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Recently Developed. - 25i -


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Hello everyone. recently, probably the past 2 months, i believe i have developed HPPD. I am 15 years old. 5 foot 7 about 160 lbs. I tripped 25i NBOme in may or early June. I had a bad trip for about 10 minutes, thought my life was ending. In June about a couple weeks of tripping the synthetic acid. I started feeling different. I was a major stoner. loved it. never had a bad experience with weed, but one day I smoked and had a panic attack. terrible time. Opened eyed visuals were quite different i would say. i saw bright lines everywhere. I felt as if I couldnt breathe, or swallow. The panic attack was very much like the bad trip on 25i. Im almost positive thats what started it. Its now only been a month but feels as if ive had these problems for months on months. Weird right? Ive had to stop smoking pot, I might smoke once a week and its just a bad time. Dialted pupils. Chest pains. Very high heart rate. Im really worried i may never be able to smoke pot enjoyably again. What do you think? Also, what worries me is that one day, I was sitting there. thinking about the heart problems, anxiety. etc. i decided to see my heart rate. It was at 138 bmp. Which i dont think is normal. Im worried about my health. I know it was pretty dumb to choose an NBOme as my first psychedelic. but what can I do now? Also, my vision is pretty fucked now. Because I continued to smoke pot after developing what I think is HPPD. Every light I look at has many sort of rays off of them. I always see white lines, and the distorted snow vision. Day or night. Ive heard Binuraul beats help anxiety. I have a doctor appoitment August 5th. I havent been since I was 13. Im going to talk to her and see If i cant get prescribed on some maybe antidepressants or something, because I know I cant get on benzos as a minor. Do you think Id be able to enjoy pot again on that kind of medication? What can I do to stop all this. Its very miserable to live with this. I actually cried one day during a panic attack because it was so bad. Someone pleas give some advice, ideas and some answers. It would be much appreciated. Thanks :)

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My advice is the same as always.... for the next 3 months, stay completely sober, eat healthy, exercise, try to remove anything that stresses you out (even if it means leaving a job or school for a while). Don't bother with meds yet, they will stick you on an SSRI and it will make you worse. Flat out refuse it, if they offer.


Based on the amount of people that come and go here, I would say the success rate of people who get this early and try to follow the above advice is pretty big.


All the best, Jay

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I can't and that is 19 years on.... but you might get lucky. I would leave it alone for a few months though. It will do nothing good for your recovery, at this point.


Maybe after that period, your brain will have sorted itself out and you will be able to enjoy smoking again.... Just never any hallucinogens or MDMA etc

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Every decision you make over the next 3 months (your best chance of a full recovery) is vital.


I know it is hard, but you will just have to say to your friends you can't drink or do drugs. Even if you have to lie and make up some shitty excuse... Just find a way.


I made every mistake possible when I first got hppd and i'm here, 19 years on, still tripping every day. Is that night of drinking or smoking worth such a huge risk?

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It will help with hppd.... Just be very careful as Xanax seems to be the most addictive of all the benzos.


If you can do the next 3 months without any meds, you will probably stand a better chance of a full recovery though and gain a mental toughness that you might not get if you reach straight out for the meds.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have always described my symptoms as being caught in that last 2-3 hours of a strong trip... Where the visuals are still quite strong, but diminished, the good feelings and mind exploration have all gone, but the strange, trippy thought process is still there and heads to a darker place. It is still tripping, but not full on tripping.


I think, on occasion, i've described my visual state as that of around 1/2 a tab of acid, that is since I did Salvia about 3 years ago.... Now I see these 3D wheels and cogs within my vision, overlaid onto my normal hppd crap. 

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