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Am I the only one with "real" palinopsia?

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Hi, everyone! I would like to ask you a question. Does anyone have a "real" palinopsia? In other words, positive afterimages, same colour as the object I was looking on.

I have constant "strong afterimages" after looking at objects and "tracking afterimages" after looking at lights. Strange thing - I don't see trails behind moving objects. It looks like on this video and picture:



I will be very thankful for your answer. Good luck everyone  :) 

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I have this, and I'm sure may others do too. However, for me this is very mild (after image lasts less than a second) and I only experience it in certain situations (e.g when the object is really bright). My negative afterimages are more prominent but do not really cause me any problems either. I have trails but they are very mild as well (perhaps within normal levels - hard to know what normal is any more!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sometimes I'll look at something for a split second, and it'll produce a rather transient not so in-your-face after image.
Other times I'll look longer and more focal, and it'll last for a minute or longer, especially with this checkerboard. WARNING: it's pretty trippy.
The other day I was thinking about YouTube, about the "Play again" button. It just appeared on the wall. That was the first time that happened to me.
An afterimage without an actual image. I think that's what makes HPPD so hard for me, is the fluctuating borders between thought, sensory perception, and the outer world that makes me feel like I'm constantly on the verge of a psychosis. It just feels like I'm lagging about 10 seconds behind everyone/everything else. Especially when I'm talking to someone, look away, and still see the expression they made 5 seconds ago whilst they are talking about something else. These are more mind-pictures than actual visual images though, but peoples' heads can briefly be seen when looking away sometimes as well.

So to answer your question: Yes. Images can be both positive or negative, or fluctuate between them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this, it's not as noticable anymore thank god. I used to be able to look at someones face and look away and still see a vague reception of a face if i looked at a wall.


i have this not that bad anymore though  :)


Unfortunately, my palinopsia is getting worse  :unsure: I have previously seen a clear faces on the walls and sidewalks, but now I see the whole car if I look at the sky or the people from the feet to the head, regardless of background. I hope that this will improve as in your case. Otherwise, I'll be almost blind...


How much time you noticed improvement? Do you drink alcohol? Does alcohol increase your afterimages?

Thank you in advance for your reply  :)

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  • 3 months later...

Question, when you get these images do you visually see them for a 


Sometimes I'll look at something for a split second, and it'll produce a rather transient not so in-your-face after image.
Other times I'll look longer and more focal, and it'll last for a minute or longer, especially with this checkerboard. WARNING: it's pretty trippy.
The other day I was thinking about YouTube, about the "Play again" button. It just appeared on the wall. That was the first time that happened to me.
An afterimage without an actual image. I think that's what makes HPPD so hard for me, is the fluctuating borders between thought, sensory perception, and the outer world that makes me feel like I'm constantly on the verge of a psychosis. It just feels like I'm lagging about 10 seconds behind everyone/everything else. Especially when I'm talking to someone, look away, and still see the expression they made 5 seconds ago whilst they are talking about something else. These are more mind-pictures than actual visual images though, but peoples' heads can briefly be seen when looking away sometimes as well.

So to answer your question: Yes. Images can be both positive or negative, or fluctuate between them.

Every time I looked at that boared something different happened lol, first i started seeing 2 dots and the board was shaking and the black seem to give off a grey shadow, seconded time the board shoke and it seemed like the white popped out and got bright? hell idk the second one was weird and the third one the red dot started shaking then the board did and then it got blurry in the middle where the red dot is, wth lol


Also when you get these afterimages what happens when you close your eyes for a few seconds and reopen them? Or try blinking a lot, or slam your head in a wall jkjk

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if i blink rapidly it gets worse.. if i squint hard or close eyes tight then open them.. it gets worse.. pretty much the only thing i find works some times is equalization between left and right eye by leaving one open at a time for like 2 minutes then switching.. and repeating that with lowering the time between switching until both eyes level off 

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I don't want to scare you, but for me it gets worse and worse. Palinopsia is my worst symptom, worse than the anxiety and derealization. It steals every second of my life.


I got it for almost a year. Since then, I don't pay attention to bad stabursts, visual snow and breathing of objects - palinopsia overwhelms these symptoms.


Californiaguy, how bad is your palinopsia? I now see exactly like the picture, sometimes even worse.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I got palinopsia from overdose 6-APB (similar to MDA). It started a few months after the incident, during a panic attack on a hangover.

I was just trying benzo, it helps just to not worry about it, especially the 2mg Xanax and a few beers, then had it completely in my ass and I noticed less afterimages.

I spent a lot of time searching for the people cured of palinopsia. Unfortunately, these people just have not found.

I heard about the case of cure of palinopsia after mdma. It happened after using fluoxetine.




My neurologist also assigned me SSRI drugs. I bought it, but still I'm scared to take them. There have been many cases palinopsia after treatment with SSRI's




These people are very much, especially on page thosewithvisualsnow.yuku.com/


Stay healthy and sorry for my english  ;)​ 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I also have this,but only are negative after images,though I don't have HPPD, does the palinopsia has another eye symptoms as eye floaters?,that I also have,and I also have desrealization :c it's horrible,i'm only 15 and I have this,and i'm afraid,despite the symptoms are not getting worse,but does this has a cure? please tell me yes, another thing that i need help is that am afraid of going doctor 

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

I have it also... I've had it exactly the way the video describes strong afterimages.  Mine has lasted 6 years, but it's almost gone now.


Funny thing is all of my other symptoms are directly correlated with the afterimages.  As the visuals improve, so does the DP/DR, the mood swings, fatigue...


Tried many, many supplements with no effect on the visuals.  Even the few supplements that temporarily killed all my other symptoms did not touch the visuals.   The only supplement I took that actually made my visuals intensely worse was licorice root extract in tea formula.  That was scary.

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I definitely have negative afterimages and early on in my HPPD if I looked into a light they would persist for up to a minute after looking away. Thing is, afterimages never really bothered me too much. I still have them today, after about eight months, but I don't notice them too much in daily life except when it's dark outside and I look at lights. Even then what bothers me most is the trailing effect and not the afterimage itself. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Much more mild for me. More the aura frames lapse sometimes soft texts on next page when reading. But I imagine it would be quite diaturbing to see theses things so clearly. (Its hard enough to grab my keys on my way out the door as it is. And I can't begin to fathom the idea how in other ways this would interfere with daily function). I would avoid driving at night completely as many of us hppd people do or- also driving /operating hazardous objects while fatigued (which in my experience exacerbates symptoms I've found.) Sorry for your struggle I hope there is some treatment along the way. You have my sympathy and support. Be well. ♡♡

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