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UK sufferers should attend this event..


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The intention of this event is to promote awareness and raise funds for the visual snow campaign through a moving spectacle: walking into an immersive musical experience with the image of VS patients attempting to heal. It does not matter if the healing proposal works or not - it is using the spectacle to create awareness (and raise funds) that is important. Please please do your best to come to this and participate - it could be very important and influential if we get enough momentum; if we get lots of VS coming to sit, it will be very moving for the audience; this promotes activism and awareness. The project is supported by an established art collective which already has a regular audience of activists, artists and charitable people. It is important we extend it beyond the regular audience though, so this where your attendance/help in promotion is warranted: this is patient advocacy. It is also a forum for VS patients to meet and talk together. Speaking with fellow sufferers, as you know if you use this forum, is very psychologically helpful - even more so in real life. Also looking for other contributions - be it art, documentation etc. Throw some ideas at me and get in touch. At very least, please share the event!

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Good luck to the guy.... I think the anxiety would hinder me more than help me... But I can see this sort of treatment being worth a shot when things like oculus rift and other virtual reality headsets become available.

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Good luck to the guy.... I think the anxiety would hinder me more than help me... But I can see this sort of treatment being worth a shot when things like oculus rift and other virtual reality headsets become available.

Hey jay, I am the guy :)

The point of the happening is less if staring at the television static actually works, but the idea is to create a moving spectacle that draws people into our world and thus promotes awareness. Please spread the word if you can - it would be much appreciated.


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