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Neurologist won't subscribe me keppra

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I have a huge problem, my neurologist won't subscribe me keppra.

I explained her about HPPD but I'm not good of a talker.. I used to be very social but now i suffer from HPPD I'm not that smooth anymore.

She said she could only help me with issues in the form of neurology, like migraine.

She also said I probably have to go to a psychiatrist with my hppd

What do I have to do to get keppra from a neurologist / doctor / psychiatrist? Please, I need advice!

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I guess I got lucky because my regular doctor let me try it. I did present him with the following abstract:


Levetiracetam efficacy in Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorders:

a prospective study. Casa, B, Bosio, A. Drug Monitoring Service, New

York NY; USA; Mater Dei Clinic, Rome, Italy. Journal of the Neurological

Sciences, Volume 238, Supplement 1, 2005, p. S504.

Abstracts of the XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology

"Background: The occurrence of flashbacks following use of drugs is a

recognised condition known as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception

Disorders (HPPD), therapy for wlffch is based on neuroleptic and

attticonvulsant medication. Tiffs prospective study assessed the efficacy

of the novel antiepileptic drug levetiracetam (LEV) in treating patients

with HPPD over a 1-year period.

Method: Patients with HPPD were treated with LEV 1500 mg/day

(500 mg in the morning, 1000 mg in the evening) for 1 year. Daily

flashback frequency and electroencephalogram (EEG) assessments

were conducted at Day 0, 15, 30, 60, 90, 180 and 360. The incidence of

adverse events was monitored throughout the study.

Results: 27 patients (121 males, 6 females), with a mean age of 21.8

(range 18-26) years, were enrolled. At baseline, mean daily flashback

frequency was 9.3 (range 1-45) and EEG assessment demonstrated

temporal slow patterns in all patients. Over the 1-year treatment

period, 20/27 (74.1% ) patients became flashback-free. After 15 days,

7/27 (25.9% ) patients were already without clinical manifestations,

with 6 patients demonstrating > 75% reduction in flashback frequency

and 1 demonstrating 50-75% reduction. EEG patterns normalised in

18/27 (66.7% ) patients after 30 days and in 23/27 (85.2% ) after

90 days. 3/27 (11.1% ) patients continued to have flashbacks, despite

complete disappearance of EEG abnormalities. Side effects were

few in incidence and mild in severity. No patient discontinued


Conclusions: This study demonstrated LEV to be highly efficacious in

the treatment of HPPD, with very good tolerability and ease of use."

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