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Lutein and Zeaxanthin

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Has anyone ever used lutien or zeaxanthin? I read peoples reviews saying it has helped them with eye floaters, photophobia, afterimages, halos, eye sight etc. etc. but I really don't trust peoples reviews on Amazon. I was hoping I could get some good reviews from people here if anyone has ever tried these 2 together.


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  • 1 month later...

Little late, but light sensitivity is my worst symptoms and I'm getting it checked out by an eye soctor soon. Sice lute in and zeaxanthin are the most prescribed for it, I might get them. If I do I'll tell you about any changes in symptoms

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I found when light became bright I felt like a Gremlin from the movie Gremlins. I was super sensitive to it then the after images came kind of like if you look at I bright light and look away u will see the image of the light where ever you look naturally. Now i can get tracers, trails, after images from not so bright objects to other people and when I remember when my vision was normal. So if we could figure out how to make our eyes not so super light sensitive that could be a good and final step of getting rid of the visuals logically. Fuck the drugs dam with the ignoring it so it can possibly PROCEED TO PROGRESS into something worse like thee 24 years of h.p.p.d. lucky me. I'm not a optometrist or anything of that nature but i do know there is cones and rods in the eye that control high levels of light exposures then transfers it to the optic nerve then to the brain. I feel there is something wrong with something in that zone or area which is screwed up or damaged could be a nerve or a muscle that relays light and desensitizes it so its not so bright and therefore there is no reflex and no afterimage, trail, or tracers. Maybe we need to study the eyes and brain as a whole its more on a personal basis to us take the responsibility in our own hands not put it in others who really can't relate. We have a strong nucleus here of determined people sometimes it takes a army to win a war. Screw riding the wave of no cure and becoming a customer of pharmaceutical and conventional misfits. U'd be surprised at what a thousand minds can do on the same subject. I'm just sick of hearing the same regurgitation of other peeps experiences followed by pure defecations in terms of real cures and solutions. We need more Cheefs and less Indians my friends u never know one of us could come up with the cure or a concoction in assisting to a cure. Good luck peeps and try to be original and a creator if u can. H.p.p.d.24years over and out.

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Hey fellas, well my light sensitivity did improve while on lutein and zeaxanthin. I am taking a 25mg/5mg dosage. I discontinued for a week and my eyes started to get sensitive to light again so I started up again today. That was all just part of the trial. My eyes just got less sensitive to light that was it, eye floaters were still there, everything still looked fake as hell but my eyes weren't burning from this god forsaken light. I took it for about 2 weeks. This time I am doing a full on trial and see what kind of results I get after months of using. Hope this helps someone out.


Thank you


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About to pick some up from cvs, pretty cheap stuff IMO. I have a lot of hope in this stuff. I've realized that my light sensitivity actually intensifies my visual snow but mostly my after images. If this stuff reduces my light sensitivity by any amount I will definitely be adding it in my daily routine.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been taking it for almost a week now and have not noticed a change in the intensity ofmy light sensitivity. Although it weirdly seems to be reducing my visuals by about 30%. Kinda supports my belief that I have something physically wrong with my eyes.

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