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Posts posted by zukov

  1. "



    Sep 08, 2009

    To: anyone

    I suffered with derealization/depersonalization for the last ten years and have recently banished it with the help of EMDR.(eye movement desensitised reprocessing). Totally natural and works on the basis of REM (rapid eye movement), which occurs when we sleep. Derealization is usually brought on by trauma that our brain can't process. EMDR stores the trauma away where it should be, allowing us to stop reliving that bad experience, hence derealization. Look EMDR up. No medication involved and no side effects. I have weekly 1 hr private sessions. £65.00 per session. Not sure if on the NHS. Your GP should be able to recommend EMDR therapists in your area. This is the only thing that has worked. And it's good to feel 'normal' again. If you want to ask me anything, feel free. All the best."


    Nice to try.

  2. This hole crap started after the ssri i take (previously i had a very intense experience with cannabis) but the antidepressant it was to hard for my brain. I think the serotonin maybe overstimulate some part of the brain.....panic attacks, dr and trails appeared later.

    Im not a doctor, and SSRI it's not the same as SNRI but think if you really need that.

  3. Since i have the first panic attack and DR, i left all the drugs. Cigarettes, pot, energy drinks, coffee. Alcohol i drink sometimes but only for enjoy the wine or beer, not for get drunk.

    Six months ago i close my eyes and i see geometrical patterns and breathing wall two times. I DONT SEE them anymore. My visuals are bad, like all of you, but there's a little improvement.

    Stop all drugs, you're playing with fire.

  4. Exactly. Vipassana is similar to lsd when you lose your ego and start to watch yourself like a "3 person shooter :D" or a doctor.

    Its sad, but in occident we try to find answers and happiness using drugs...the easy choice, the fastest. The meditation, like everything, it's hard to learn.

    You can learn to play the bass guitar in one month. But one thing is play and other is to be good and understand the instrument.

  5. Me too... its more dp/dr with hppd than hppd with dp dr

    the worst thing that ever happened to me....24/7. Many times i think "this is life?, i did that? was me?" The memories come and goes from nowhere...the reality looks like a cannabis trip, more than a lsd. The sense of time, oh my god.

    This last two weeks i feel 'fine', i hope this will end some day.

  6. Amazing words flitch. I'm very grateful for sharing your experiences on this forum.

    Despite not finishing the course, now I have to meet the goal of eliminating my traumas and practice mind control seriously, in order to really 'armed' for the second retreat. I am an experienced trekker, a few days on the mountain alone will not be bad: D

    If we all had the courage to use drugs, take this as such, because it is a real trip, without additives. As Loky said, everyone should give it a try this technique.

  7. That is my case, a little complex.My anxiety and DR /DP is so high that the visual part only appeared when I read about it and I started to pay attention.While some trails were not noticed as much as now that my brain is on the lookout for any visual anomality.

    As you have posted,our brain is able to dissociate and suffer visual disturbances without the use of drugs.Interesting.

    Something that reflected last year whenI saw the"breathing walls" and could manipulate the distortion to my liking with my mind.If it were as simple as an injury, thatwould not be possible to do. The mind hide's a secret-

  8. Many say it is counterproductive, but research on the subject generates a lot of pain but also makes you feel you are not alone and that there is hope. For any psychiatric disorder theres not a pill that will instantly cure and this isn't the exception. Everyone has to find its way to fight this and move on.

    What exactly are your symptoms?

  9. Good post oliver. My record without klonopin was 16 days in which the intensity of the visuals varied. sometimes better other worse. But you reach a point where anxiety and suicidal thoughts alarmed me enough and had to return to 0.5mg. Interestingly the role that anxiety as a modulator of the visuals. I am firmly convinced that removing 70% anxiety disorder will become more manageable.

  10. My experience:

    Last week I attended a Vipassana meditation retreat. I must say I do with this disorder is extremely difficult and painful. The first days are amazing. The total silence with which one must remain causes ARISING million thoughts in one's head. Despite the great pain, I discovered that many memories are still believed missing in me, still there. Visuals got bad and dreams really vivid.

    The technique is mainly based on concentrating our minds on our feelings and then use a bridge to our real pain. If this produces anxiety disorder, it gives me pressure in the chest. From that start working. I cried every night while meditating in silence, thinking of all the guilt, treatments, medications. ERROR.

    If you go thinking that this will cure the disorder, very bad. It is not that.

    On the sixth day, my thoughts became so strong that I had to leave very sadly but with the firm conviction that solve all my traumas discovered and a strong spirit, make it to the end of the course.

    Friends, this is something that should not be put aside, but if it cant 'cure', we will live the rest of ours life in peace, with a great tool to make real decisions and not prisoners of the anxiety or complex. I know because people talk right there that suffered from depersonalization and anxiety and suffer no more than this.

    The course is designed for one to access the source of suffering and therefore you must be 10 days practicing and practicing mindfulness. Investigate and find people who have cured tinnitus, anxiety, drug addiction ....

    As I prepare for the second course, I will continue investigating.

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