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Keppra trial

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Anybody got the keppra trial on file they can email me? I'm seeing the doc in a couple of days and really want some evidence that it has some sort of reductive effect on hppd in certain cases to help get it prescribed to try it for myself. I doubt me just blabbering away will convince him to prescribe it. A piece of paper with results in black and white might. If anybody could get back to me if they have it or know where it is in cyberspace then I'd be be very much obliged.

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Nah :/ did they fuck. My doc said wait for my phych appointment which ain't till sept 29th...frustrating. She said shed be happy to prescribe it if the phsych oks it. Allthough her reason was she couldnt prescribe it due to its main use for epilepsy. poor show. The doc said just keep with the prozac and the clonazepam in the meantime and gave me a bigger script for the clonazepam. But the physchiatrist has a hardon for prescribing lyrica for some reason if I think back to the last time I seen her.

I didn't even get the chance to get the testimonial file out. Her mind was made up already. So I'm gonnae just send the file via letter to both of them. I never got the full keppra trial but the abridged version gets the point across ok, plus the migraine study with it would help.

On the plus side the doc said that a definite diagnosis for hppd would have to be ruled out either way first so least they're heading down the right road kinda in that they're accepting that this is a disorder I might have (obviously i fucking have) and not just talking shite.

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Cheers man. Yeah. Iv had 16 years of folk trying to say its all in my head so this is a step in the right direction i suppose. Bloody slow steps though lol. He who laughs last laughs erm...most manically or summant. I mean whats the big deal of them saying 'right hes been annoying us for years. So lets humour him n prescribe a low dose of keppra n get him out our faces'. I hate the hoops they have to jump through. Its like i told her even about this site. Were all just normal people trying to deal with an abnormal disorder.

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You can try doctor-hopping. Over here in America, with opiates, it's all the rage ......lol......especially in Florida. The theory is: if you try asking more doctors eventually you will find one who will do it, or at least one who will give in. Luck my friend :>

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Cheers guys. Im off to egypt on sat for a week, so im gonna sit. Catch some rays, chill on klonopin n plan my next moves lol. Straight back to 'phychotherapy and cbt' for the first time, allthough i think thats all slightly garbage. cos the nature of hppd is it makes you analyse yourself minutely anyway. (well, i do).Dont think theres a corner of my pyche i aint self analysed but spose it cant hurt. My docs allright really, just the symbiotic two headed relationship with my pyschs slowing things down. All i needs a neurologist and il get prescribed decent stuff in 2027 or that.

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