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Just had my appt with dr abraham!


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So I am just getting back from my appointment with dr abraham. I feel so encouraged right now! Looks like ill be going down the benzo route for a while now though. For the past two days ive been taking clonazepam .5 mg a day and I can tell you I already feel like myself again. Its wonderful! Minimal anxiety in almost any situation. It feels like ive got my life back! So the plan is for me to take the klonopin every day for six months to a year until I get used to feeling normal again. Then I will slowly taper off all while having regular cognitive behavior therapy sessions. Dr abraham said that by what he has heard me tell him about my past and present symptomology, he thinks I may make a full recovery! Wish me luck guys! Hope you all find a doctor as kind and understanding as dr a.

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Just be careful mate.... You don't have to listen to every word a doctor says, even a highly respected one in our field. A year on klonopin can lead to some serious additional problems. I hate to be negative, as you are obvious feeling happy right now, but benzo addiction is a big problem and it winds me up that doctors treat it like such a simple thing to taper down from.


Have you thought about doing the 4 days on, 3 days off system?


0.5mg mon, tue, wed, thurs ..... then off for the weekend (or vice versa). It is so much safer and will give you alot of relief.


Just my opinion.... Good luck with whatever you choose.

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No surprise that he's still pushing benzos, interesting that he's branching out into keppra, though. Did he even mention sinemet? Jay's system would definitely be better. I felt good when I started taking clonazepam but you soon build up a tolerance. In retrospect I'm certain that periodic dosing would have avoided a lot of issues and been more effective.

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bpl4269.. I might of killed myself if it wasn't for benzo's at first, so I hate to bash them but I just wanted to give you a few heads up of what I deal with on a daily basis from taking klono longterm (13yrs 2-4 mg daily) . Hot and cold flashes most of the day, anxiety is returning even though I'm still on the drug, horrible memory loss, severe lack of motivation, depression is worse then ever even though my life is better then ever, verbal skills are going down the drain and it's getting hard to keep my wife happy do to all the complaining I do from these constant w/d's.

Sorry to be so negative when you're feeling great, but I didn't know how bad this drug can become so I feel like I should warn you and others that read this even though most ppl know now a days.

When I started taking klonopin I only took 1 mg daily max. After 4 months I tapered off very slowly and once I was off klonopin, I had to go straight to the hospital because my blood pressure shot through the roof and I stopped sleeping and eating. So they reinstated my klonopin and here I am 200 Dr. visits and countless scripts later.

BTW I'm in a great mood so I'm not just venting.

I know I'm giving you an extreme longterm case but just a look into this benzo w'd horror.

A great thing though is hppd got much better after 2 yrs. for me just to give  you some hope  ;)  take care all!!! Again hope I wasnt to negative.

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Yes, I understand how bad withdrawls can be and how addictive klonopin can be, but I talked to dr abraham about my concerns and it is understood that I will only be on a low dose of klonopin. Just enough that I can confront my anxieties and overcome my depersonalization. After I feel like I am living a normal life again with zero anxiety/dp I will very slowly come off the klonopin. Dr abraham maintains that when I come off of the klonopin, I shouldnt have much issue in the way of withdrawl. He told me that most of his patients have little issue coming off of a low dose of kpin. He thinks that if my anxiety levels are lower, the healing process will accelerate. I am already seeing evidence of that. My visuals have been improving again after only being on it for a week. So for me, the benefits outweigh the negatives, and if the klonopin can help me get my anxiety under control and consequently eliminate my depersonalization for good; (with of course effort on my part), then taking it is worth it to me. Before taking it I was suicidal. Now, I feel like I am slowly getting my life back.

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Yes, I have palinopsia, but it has faded to near nothing in the past couple weeks. Whether that be because of the klono or not, I cant really say. I have also been taking a large dose of lions mane mushroom every day. I think that may be the culprit. It has improved my visuals in the past as well. I have also decided to stop taking the klono before its too late and I have a full blown addiction. It makes my memory atrocious and I felt pretty suicidal last night. I read symptoms of withdrawl and they terrified me enough to stop taking the klono after a week. Honestly I think it will cause me more problems in the longrun. Im going to try getting out and living my life again along with cognitive behavioral therapy to adress my anxiety and dp. This along with healthy living, I believe that I will recover to a full extent. At least I have been diagnosed and I know that I have klono on hand for occassional use or stressful days. My next venture will most likely be with levetiracetam. (keppra). Stay strong guys.

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If you feel like you can't make it without klonopin at first (suicidal thoughts ect.) don't hesitate to take it because of any board they have no IDEA what living w/ hppd is like. This love hate relationship w/ benzo's reminds me of my wife lol take care!

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