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drinking few times at a week


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No i dont geth to drunk or gething worse the day after its the only thing that i geth a littel relax gething relaxing is very important for me

The problem is i use 4 medications anti pysgotic anti depresifs keppra and i am adicted to klonopin even when i use always low dose i try to quit for 10 days now still feel worse buth i geth breath when i drink beers

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i'm sat here after a 15 hour session that ended in snorting shots of rum.


feel bad now, but 2mg of klonopin will kick it's ass..... biggest issue is feeling depressed for a few days after

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Klonopin is very addictif i try to quit for 10 days its very hard even when i was on low dose 0,25mg for 8 monts it better that i quit this stuff before its geth out of control i drink 2 beers and its better then klonopin or any other medicine i took until now

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everyone has to find their own way to cope with this. meds, alcohol, opiates, sobriety, meditation..... whatever works for you.

No one should be judged, only given advice.


Your body willl do a pretty good job of telling you how bad it reacts to alcohol.... and, of course, it is an addictive drug.

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I personally drink till I'm good and drunk about twice a week.  And the occasional 3 beer night during the week.  Often with a puff or two of pot.  I like to get intoxicated.  Probably always will.  You just have to keep it in check.  Life's tough... especially for us.  My days of getting completely bombed and waking up in a world of hurt are over, however.  It causes me too much anxiety and fatigue the next day.

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