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Visual only hppd


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Hello, I got hppd from heavy use of lsd. I went on a splurge and did a heavy dose 3 weekends in a row. Very irresponsible of me to do but i have done it times before and it lead to no problems, however last time i wasnt so lucky. This has been 3 months ago and since i quit psychedelics and any other heavier drugs. Over the last 3 month i noticed no improvement over my static and tracers what so ever, and my level of static is quite extreme. Now my hppd did not do anything to me mentally which brings me to a question. Can i get away with using psychedelics and not develep any symptoms past visual disturbances ? I grew to accept my vision the way it is and i do not expect it to ever improve and i would like to trip again. However if this could lead to dr/dp or any other things i obviously would not. Anybody can share any experiences or show some insight on this please ?

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What I can say is that those who used LSD many times without problems are the ones with more chance of recovery. I suggest you not to trip again it. You got HPPD so you are not a person to toy with psychodelics. It can cause you a level of harm that you will regret forever. That goes from dr/dp etc to a completely fucked vision like some people here have. Would you still accept your vision if you were almost blind? Some HPPDers are. There are things more interesting than being on drugs.

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Now my hppd did not do anything to me mentally which brings me to a question. Can i get away with using psychedelics and not develep any symptoms past visual disturbances ?

In my experience things can get worse from taking more and more psychedelics. What started as a few trails and whatever eventually turned into heavy hppd with dp/dr.

You're best to avoid them. But, if you really can't bring yourself to completely giving them up, I'd at least avoid the LSD. It seems to have given me the most trouble from all of em.....

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In my experience things can get worse from taking more and more psychedelics. What started as a few trails and whatever eventually turned into heavy hppd with dp/dr.

You're best to avoid them. But, if you really can't bring yourself to completely giving them up, I'd at least avoid the LSD. It seems to have given me the most trouble from all of em.....

Ah i see, thank you very much for that response. I rather just not play with any more psychedelics in that case. If it happend to you im sure for me i wont get away either. And for me also, shrooms i tripped 20 times + before i even did lsd with no effects, lsd managed to hppd me in less than 6 trips.... Im going to ride it out with as little weed as i can and see if symptoms die down. In past 3 months it stayed the same did but i did mess up and smoked very heavily a couple of times with no agitation next day to my hppd. By heavy i mean probably almost a gram or so through the day, safe to say that my hppd wont get triggered by bud alone. Thank you for responses guys, would love to hear more from others.Mostly on the weed issue, if i smoked a couple of times to the point where i could not anymore with no ill effects am i so to say safe ?

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Ah i see, thank you very much for that response. I rather just not play with any more psychedelics in that case. If it happend to you im sure for me i wont get away either. And for me also, shrooms i tripped 20 times + before i even did lsd with no effects, lsd managed to hppd me in less than 6 trips.... Im going to ride it out with as little weed as i can and see if symptoms die down. In past 3 months it stayed the same did but i did mess up and smoked very heavily a

couple of times with no agitation next day to my hppd. By heavy i mean probably almost a gram or so through the

day, safe to say that my hppd wont get triggered by bud

alone. Thank you for responses guys, would love to hear

more from others.Mostly on the weed issue, if i smoked a

couple of times to the point where i could not anymore with

no ill effects am i so to say safe ?

Marijuana seems to vary on how it effects hppd from person to person. Alcohol always agitates it for me but bud

has yet to cause any problems...but it seems sensical to think if you had anything extremely powerful or a bad experience with it, it could kick up the symptoms. I feel for you man...almost everyone here has had to give up most of their past lifestyles. Also watch out for bud laced with anything...

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I've read many cases where weed finally kicked in hppd, I would stay away from everything but easier said then done. If you fealt as most on this board do you wouldn't even be thinking about doing drugs.

Anyways my dad had major visual hppd for a couple yrs and it went away. He hasn't had problems for over 20yrs. but he quit all drugs after that besides alcohol.

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