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Got the flue..Now my HPPD has came back worse..wtF?


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SO up untill a few weeks ago I have been feeling better then I have in a very long time..I then got sick.. food poisining or something.. and I all the sudden had my symtoms flare up and now I feel worse thne I did before.. My DP.DR is waaaaay worse..I honestly dont know the trigger of this could have been im so confused and angry!! :( ...Fuck I am bout ready to give up on this shit....fml I need some encouragement..

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I'd ask the same question. Are you still sick? Any antihistamine you take such as benadryl, and especially most cough syrups and flu specific medicines are going to make you feel like shit, and will most definitely at least temporarily fuck with your symptoms.

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Hey guys thanks for the support..and im not sick anymore which is the messed up part..and i think it was food poisinig no the flkue cuz it only lasted like 2 days..but my visual snow dpdr has seem to have gotten worse? I dont know if its just all in my head but damn its driving me nuts..nd no id dint evne take ny medicines while sick. its been about 3 weeks since then..I dont know I hope it gets better..shit jsut feel way more dreamy ..and my head pressure is worse.. thanks again for the response Im just trying to keep positive now.

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I suspect that the food poisoning you got did make your symptoms (HPPD + DP/DR) worse... temporarily. You probably got super anxious when you saw the symptoms increase, and since the flu you've been constantly watching your symptoms, paranoid that the increase is permanent.

It's not.

Your anxiety isn't allowing you to let go and move on... while at first it was the illness increasing your symptoms, at this point it's completely your anxiety causing the symptoms to increase, especially the DP/DR. The increased symptoms will go away, you just need to stop worrying and trust that it'll return to baseline.

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Conquer is right. It's a vicious cycle that we can find ourselves in and it's really easy to perpetuate it. Have faith that it'll mellow out, go out for some serious run and get all the anxiety/andrenaline out of you and get your brain back occupied in something. HPPD is not linear unfortuantely, i'm realizing we are always susceptible.

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Well fever and shit can make NORMAL people hallucinate, have fever dreams etc, so to susceptible individuals like us, yeah it probably makes it worse. OR it could also be if youre taking benadryl or dxm containing meds, thatll def fuck you up

Hehe i get really high fever sometimes, like +41ºC and when i do i see black cats running around. The annoying part is that i've got a black cat and i can't tell if the cats are real or surreal :D

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Dude I know exactly what your going through happened to me like a few weeks had major sickness food poisoning although it's leveled out a bit but I still don't feel as good as I did before I've had it before but in the past I exercised and ate healthy and would just generally be healthy and keep busy and it would get better and back to how it was before the incident but this time I can't as I got stomach trouble which prevents me from exercising and eating properly having an op next Tuesday but it's such a fucking joke I went to my gp before christmas and asked her to refer me to see a specialist and I swear she hasnt even done it she's useless I feel at the point of giving up I'm so trapped though I feel like there's no way out I'm doomed for the rest of my days I'm cracking up with the stress and anger of all this health shit driving me crazy

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SO up untill a few weeks ago I have been feeling better then I have in a very long time..I then got sick.. food poisining or something.. and I all the sudden had my symtoms flare up and now I feel worse thne I did before.. My DP.DR is waaaaay worse..I honestly dont know the trigger of this could have been im so confused and angry!! :( ...Fuck I am bout ready to give up on this shit....fml I need some encouragement..

Fever actually reduces my visual symptoms. And low body temp increases them.

Inflammation can affect some people symptoms, so flu and whatnot can temporarily make thing worse. Have you tried the Corn Test?

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Just a quick update..I still havent noticed any drastic changes on how ive been feeling lately but it is getting a little bit more tolerabe..I dont if its actually getting better or if im just learning to cope with it..but I think you guys are right bout my anxiety shooting through the roof causing my dp/dr to go up..hopefully it subsides and i go back to semi normal lol...but i am starting to feel a little more relaxed comaperd to a week ago thanks again!

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