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Hi all,


first of all I wanted to say that I don't have HPPD. The reason why i created this topic is to thank you all for preventing me from taking LSD. Recently my room mate and a good friend brought 4 tabs of LSD from work. We both smoke weed pretty regularly (twice a week or so) at our apartment, I've also tried MDMA twice and that's it when it comes to drugs. During one of those smoke sessions we started to talk about other drugs we might want to try some time. We both agreed that LSD was the most interesting of the lot but we did not even contemplate taking it, just a casual talk. Then one day (about 3 weeks after) my friend returns home from work and shows me those 4 tabs and says that since we both were so interested  in trying this he bought some from a guy at his work who knows a guy etc. We did not take them (thank God). He was eager to take them the same day but I convinced him that we should get to know more about the effect and to prepare better.


I started researching LSD on the internet the next day while I was at work and stumbled upon the HPPD term and eventually these forums. I was genuinely shocked and terrified reading all your stories. I can somewhat relate to you guys because i have very mild tinnitus since 2009 (I'm now 100% habituated) resulting from loud noise exposure at a concert and the first few months were hell on earth. I know that this is only a fracture of what you guys have. The things you all have to go through on daily basis are horrific and made me somewhat depressed for the rest of the day because I was constantly thinking about your condition and that I might end up like that if i take that LSD. Needless to say, when I came back home (my mate was still at work) I flushed those tabs in the toilet. I did not want to risk confronting my friend about this because he was so eager to take those (we were supposed to take one each and have the other two for later) that he might not have listened to me and take one anyway. He was pissed off when he learned about what I did but thanked me after hours of explanation.


I decided not to take anything except MJ and alcohol for the rest of my life. I am glad i found this forums because otherwise I'm sure I would take it and God only knows what would have happened. I know the risk is low but I'm not willing to take even that risk. I sincerely did not know that things like HPPD, derealization/depersonalization, anxiety and all kinds of visual abnormalities can heppen after taking hallucinogens. I will advise anyone against taking shrooms and LSD for the rest of my life.


Stay strong guys. I hope that each and every one of you recovers from this as fast as possible. You all have my sincere sympathy. Thank you for showing me the right way.

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It's very rare to get HPPD from a single trip I'd say. Set and setting and a psychological evaluation before tripping and you shouldn't be too worried. And I'd like to remind you that I got HPPD firstly induced by MDMA. It bursted on acid though. I've read about HPPD when I noticed my first floaters 5 years ago after smoking weed. But I've always been a positive guy that doesn't take too much things in moderation or think about the aftermaths. I lived a free life and eventually got fucked I guess.

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Don't forget David, the owner of the forum, got hppd from his first trip... It definitely happens.


Anyway, glad that some good might come from our forum. Sounds cheesy, but life itself is the best trip you can ever take. Enjoy your sanity!

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Don't forget David, the owner of the forum, got hppd from his first trip... It definitely happens.


Anyway, glad that some good might come from our forum. Sounds cheesy, but life itself is the best trip you can ever take. Enjoy your sanity!


Wasn't he occasionally dropping acid according to the blog entry? If that's his story that is.


"Then the day came... the day I took those "Lucky 7's" ecstasy pills. I knew they were more than MDMA, because everyone who took them hallucinated like mad while on them."


Sounds like MDA in my opinion. I tried that once, my vision was so sharp that it was ridicolous. A real potent HPPD inducer of what I've heard.

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Take acid if you want... you're your own person. Yes, there is this super rare condition called HPPD... you take your chances. 


I find this thread a little sanctimonious... it's like going to a lung cancer forum and thanking everyone for showing you the way to not smoking.  Not all of us live in a constant hellscape of psychological torment.  We're just regular people that deal with this stuff.  Evey man/woman has his/her cross to bear in life.


Anyway, I'm sure you meant nothing of the sort.  Honestly if I could go back I wouldn't do any drugs even if I knew I wouldn't get HPPD, but that's only because of personal reasons. 


Exploring the mind with psychedelics is a personal decision... be safe if you decide to do so.  And stay away from MDMA... it's just bad news.  Good luck.

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Yeah, I'm sorry, I may sound little over the top but I have spent a large amount of yesterday and today reading your stories and I was in such a shock... I think I felt really glad that I found a good reason not to take acid and just wanted to share my thoughts with you guys. As I said, I know that the possibility is low but what if? I'm not going to risk it, and ofcourse I'll also stay away from MDMA. Besides, even if I decided to take acid after this wouldn't it result in a horribly bad trip? I mean, i wouldnt be able to stop thinking about the possibility of developing HPPD, I would only get paranoid.

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Yeah everyone reacts to hallucinogens differently.  I never cared much for LSD... only actually tripped once off of it.  Mushrooms were always pretty gentle with me.  Did those a handful of times.


In my opinion I never really found anything very profound about psychedelic experiences.  I think the best thing to do is stay away from them (but I'm biased of course), but if you do decide to try them make sure you do so in a safe environment with someone who is experienced with them (preferably with them sober) and make sure you get them from a good source. 


The MDMA caveat is because I've seen the brain damage it causes personally and also it caused my HPPD.

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Strange that you got it from MDMA too. It seems like MDMA/MDA/PMMA and these kind of hallucinogenic amphetamines trigger HPPD more often than acid if you read stories about it. I guess it's more common with MDMA these days than dropping which will result in more people that got it from MDMA but still when reading about HPPD, LSD always seems to be that bad guy. I'm sure that bad MDMA with alcohol could be just as bad.

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My dad and uncle did a sheet of acid between them every weekend when they were young... my uncle developed very mild HPPD that went away after about 10 years.  Dad never developed anything (and he did the most by far)


They used every drug available at the time and never developed anything close to the severity I did (I believe HPPD is genetic). 


I was unlucky enough to be born and come of age during the "rave" scene where all kinds of pills were floating around- all different and cut with god knows what.


I think we're going to be seeing a big increase in HPPD with this new "molly" trend, unfortunately.  Bad for the kids doing it... but good for us in terms of research and physician awareness.

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I've always maintained that while i got hppd from lsd, it was a breeze. MDMA is what spiralled me into hell


Interestingly, my hppd visuals turned from purple when I had hppd from lsd to blue, once I added mdma into the mix.

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I've always maintained that while i got hppd from lsd, it was a breeze. MDMA is what spiralled me into hell


Interestingly, my hppd visuals turned from purple when I had hppd from lsd to blue, once I added mdma into the mix.


About these colourful visuals, is that something that you see all the time? I've only had them during CEV:s at night. What do they look like?

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yea, all the time.... It is a tint of colour over the snow and after images... Sort of a green/blue (which used to be purple)


Wow, that's heavy stuff. Didn't thought it could be that bad. And you still seem to manage life pretty good. That should prove that it's not about having a weak mind if you get HPPD or not, gotta be something else..

Why do some get these constant moving colours and another guy like me 300 fucking floaters in my central vision, visible in even darker enviroments. The brain has to been altered by different drugs and changed. Probably related to brain structure as well.


Maybe we should take the focus away from finding a cure for HPPD and instead just treat the different symptoms. Too bad that there's no research in our symptoms either.

Like seeing blue entoptic phenomena, floaters, photoreceptors probably has something to do with the photosensitivity. Where exact in the brain is regulating how much light we let in?

Tinted transparent lenses would be awesome. But they don't exist yet.. Imagine lenses instead of sunglasses, that doesn't change your eye colour. That would be amazing.

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