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Visionproblem, can someone relate?


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Hello, I left this page a little while ago. But I am back to ask if somebody can relate to my symptoms.

The world is kind of 2D and flat. Tree trunks are literally.. FLAT.

And also:

I have always had a poor vision. But now, even with contacts on.. Everything is quite weird.

When I try to read text, doesn't matter how big it is.. It is kind of.. DOUBLE and blurred?

Has anyone elses vision got worse?

+ got any vitamins that can improve the vision and make the afterimages decrease?

Sorry for bad choice of words..

And excuse me my grammar.

Having a bad day.

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Already tried: Omega-3, DMAE, Magnesium, Vitamin B12, L-theanine, Ginkgo Biloba, Vitamin D, Rosenrot (?) and Ginseng.

Ate them for 2-3 months.. Everything got better on the DPDR front. But it is not gone. o;

The flatness disturbes me :c And the afterimages are not so much better than they were from the beginning.

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14th april 2012. :C I am planning to make that day official as my birthday or something, since I am not likely coming back to my old self.

Hahah, it's so weird the way you see the world and the existance of everything after a trip like that. ;o

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Yeah I know about the blur and the 2D............try very, very small amount of benzo, asprin, iboprofen, magnesium with calcium + vit. D together (maybe), nothing helped much except (maybe) first 3 things a bit. try SUCKIng on a B12 tab instead of swallowing it all together, i don't know, coconut oil, CoQ10 ?

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The 2d vision would be DR and the double and blurred vision sounds like ghosting, i've had the 2d vision from the start and the ghosting began about 6 months in, so far nothing i have done has corrected it like all my symptoms i have just learned to cope. I find my ghosting is at its worst after just waking up. The flatness to me is everywhere, it appears as what i'm looking at is a still image, like a tv screen which can't be passed through. If say trees are against the sky or someone is standing against a white wall an aura will form around them as if they are apart of the background. Hard to explain :S

All i take is a multi vitamin every morning, doesnt seem to do much but i take it anyway and i find work and gym keeps me distracted from most of my symptoms

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I have just gotten feeling better a tiny bit with Tums-- 2 large tums.......(seriously).....but maybe its just acid reflux (sorry seriously didnt mean pun).........but i am 50x beter than i was 3 months ago so ....I know 3 months ago it seemed like nothing helped........so not sure

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14th april 2012. :C I am planning to make that day official as my birthday or something, since I am not likely coming back to my old self.

Hahah, it's so weird the way you see the world and the existance of everything after a trip like that. ;o

Don't be so negative after just three months. I've had it twice as long and am feeling really good now. If you want the 2-d thing to go away you need to make the derealization go away and to do that you need to make the anxiety go away, Treat the anxiety anyway you can (I recomend staying busy as an important part of that, but there are lots of additional things you could do) and see what else it helps.

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I've had 2d/flat vision for a while........it's gotten better over time and in my opinion the only thing you can do to make it better is get sober and just wait for your vision to correct itself. I used to take a bunch of different supplements and stuff, trying to fix it, but I've come to the conclusion that there's no quick fix and time and sobriety are the only things that can fix it. That's just my opinion though. But like I said I've had flat vision for like 1 1/2 years now and it does get a lot better over time, but mine still hasn't returned to completely normal yet.

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Thank you for all your answers c; Made me feel better.

I had megaanxiety before. Now I don't think I have it..

But.. I still got the derealization...... And depersonalization.

I just think less of it. Like:

Who cares why we exist.

We just do.

I honestly can't remember how the world looked before this shit happened to me ;c

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Anxiety isnt always something you think its how you feel, i feel relaxed but i know the head pains slight drdp and the muscle pain means im still anxious, just gotta defeat it totally. I also remembered you saying you hate sport, excersize really might be something to try. Id be fucked without BMX it helps so much

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I agree with sobriety as being a lot of peoples best bet. I took a myriad of supplements for a while, and I think in someways it made it worse. Not to scare anyone from taking vitamins and such. I dont know though, I feel better now adays. Dont get on as much, just play a lot of video games and try not to think about it. Main thing now is very bad night vision and starbursting off of artificial lights. Some ghosting off of certain texts, mostly text on artificial light. I.E. Computer screens, especially white text on black background. If I lived in the woods id have no idea about any hppd at all. Unfortunately I hate the woods, and love the city. Go figure . . .

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I do go to the gym sometimes. And I can enjoy life. But I can't stop thinking the "THINK IF" thoughts..

Such as: Think if I wasn't smoking that day. My life would have been awesome.

And everytime I do think my life is great (even tho I have the disorders), I also think:


Then I feel sad about it. ;c

Hahah.. I just need to let go. And it seems like I can't do it..


And you wrote about the woods.. I loved the woods before.

... Now I am scared to even enter the woods. Because trees are so... flat.

The trees are the worst thing to look at. ;c ;c They are flat. And as fast as I see

a tree, I start thinking about my disorders again.. And question reality.

It really sucks.

And If I am at woods at night, I can't see a shit.

I don't really have a nightvision at all.. or at least it feels like it when its dark. ;c

Hahah.. Was at woods at night once after my bad trip... (Told about it in another post) ..

Couldn't see my hand when I had it in front of my face. >.<''

So... How can I let go of my "think if this wouldn't have happened"-thougts? ;o ;c

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Oh mate i know that thought, my life would be close to perfect without these disorders but i'm finding as time goes on it is either getting better or my coping mechanism is, like for instance since quitting alcohol my anxiety is practically at zero so when i do have a dp/dr attack i can handle it better or a visual symptom pops up that has never happened before, i just dont care about it. I'm even starting to be able to get around without sunglasses easier which i found was a necessity before, that being said you will always have shit days with this crap where you just wish it would go away and feel low about it, ive had some terrible days where i've wanted to be dead.

I just think of it as this is my life now, get on with it, accept it and do the best you can with the situation, if it goes away one day, great. but until then deal with it and don't let it hold me back, do everything you want to do. On your worst days you will always come back to that thought of what if, just keep your mind occupied with whatever you have too to avoid the thought

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^^^^^^ I'm always having those thoughts too. It really is a shame. No matter how much better I get I'm always thinking to myself I'd be that much better if I hadn't of done so many drugs in the first place. Accepting is definitely the best thing to do but it gets hard. I know where you're coming from.

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Theres no point worrying. I worry and regret the plethora of drugs I took. Main fears of 2cb, dmt, and the mxe as these are little known about 2cb causes me great fear and aniety but fuck it, we cant change the past. Sometimes I think its all a bad dream. U just gotta buckle in and prepare for war, constantly battling ur own brain but ul get on top of it. Uv just been at festivals etc. Ur coping fine

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for all your support and for sharing your thoughts with me.

I am coping much better now. I do whatever it takes not to think about it.

And yesterday was the most "normal" day of my life since I got this disorder.

The symptoms weren't gone. I was just happy. ^--^

And one more question:

Do you experience lack of.. interest in things and lack of happyness?

Are you mad and.. numb most of the time? :c Or is it just me?

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Yeah, that's me. I'm flat as a pancake: emotions, passions; no elation, no revelations: a shell of myself. I have a clinical depression as well as external things making me depressed. I am mad but lately i have had so little emotion that i can't even get there anymore. lol...... I am "numb" and i feel that my brain is the consistency of a nerf ball.

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