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Trying to get keppra

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Hey I know there's been a thread like this before but I need different advice/help than what the guy in the other thread needed. I've decided that's its time to try for a script for keppra. I've never tried to have anything prescribed to me before so I seriously need your help. Do I need to discuss this with a neuro or psychologist first? I don't think it will work out to good if I just ask my doc to prescribe me keppra and show him the studies, right? And I don't have a nuero or a phychiatrist so do I need to get one first? I'm desperate can someone please help and discuss how you got yours prescribed? And if it means anything im on MediCal, thanks a lot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You need to go to a neuro as psychiatrists usually don´t write scripts for Keppra. Get a referral from your doctor to see one through your insurance. If you´re lucky he´s heard of HPPD, if not hopefully he´s open minded enough to consider a trial as Keppra is usually well tolerated and non-addictive. Bringing some studies would certainly not hurt your case. Good luck!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yeah, that's typically what I do nowadays. I'll also email them studies and the DSM-V HPPD (and co-morbid disorder) diagnosis. I've had too many experiences where I describe my extensive symptoms and state how everything in the literature establishes how psychedelic/drug use can cause some of these things, how all my problems started after specific events, and how I never had any of these symptoms prior, yet I'll be told I'm completely wrong and I have Asperberger Syndrome or post concussive syndrome. When I first send some studies/papers/etc. prior to an appointment, the people are much more understanding and understand this is a real problem. 

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Thnx I will be doing that when I return home fuk trying to explain myself and then not being believed. My psychiatrist didn't know about Depersonalization disorder either I had to show him stuff on that too...but he's a nice man I guess

Why wud they say u have aspergers ?? That's not even similar to hppd wtf

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Yeah I know - the ONLY similarities are potential visuospatial/auditory type problems, but that doesn't occur in everyone with Asperger's and even so those perceptual problems are entirely different than what is experienced with HPPD.


Nonetheless, I wish you luck for when you return home (U.S.?). I'm not certain if this is somehow breaking forum rules, but if you had any trouble getting prescribed keppra or any other med you want to try, there are online pharmacies that appear to be reliable, and some even send scripts with the product signed by M.D.'s just in case customs get involved. I'm looking for some naltrexone, naloxone, and clonazepam (though, this last one I'd only use until I see this neuro-psychiatrist a couple times and actually see what's going on in my brain). 

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I forget the word. But doctors often use a word to describe the act of prescribing medication for disorders it was not intended for. This is what generally keeps doctors from prescribing things like keppra. It's not necessarily that the drug is unsafe. It's just that they do not want to be the first doctor in their practice prescribing some confessed drug abuser things like lamictal and keppra. So they key is finding someone a bit more open minded. Easier said than done. In the end it's up to you to let the doctors know, that you know what you need. But do it in a way that makes them feel helpful. Doctors have feelings too. Anyway my doc told me I didn't have hppd. That i should sue whomever "spiked" my drink with LSD(that's the lie I went with)and also that I may be feeling the way that I am because of a subconscious disappointment in myself. Specifically that i didn't go to college. Then she asked if I was sexually active and recommended I get blood work done. Basically telling me that the topic was no longer up for discussion. No joke. I got up and left.

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