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HPPD Help and tips


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Hi, my name is ashley, I have been suffering with hppd for just under a year,  at the start i was ignoring it and taking drugs still, then when my visions got too much I quit everything, apart from alcohol, everything got noticeably better for a while, then when i moved home for some reason i hit rock bottom and my visions got really really bad. Recently they have got so much better, I hardly think of hppd anymore then 2 days ago for no reason at all they have hit a low again. I just want to start this thread for tips, and help and support. My email is ashleighkay_93@hotmail.co.uk and I would really love to talk to someone who is going through or has been through what i'm experiencing.

My Hppd get really really scary and intense and horrible, and I would love to speak to someone when it gets like that...



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I would guess the house move caused some stress and anxiety? This can cause temporary worsening of symptoms... Did anything happen this week that might have added to stress levels, even if you didn't particularly feel stressed at the time? (maybe even a hangover?)


I would hold on to the fact that last time you got worse, you soon got better again... Just keep thinking about this and reenforcing the idea that you are already starting to recover again.


Once you are better, try to avoid anything that causes undue stress or anxiety.

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