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who smokes ciggarets or quited


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For you all who smokes ciggarets and who have try to quit and who was succesfull and wat was the postive effect after 1 month i try to stopp now for 2 days its going good so far i think i can stop smoking this time and wonder how i wil feel me after a month and later so can you share your experience plz

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I currently smoke the non additive cigs, about a half a pack a day.  I've gotten into vaping and I'm planning to cut way back soon.  With the vaporizer I can get down to about 5 a day on my days off from work and three a day on the days I work without too much trouble.


The less I smoke the better I feel in general.  My wallet feels better too!

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I did for about 6 months, I quit because I joined lacrosse, quitting was the greatest thing I've ever done for my depersonalization. I realized every cig I smoked just set me back in my recovery from visuals and just really fucked with my mind cause smoking puts you in this mindset that's kind of like "fuck it" and idk how to explain but man did it help

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Stopping smoking is a good step i have better condition now need need pas more time to geth a better conditon trying to geth more from sports its defeneything helping fighting and strugling for better days and me to moved on ee-smoking its a lot less harmless

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