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Clonazepam not worked

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Hi there,

I managed to get hold of some clonazepam and tried a 2mg dose to see what relief it would bring.

While it did reduce my visuals and snow to almost nothing it did absolutely nothing for my DP/DR. The dissociation is definitely not anxiety related as I don't suffer with anxiety at all.

I'm struggling to think what to do next, the dissociation is killing me. I don't even feel alive any more and nothing feels real, I have the emotions of a robot. It wouldn't be so hard if I could enjoy things but its pretty much impossible when you don't feel emotions.

I really don't see why I have such bad dissociation as my hppd is relatively mild, aside from the visual snow which isn't all that bad my only complaints are trails, tracers, after images and very light patterning if I stare at a wall etc. basically if I'm outside my vision looks completely normal, so why I have such extreme detachment is beyond me.


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" I don't even feel alive any more and nothing feels real, I have the emotions of a robot. It wouldn't be so hard if I could enjoy things but its pretty much impossible when you don't feel emotions."


Feel your pain buddy. For me it's hard as hell to even get out or my recliner most the time. I take a multi B-vitamin and exercise and that's honestly the best solution raising your natural endorphins. I just feel so much more clearminded and energetic when I've been being constructive.   

The only other thing I've found is opiates honestly and you don't want to be on those unless suicidal. Tolerance builds 2 quick.


Also if you have access to a pool,  the sun rays and swimming laps ect. works wonders. Somedays I'll go from a deep depression to a natural relaxation using this. Fk if I lived on the ocean I would surf all day and never worry about hppd..Take care!!

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Clonazepam Can be a life saver, but sometimes the withdrawals are so intense it can put you in a life threatening situation--respect and use this drug with caution but i totally apprieciate the wonderful relief from HPPD that it will give you.  Trails and tracers dissapate, but im warning you, if you wake up without it your going to be in hell back into a permanent trip--that how i feel.  like im on some permanent hellish robotrip.  Ive never come back to reality.  I feel like a shell of my former self

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Hi there,

I managed to get hold of some clonazepam and tried a 2mg dose to see what relief it would bring.

While it did reduce my visuals and snow to almost nothing it did absolutely nothing for my DP/DR. The dissociation is definitely not anxiety related as I don't suffer with anxiety at all.

I'm struggling to think what to do next, the dissociation is killing me. I don't even feel alive any more and nothing feels real, I have the emotions of a robot. It wouldn't be so hard if I could enjoy things but its pretty much impossible when you don't feel emotions.

I really don't see why I have such bad dissociation as my hppd is relatively mild, aside from the visual snow which isn't all that bad my only complaints are trails, tracers, after images and very light patterning if I stare at a wall etc. basically if I'm outside my vision looks completely normal, so why I have such extreme detachment is beyond me.


clonazepam is for relief, dp/dr doesnt goes away. Indeed my hppd goes away also for a while. You just need to be stable on a very light dose, 2MG might work great for anxiety, but clonazepam fucks up your memory, if you ask me what did you do all day, i might only think about the moments i had a panicattack or very intense DR moment.


Man i wish i could turn the time, this is a living hell, fuck drugs.

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