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A little background, I've done acid twice mdma a handful of times and mushrooms a handful. I've only done one and then a half tab of acid and never really tripped that hard. The thing is, I've had persistent visual disturbances for about a month and a half now and was diagnosed with HPPD. In my case it's pretty mild, in many environments I don't even notice anything, certain patterns/lightning however can really trip me out. Here's what's really strange though, my best friend is having the exact same issues I have, it just doesn't really bother him. I'm prone to anxiety and can't help but dwell on it which makes it worse. It seems really statistically improbable that we would both have HPPD, does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is that evident of it being more of a transient thing? I'm really confused at this point. My psych has been a big help but I haven't mentioned this to him yet

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I have been diagnosed with HPPD after a couple of experiences with fairly low doses of lsd, the onset came about a week after the second. This was roughly a month and a half ago. Strangely, my best friend, who also did the same stuff, and the same amount has also had persisting visual symptoms that are exactly like mine. I understand my case is considered pretty mild but I'm prone to anxiety and really dwell on it, making it worse. He shrugs it off with "it doesn't affect my ability to do anything so whatever" It seems really statistically improbably that we would both have HPPD, any thoughts on what's up?

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Are you completely sober... No drugs, no weed, no alcohol? Also, when I say a few weeks, I just mean a fairly short amount of time... It's not an exact science, in fact, it is just my opinion based on one experience asking my circle of drug friends!


Either way, I think that mild level of hppd affects alot of users, but they have to have it pointed out to them to even fully notice.


Hopefully you will also start to notice it less and less, over time.

Good luck, Jay

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Gone drinking a couple times, seems to worsen symptoms next day so no more of that. other than that yeah, stopped smoking weed altogether, even drastically reduced caffeine, my friend still drinks and smokes weed however. I was put on an ssri at the beginning of all this if that makes any difference

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I would taper off SSRIs, they are well known for making hppd worse. Fucking doctors, useless!


If you want something that will help the depression and anxiety, possibly even the visuals.. Ask your doctor about Lamictal.

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I'll ask about that but the ssri does seem to have at least made me less of an emotional wreck about the circumstances, plus Ive always struggled with anxiety and depression, that's probably why I've obsessed so much over a case of HPPD mild enough that the majority of you would be grateful to have. The ssri doesn't seem to have increased the visuals either but who knows

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  • 3 weeks later...

i forgot what this post was about cuz anxiety. ill just blame it on my adhd ;)jk


oh yeah, 2 of my best friends have hppd and they live in florida.


now i moved to cali and my "good/best friend"  turns out to havehppd. ive met 2 other people with hppd. at the cali beach Ocean Beach (HIPPIES FUCKING EVERYWHERE LMFAO) i told someone im perma tripping. and they said "yeah, that happens." turns out they have hppd and they dont mind much


all the people ive known leaned to accept it

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