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Hey guys.

What do you guys drink during the day? Im 20 years used to coffee and beer.. now it changd to water and ice tea or just tea. Sometimes i drink an alcohol free beer or a beer woth 2% alcohol. .

I always eat vegetables from the microwave. I dont like to kook..

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Water, almost exclusively. I too was somewhat of a coffee enthusiast before HPPD. I eat too much, and too unhealthy. Müsli for breakfast, sometimes yoghurt. "Whatever" for lunch (if I'm at the university I buy a meal there). Today I had chinese take away for dinner, and I'll probably eat a lot of junk tonight, as per usual (chocolate, crisps etc).

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Water, fruit juices, green tea, ginger tea, white tea, garlic, spinach, raw honey, yogurts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, eggs, peanut butter, coconut oil, whole grain cereals, bacon, fish, chicken, beef, a lot of fruits and vegetables. No more coffee, junk food, soda, or candy for me.

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When I had HPPD, I quit drinking alcohol and kept to tea and coffee and chocolate milk and juices. I ate what I liked, but not much junk food. These days I eat mostly frozen half-ready made food but sometimes I cook from the bottom with real ingredients. I did´nt change my diet at all. I eat only one meal a day, dinner. I hardly eat breads or candy.

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I quitted drinking coffee too even if I was drinking 6 cups a day before my HPPD. I stopped alcohol for 2 and a half months and started it again once a week even if it gives me sleep paralysis until days after (which I hope will be cured with Tryptophan). I was a heavy drinker before HPPD, like 5 beers everyday and a big session one night on two, I started to drink again to keep some social activities.


I eat one banana everyday, drink green tea and milk, eat a lot of carrots and vegetables, fish, try to balance my meals... but it's not always easy, I'd say I eat really good one day on three.

I'm careful to not eat too sugarish (?) since it gives me anxiety.


Beside, I'm taking Magnesium morning and night (really helpful to distress before to sleep), EPA fish oil 6 caps a day, Vitamin D and Tryptophan with B6 in the afternoon on an empty stomach.

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Nooo no it's something like 1g of EPA and 800mg of DHA, it is supposed to assure a good-cardio vascular functionment but I take it in order to try to cure my depression so I have to take these doses.


I also had Tryptophan prescribed for my depression (supposed to not generate visual disturbances with HPPD) and it seems that low levels of serotonin are implicated in sleep paralysis, so I hope it will get better in 2 weeks or so. Yeah it's absolutely horrible sometimes, I had really terrible episodes with out of body experiences or hallucinations which made me reconsider the spiritual world.


How you doing with your SSRI? Had no problems with it?

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i am switching meds (again) I did quit for a time Lexapro, because i didnt feel they helped me, when i was on 0mg the paralysis began. I had this phenomonom earlier in my life and never had it again since 1997(the time i started benzo and SSRI) So it must have something to do ith drug use / serotine problems, i have used drugs since i was 12 or 13 - Already did XTC weekly at that age.

I am now on clomipramine which is a TCA, but i am quiting this too, because of it doesnt work at all it makes me tired, more blurry vision and no libido. I have started Perphenazine now, because my Dutch doctor said it could work for people with HPPD (pHD Lerner, Israel). I'll see i am going to take 8MG of this tonight.

In my HPD time 22 months now, I have tried Lamotrigine,klonopin, lexapro, voldoxan, anafranil, lorazepam, valium, haldol. None of these meds work for me, except klonopin of course.

I did take Lexapro for depression and agraphobia, did work a bit, but for hppd it does nothing.


An expert's recommendation for pharmacological treatment of HPPD

According to Dr. Arturo Lerner, Chief Psychiatrist in the Rehab Ward, Lev HaSharon Mental Health Center, affiliated to the Sacker School of Medicine, Natanya, 42100, Israel, "The election of the treatment of HPPD depends on the clinical picture. HPPD without anxiety or depression can be treated with perphenazine (up to 8 mg/day, bed time dose), HPPD with anxiety with clonazepam (up to 2-4 mg/day, three times dose), HPPD with depressive features with citalopram (up tp 40 mg/day, bed time dose) and in some cases with venlafaxine (up tp 225 mg/day, one increasing morning dose), HPPD with mood swings with lamotrigine (up to 200 mg/day, increasing 25 mg every two weeks from a starting dose of 25 mg/day). These clinical advises are results of my clinical observations only. They are not based on research."

(Dr. Arturo Lerner, Email to Larry [subject #32], August 11, 2006)

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Very interesting article indeed, I'll have to take a deeper look into these meds; especially Citalopram since it corresponds to my situation.


I could handle my anxiety if it doesn't get any worse so I'll avoid benzos at this time, don't want to add withdrawal problems overall.


I'll be glad that you keep me informed about the effects Perphenazine has on your HPPD!

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According to Dr. Arturo Lerner, Chief Psychiatrist in the Rehab Ward, Lev HaSharon Mental Health Center, affiliated to the Sacker School of Medicine, Natanya, 42100, Israel, "The election of the treatment of HPPD depends on the clinical picture. HPPD without anxiety or depression can be treated with perphenazine (up to 8 mg/day, bed time dose), HPPD with anxiety with clonazepam (up to 2-4 mg/day, three times dose), HPPD with depressive features with citalopram (up tp 40 mg/day, bed time dose) and in some cases with venlafaxine (up tp 225 mg/day, one increasing morning dose), HPPD with mood swings with lamotrigine (up to 200 mg/day, increasing 25 mg every two weeks from a starting dose of 25 mg/day). These clinical advises are results of my clinical observations only. They are not based on research."

(Dr. Arturo Lerner, Email to Larry [subject #32], August 11, 2006)


I´m glad there exist docs who takes this condition seriously.

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