy haze on the eyes. Tried OTC antihistamines as well as several prescription ones. Only one helped, Patanol – and after 5 days it becomes ineffective and have to stop for a few weeks for it to work again. All DA tried, including Wellbutrin, helped.

Do your eyes hurt/ache?

Can you list your visual symptoms?

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Good to here that Wellbutrin is agreeing (and helping), though not HPPD

I get this filmy haze on the eyes. Tried OTC antihistamines as well as several prescription ones. Only one helped, Patanol – and after 5 days it becomes ineffective and have to stop for a few weeks for it to work again. All DA tried, including Wellbutrin, helped.

Do your eyes hurt/ache?

Can you list your visual symptoms?

Interesting to know about Patanol. I´ve used 5 types of antihistamines, but I had to quit them because they give me constipation as tough as concrete.

I also get the "filmy haze" a lot, consistence is like cortisone salve. I wash my eyes with water many times a day because of the itchiness and the "filmy haze".

My eyes itches and are almost always strained. I have very good visual sharpness (tested a while ago) i.e. good eyes, poor visual processing.

My visual symptoms (HPPD related) are:

Heavy static with patterning and occasional colouring,

strong illusory movement/ dimensional distortion (involves micropsia and macropsia too),

colour confusion and changes in hue/ tone,

long trails from moving objects.

kaleidoscopic/ geometrical swirls (usually only CEV´s, occasionaly OEV´s too),

pariedolias, faces mostly, but also object assuming shapes of other objects, such as a trashcan looking like a human

afterimages (negative mostly) which have a tendency to "clog up" my vision,


difficulty reading and hard to look at sharp contrasts for a longer time,

color sparkles and patches, usually neon blue, green purple or orange


"visual sperms" at light objects. Looks like a lot of shiny white dots swimming in a soup.

2D vision (though it might be more DR related)

bright white auras around objects,

when eyes are closed, bright light suddenly swells up without external stimuli, phosphenes?

fast moving pseudohallucinations in the periphery, mostly siluettes

objects sometimes (not to often) blend together, very reminiscent of a high dose LSA trip I once took. A kind of "souping" effect.

Phew, that was a lot... :wacko:

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Thanks for posting the detail. It really helps. A lot of your symptoms seem more complex than dopamine dysregulation. Still, the Wellbutrin is helping other areas and may trickle to some of these.

What are OEVs? Any pictures?

Still trying to understand CEVs? Any pictures of these?

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Thanks for posting the detail. It really helps. A lot of your symptoms seem more complex than dopamine dysregulation. Still, the Wellbutrin is helping other areas and may trickle to some of these.

What are OEVs? Any pictures?

Still trying to understand CEVs? Any pictures of these?

I´m glad I can contribute to science! :)

OEV= Open eye visuals

CEV= Closed eye visuals

They´re the type of visual derangement that psychedelic intoxication causes. For some people (including me) these visuals still keep on coming, even though it has been years since the last intoxication.

I found this video, which I think best shows what they´re like.

Of course, for a person with this type of HPPD, they`re usually not as vivid and colouful as in this video, but sometimes it´s quite close.

My visuals are most like the ones in the 0:00-0:46 mark, very strict and geometrical.

Found these descriptions on a site called "Magiska Molekyler" (=Magic Molecules). Rough translation from Swedish:


Explanation: Open-eye visuals (abbreviated OEV) means in Swedish to have hallucinations with eyes open.

Examples of OEV:

Objects may appear to move, float, sway.

With higher doses allows one to see faces, for example, where the knot holes in the wooden ceiling are eye, other formations of wooden planks makes the mouth nose, face pops up, transformed into other forms.

Colorful and fireworks.

Degradation of the visual field of fractals and patterns.


Explanation: Closed-eye visual (abbreviated CEV) means in Swedish to have hallucinations with eyes closed.

Examples of different forms of CEV:

Patterns in different colors that are constantly transforming.

You travel in tunnels.

See faces, animals, shapes.

Eyes that pop up in front of you.

Landscape as you travel in, we are witnessing events, either in the "camera form" or in a body.

Under strong influence becomes CEV landscape more than just lines on a black background, it becomes very extremely detailed and lifelike.

Hope this info was helpful! :)

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