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hppd finally viped out

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i finally managed to beat it im so fucking happy i have no problems left instead of dp/dr disorder which consists of the following lasting symptoms


° rare dp/dr

° very low static

° extremely rare blurry vision

° sometimes light sensitivity


im so lucky i had about 20 different symptoms after my onset till 5 month later...visual as well as physical and psychological symptoms..im so glad but i hope the rest of these symptoms will also fade away or at least the dp/dr that i can smoke weed again...XD


betterment to all of you!



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man i had hppd for almost 5 month pretty extreme and then it started to slowly diminish and i thought i would experience this hell forever.


how i recovered from hppd... i have no clue how this was possible and i didnt even think it was before it happened..maybe it is my lifestyle, some habbits i developed to cure myself since my onset or i was just lucky i really dont know i did so many things to promote ngf and a healthy lifestyle (suppliments,meds) and so on but im not sure what was responsable for my cure..sorry i wish i could tell you


the dp/dr was also very bad but i was able to recover through distraction, i stoped obsessive thoughts by doing things that required my presence in the moment and started to ignore my existential depression and i was facing my anxiety to teach myself im not going crazy nothing happens to me and i learned step by step to recover my anxiety filter and then i had no panic attacks anymore and was feeling a lot better  i couldnt believe it at first but that works as simple as it sounds even though it was hell to face my fear..all too often i found myself feeling completely helpless against this and was about having a panic attack and giving up..but i didnt and i guess the trick is to never lose your faith..that also helped a little with hppd symptoms + i took several supplemnts, meds, did meditation and sports - the most important is motivation i think


i thought so often that i beat hppd but this time im certain.. cause i never had a relief of my symptoms for that long and i also never felt that normal all the time of having hppd and dp/dr and all my hppd symptoms  are gone and i have only slight and rare dp/dr now - i hope this also fades away

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when i got hppd it was hell at the beginning because i still smoked weed and then i went to the cleaning and it was ok for 2 weeks i had only a few symptoms.. but suddenly it became unbearable...i had to face 2 month of extreme hppd/dp/dr it was so bad that i just wanted to die everything was better then experiencing this hell...i had around 20 symptoms and not only visual..i thought that i messed up my life and will end up in some kind of mental institution or killing myself. at month 3 it was slowly getting better..

which started around the same time i began to follow my own health program. i dont know what exactly was responsible for my betterment but i think it was my lifestyle which has changed dramatically.

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That's what I've been going for nerve growth and repair, besides eating healthy in general I started taking lions mane. It's very expensive cause I can only my find it in one place, What brand is yours and where do you get it from? I'm doing 1 gram a day moving it up to 2 grams

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That's what I've been going for nerve growth and repair, besides eating healthy in general I started taking lions mane. It's very expensive cause I can only my find it in one place, What brand is yours and where do you get it from? I'm doing 1 gram a day moving it up to 2 grams

What has lions mane been doing for you ? What good and what bad ?
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That's what I've been going for nerve growth and repair, besides eating healthy in general I started taking lions mane. It's very expensive cause I can only my find it in one place, What brand is yours and where do you get it from? I'm doing 1 gram a day moving it up to 2 grams


well it increases general well being..i remember that i felt a little better since i started taking lions mane and it had absolutely no negative effects on me. i ordered LM from amazon, a package from oriveda containing 180 caps (each 1g) for 56,95EU and i think next time i will try a more concentrated extract or maybe ill order the mushroom itself or pure powder..so far im not sure.


i will also try cbd oil the next week to find out if it helps with dp/dr anxiety,

gues ill order various other extracts which already helped other dp/dr sufferers or served them as a drug.



hope my dp/dr is also fading completely just as hppd..cause its still annoying. 



I got hppd beginning 3 months ago and it's still gradually worsening... so im worried how far it's going to worsen until.


im so sorry for you since i know how hopeless it feels to be in the abyss of hppd..but dont lose your motivation..you can recover but it seems to be different for everybody its almost like one has to learn a certain lesson before it starts to fade away..to me hppd felt like a curse sometimes.


anyway..can you say what led to your hppd and a list of your symptoms please.


and do you take meds..if so..please list them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use meditation as well with a tibethan bowl. Work really nice for me. Started tonight instense meditation with tibetan bowl, feel much more connected with reality. With closed eyes, I'm able to limitate the random flashing lights form to simple dots. If it can help someone. Now I feel much more positive as I know HPPD is definitive only if you considered it is. If you understand that it's just a lack of a certain molecule in your brain, then you will be able to deal with it. The more positive you are, the better your HPPD will evolve. The opposite is also true.


the follow extract is from this site (about healing with tibetan bowl) http://jevondangeli.com/tibetan-singing-bowls-the-ancient-brain-entrainment-methodology-for-healing-and-meditation/


"How do Tibetan Singing Bowls help in the healing process?

It can be said that illness is a manifestation of dis-harmony within the body—an imbalance in the cells or a given organ. Since all matter is energy vibrating at different rates, by altering the rate of vibration we can change the structure of matter. Sound from Tibetan Singing Bowls entrain the brain to move into the Theta brain wave frequencies that induce deep meditative and peaceful states, clarity of mind, and intuition.  The sound vibrations impact our nervous system, engaging our relaxation reflex and inhibiting the stress or pain response."


As it is said all the matter is made of vibrating energy. I belive that people really sensitive or people who take a large amount of psychedelic products modify their vibrating frequencies (That's the origin of the snow in my opinion = pure vibration). We all have a certain resistance, the more sensitive you are (sens, emotions) the more you will react with the product and the bigger the change of vibration will be.


Thus the brain need time to refill and to rebalance its chemistry. Depending on the amount of disorder (sensitivity x amount of products), it will take more or less time from one person to another.


Since today I see HPPD as "trip under control" in the sens that your brain is still a bit under effect but you can try to control these effects. For exemple before taking mushrooms, I had the intuition that the whole universe was made of vibrating energy, now I experience it daily. I see it as a chance to understand the deepest nature of our world, and to communicate it to people who didn't reach this state of mind yet.


I wish you to be strong and trustful, 50% (even more) of the cure is your mind set.


NB: relating to vibration level, The earth emit a continous magnetic vibes called "Schumann resonnance" which are "extremely low frequencies (ELF) around 7.83 (fundamental),14.3, 20.8, 27.3 and 33.8 Hz". These different frequencies are exactly the same range as our brain's waves:


- Thêta 4.5-8hz (half-sleep, hypnosis)

- Alpha 8.5-12Hz (peaceful consciouness)

- Bêta 12Hz (intense activity, concentration, anxiety)


When you get on connection with nature (especialy walking with nude foot on the grass, you rebalance your frequency to the one of the earth. Thus I would advice to avoid high frenquency such as micro waves/ High Tension electricity/ WiFi. This are pur speculation, but I experimented interaction with electronic devices which works worst when I use them then myself.


Hope it well help you somehow. :D

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