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This needs to be reiterated every now and again


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Seriously: stop drinking, start exercising. Eat healthily, be active.

We keep saying this to each other all the time, but I wonder how many of us pull it off, truly.

I just came across a post of mine from two years ago where I said I had given up drinking. I have given up drinking quite a few times over the last couple of years, but only temporarily, and I have also have had periods where I abused alcohol. I even abused alcohol (and benzos) last week after what started as trying to notch down my anxiety before a performance. I cannot believe that I still do this, that I have anxious moments that turn into a binge, or think that it is okay to do this to myself, that I am like an 'average' person - that even despite knowing what I know, that being mindful can avoid these bad choices, that I don't commit 100% to what I know is good for me. I won't beat myself up about these things now, as they are in the past, but - seriously, why?

The two best things for my condition have been abstinence from drinking and exercise. They have improved my quality of life immensely. I used to be a big advocate of supplements, but in reality, I feel they have been pretty useless - certainly in comparison. The first sentence of this post has, for certain, had the most benefit.

I wonder, if I had stuck to what I said two years ago, when my HPPD was more infantile, if I would be cured by now - if, due to my actions after writing that post, I have made it irreversible. If you are someone in the position I was in - think about what I am saying now, and make sure you aren't asking yourself the same question as me in two years time. If you have a dodgy relationship with substances, like me, then you have to be radical. I live with people who abuse alcohol/substances daily/weekly - I have not made a radical change to my life, and my environment means I am quite likely to mess up. I thought I was done with not abusing alcohol/benzos ages ago (thankfully I never seem to abuse anything else these days), but that has not been the case. I have been exercising daily for the last month.. this has worked wonders.

Anyway, be radical.

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I agree with the overrall sentiment of be healthy but no drinking is ridiculous as a clear cut yes or no. I have had this for almost 7 years and I have really had no adverse effect from drinking especially when I was taking klonopin. I got drunk quicker but no long term adverse effects. Everyone's different all about what's best for the individual

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I agree with the overrall sentiment of be healthy but no drinking is ridiculous as a clear cut yes or no. I have had this for almost 7 years and I have really had no adverse effect from drinking especially when I was taking klonopin. I got drunk quicker but no long term adverse effects. Everyone's different all about what's best for the individual


I am talking about abusing alcohol. I find that I am all or nothing - for me I need to cut out drinking entirely to avoid any effects to my condition. It is good if you can control your drink / doesn't have any long term effects. How often do you consume alcohol?

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I am talking about abusing alcohol. I find that I am all or nothing - for me I need to cut out drinking entirely to avoid any effects to my condition. It is good if you can control your drink / doesn't have any long term effects. How often do you consume alcohol?

Ah gotcha the way I read it, it sounded like no one should drink at all. I don't consume as much right now because past few days have been rough and I don't know whether it's hppd or another serious medical thing. If I'm all "normal" probably drink a few times a week.

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Alcohol is still the one thing that makes me feel fairly normal, so very hard to give up... But I have stopped drinking to exccess. That has helped me a bit... Excersise and healthy eating is no problem... Body wise, i'm healthier than I ever have been.

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For what it is worth, people with brain injuries or diseases such as Parkinsons need to keep alcohol low ... it isn't necessarily forbidden but daily or heavy drinking generally contributes to feeling worse or even further deterioration.


Some HPPDers feel better while drinking.  "Feel better" in that it actually reduces symptoms significantly.  The effects of alcohol are complex but it seems to include some sort of GABAish effect.  But there needs to be caution with this sort of 'treatment' just as with any medicine.


How were you abusing benzos?  Often they are prescribed for short term use and at a variety of doses.  And often for anxiety or sleep.  In this context were you abusing or just using?  From whats been posted, the only real problem with benzos is that when you take them for long periods of time, there can be additional problems when you stop.


Eating properly should have priority over suppliments.  But many don't have the discipline or have emotional issues connected with food.  It is also very hard to eat different than those we are surrounded by ... everywhere non-nutritious food prevails.


Lastly, it is difficult to stay clean while living with drug users.  You are doing well not to have fallen back to recreational drugs.  But when you can find better rooming/roomates, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

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