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Everything posted by zukov

  1. My experience: Last week I attended a Vipassana meditation retreat. I must say I do with this disorder is extremely difficult and painful. The first days are amazing. The total silence with which one must remain causes ARISING million thoughts in one's head. Despite the great pain, I discovered that many memories are still believed missing in me, still there. Visuals got bad and dreams really vivid. The technique is mainly based on concentrating our minds on our feelings and then use a bridge to our real pain. If this produces anxiety disorder, it gives me pressure in the chest. From that start working. I cried every night while meditating in silence, thinking of all the guilt, treatments, medications. ERROR. If you go thinking that this will cure the disorder, very bad. It is not that. On the sixth day, my thoughts became so strong that I had to leave very sadly but with the firm conviction that solve all my traumas discovered and a strong spirit, make it to the end of the course. Friends, this is something that should not be put aside, but if it cant 'cure', we will live the rest of ours life in peace, with a great tool to make real decisions and not prisoners of the anxiety or complex. I know because people talk right there that suffered from depersonalization and anxiety and suffer no more than this. The course is designed for one to access the source of suffering and therefore you must be 10 days practicing and practicing mindfulness. Investigate and find people who have cured tinnitus, anxiety, drug addiction .... As I prepare for the second course, I will continue investigating.
  2. Hey people, im back after a long time. In a few days i will update my actual situation with more details. Visual M.D: im off the SSRI since december and i take klonopin sometimes, my record is sixteen days off it. Somedays my anxiety and dr become so bad....that's when im taking it...05 usually or 1mg. It's really hard live like this. Helps a lot with anxiety, some DR and visuals a bit. Love you all.
  3. Really interesting dude, and logic. I read several times at derealization community the tip of "winner mindset" and some people get over the disorder practice meditation, etc. Maybe ours brains are overstimulated of information and running low.
  4. What opiate med are you taking Shaolinbomber?
  5. thanks for the advice, i will increase slowly the dose. Also, i have cronic sinusitis and the NAC is really helping with that.
  6. That's a better way to describe my symptoms, Schwartzweib. My english is not very good. Really, the tracers (are minimal) dont really bother me but dp/dr.... if i could kick off the derealization out of my mind i wll be the happiest man on earth
  7. I havent see any changes with NAC at the moment. I will try Tyrosine and see what happens.
  8. DR or DP is the worst symptom for me. I found it really hard to explain to "ordinary people", but you will understand. My days are like a "light permanent weed" trip or something similar. Or living on a dream, also the short memory is affected, similar to weed. Is very disturbing. Sometimes i perceive the reality so far to me, feelings and people become strange. But this "sensation" up and down depends on level of stress, sleep or anxiety.
  9. Thanks for the answers. This monday i started to low the dose from 0.50 to 0.3,8. The next week i hope be capable of low at 0.25, now the true is i dont see changes but im a little paranoic and angry (im sure is my mind and the fear of losing control again). Is a very low dose 0.5 for day, but like Uknowme said every person are different.
  10. Thanks a lot for the info Visual. My Dr. told me that i have to take the 20mg of paroxetine for at least a year (to March-April 2012) but i think i cant wait that time. I will show your post from The New York Times to my Dr. PD: I completely sure the ssri med are f'ck my vision.
  11. Someone's said (i think was you Visual) something about Sinemet and interaction with SSRI. I take 20mg of paroxetine everyday and i dont really know if it will cause some trouble with sinemet, i think you or other member said a paroxetine dose will low the effect of sinemet. Maybe im wrong.
  12. I tried 600mg of NAC today. Only i feelt a little sickness for a while, maybe for take it alone, i will try tomorrow a low dose with food. The NAC take time to effect my body?
  13. It's good to read that shaolin. I've got a lot of faith on sinemet, but i cant take it until i completely left the ssri and get a medical prescription.
  14. Im only drink once (three shots of black label) and i feel better (relax) but the DP/DR got worst, very. That's the end of alcohol for me.
  15. I tried to contact he, without reply. But i dont understand the reason of his post, and give the number, facebook and mail to talk with him....
  16. In the old forum i read a post of a guy who apparently found a "cure" performing a kind of craneotomy. I already found his experience in another forum: http://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Number/14763195/fpart/1/vc/1 Maybe you already know about this, but im interested in what you think about this weird case.
  17. When im in the "black hole" i was exactly like you, anxiety 100% and very depressed. Im on Aropax (ssri), similar medication. Continue with exercise, diet and think possitive and try to no freak out with the worst cases of hppd. When im started to read about this i was very scared with no sense. Like you my visuals are not extreme like other people, so, it takes time but you will be fine.
  18. In the book of PD im reading says similar things like Visual post. In this website http://knol.google.com/k/los-trastornos-visuales-en-la-enfermedad-de-parkinson (in spanish) i found this: "Las alucinaciones visuales son comunes en la enfermedad de Parkinson, y ocurren en el 25 al 40% de los pacientes(14). Normalmente, el paciente tiene la sensación de que otra persona está presente cuando no es así, o describe la sensación de una persona o un animal en movimiento más allá de la periferia de su campo visual." In english, says somethin like: The visual alucinations are very common in PD in the 25%-40% of the pacients. Normally, the pacient have the feeling of someone person is there when it isnt', o he describes the feeling of a person or animal/object beyond his peripherial field of vision" Also, says l-dopa helps the disturbings visual, but the mechanism is not too clear.
  19. Hello, like everybody says in this forum, you need to stop all drugs (even coffe,cigarettes and alcohol) inmediately. I know is hard, but try to think possitive and eat and sleep well as you can. For example: my breakfast is fruits (apple, banana, orange) and walnut. Try it, you will feel with high energy. Second, run or exercise everyday and find some hobby. Third, check the medication avaible for the hppd (NAC, Keepra, Clonazepam and recently Sinemet). It's very weird that benzos didn't help you. Dont self medicate, always see a doctor. Stay calm, i think i'got hppd since May of this year. At first it was pretty similar to you, i think i was a brain tumor and bla bla bla. For two months i had fractal vision after sleep and breathing walls if i focus my mind on it. They had disappear this month (i know it's in some place of my mind, but im not try to see what happens) Now im feel a lot better (and i couldn't try sinemet yet). If i can, you too. Best wishes.
  20. Sure, i only post that in 'order' to a reference, if sinemet helps me, i dont run to next bar and start drinking to dead Rigth now im reading a great book of Parkinson Disease (my office is very quiet today ) and later i will post some fragments of the book about the sinement and alcohol, and weed treatment for PD (wtf?)
  21. You're absolutely right Visual, for that reason i dont trust in the usually prescribed meds to the brain. Is a big enigma. Off the record, i researched this morning some information about the interaction between the sinemet and alcohol \dont punish me!\ i believe someone of you want to drink one beer sometime, and i found this answer at this web http://gofree.indigo.ie/~pdpals2/answer13.htm [obviusly 40 pints a week is insane¬ Question posted April 25, 2002 Hello Sir My father developed a shake in his hand in January of 2001 and has been diagonised with Parkinson's disease. He just finished a six month course of the drug Artane. As this had no noticeably positive effect he has been switched to the drug Sinemet. The problem is he also consumes in excess of forty pints of alcohol a week as well as maybe 10-15 Solpadeine painkillers. My question is: will this level of alcohol consumption have a negative effect on the ability of the Sinemet drug to be effective? Thanks a million in advance. Answer posted July 3 2002 My apologies for the delay in replying. Over 40 pints/week is excessive for anyone and should be decreased. Alcohol does not interact with Sinemet directly but may interfere with Sinemet absorption from the belly because of irregular meals. (Protein competes with Sinemet for absorption) Secondly alcohol has an effect on brain function and balance over time and should be curtailed in patients with PD. T. Ly
  22. Three months ago my blood test shows a very low level of serotonin (0.83) and the dopamine is also low too, but i cant remember now the number. Anyway, every person is different and the levels of serotonin and DA is unique. Maybe the sinemet recharge the DA or affects the function of it, this it's very interesting for me, independently the disturbing hppd. All this months im living like an episode of Dr. House. Trial and error.
  23. Amazing and historic discovery, i cant wait to try sinemet
  24. About the aura, i only see something like that very few times and i noticed them when a look very close an object. It's not disturbing for now. It hurts your eyes physical or phsycological? are you still on drugs?
  25. Hello people, i have a question: What is your's theory or idea about the process of the sinemet and the dopamine? There's a few points i dont understand quite well. It's not dangeorus overcharge our brain with dopamine? If the sinemet works like a recharging battery, that means a low level of DA, something i like to check. Maybe it's a stupid question, but i will feel better if someone explain me something about this. Thanks and happiness
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