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Posts posted by Hall89

  1. I made a thread about this as well a few weeks ago, you can read it below. Since then i've been in contact with many that have jumped on SSRI without any changes to their vision, and there are more case reports in the litterature were the patients visual symptoms have decreased or gone in to remission while on an SSRI. So i don't think that you need to worry. Also, if your mental health improves the visuals will be easier to deal with. Bu the first 3-4 weeks on an SSRI can be tough because of the temporary side effects that many get, but these will subside, so hold on mate!


    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, Onemorestep said:

    I have used it once at a very low dose and didn’t notice anything. But I was also smoking a bunch of weed at the time hehe...


    hmm never feeling awake? I would do a little research first but it would be very interesting to see if you react well to a dose of prednisone. I’ve been wondering if acute stage hppd could be neuro inflammatory/neuro immune. But it’s really just a theory. Been wondering about the connection between cannabinoids and encephalopathy which does exist. 

    I would try what your doctor gave you first, of course ;) I’m sure it feels kinda scary to try something but I very much doubt you would have a bad reaction to lamictal that wouldn’t wear off in time. It doesn’t appear to interact with hppd in a bad way and if there is glutamate issues this will prevent them from getting worse, at the very least, and allow your brain to get a foothold again. 

    Ah okay! Thought about giving it another shot? If i've understod it right it can take some time before it kicks in.

    Yea, but i quess it's the brainfog and head pressure that makes me feel like that.

    I'm on day 5 with it now and no adverse effects or improvements so far. Glutamate must play a role, if not, i wonder how that 33 year old woman in a case report could have several of her symptoms go away and others decrease after going on it with HPPD that hadn't improved for 13 years. I also read about a member here that took lamotrigine and sertraline and was fully "cured" in 3-4 months. But who knows, maybe he was one of the lucky bastards that would have made a spontaneous remission within the first months without them. Abraham said in his paper from 2001 that about 50% does it, but i don't know if i can believe that.

  3. On 3/11/2021 at 9:32 PM, Jonas said:

    Hey there, thanks for your reply! 

    Edit: I know realized that its not as limited as I thought. I experienced breathing walls too now, on several occasions (mostly in the evening, with less light), sometimes very heavy after waking up.  But still, I didnt experience depersonal- or derealization, altough there were a few moments of anxiety which I didnt let much room, so that didn’t affect me much. I think I was very lucky overall. I am still completely sober (6 weeks now). No weed, no alc, no coffee lol. I think the last time I was sober this long was when I was 14 haha. Didn‘t have an effect on my condition until now though. I will definitely continue to be sober, at least for 3-4 month. Spring and summer are going to be hard.. 

    I know its a bad idea, but do you think I can ever take something again once its gone? No psychedelics of course... 

    God damn the world is unfair! You've used drugs that frequent and for that many years and gets it so mild, while i, who only have tried small amounts of weed at 4-5 ocations in my life got it severe with a vs at 5 (1-10), ghosting/double vision, extreme photophobia, halos, starbursts, flickering/vibrating, head pressure, brainfog and tinnitus. To put it short, a half blind vegetable.

    If you're one of the lucky ones that actually get decreased symptoms or fully heal i would never again touch a drug if i were you, not even alcohol or coffee. There's nothing worth risking your clear vision over. 

  4. 1 hour ago, cosmiccharlie said:

    The brain fog definitely cleared for me after some time.  I'm convinced it was from anxiety.  Just hang in there and try to be positive, do everything you can to keep your brain healthy ie: exercise, sleep and eat well, and meditate.  

    You're going to be fine. 

    In my case it's not from anxiety, it's been real low to none the last couple of days but all the symptoms are the same. The head pressure is literally driving me nuts! It feels like someone has pumped up a ballon in there.

    But i started Lamotrogine today, i really hope that it can give me some relief!

  5. Thanks for your answer, i will take my first dose today! The most disturbing symptom for me is the brainfog; not having my normal condition and never feeling clear in my head or "awake", also the more or less constant pressure in my forehead. So i pray that Lamatrogine can remove these, the visuals i can learn to live with.


    Have you tried Lamatrogine?

  6. As the title says, it's been a little over five weeks since this hell started after trying a couple of hits of weed and i had the luck to already meet a doctor/psychiatrist that knew about HPPD and she gave me the diagnosis after hearing my symptoms. Anyways, she prescribed me the antiepileptic Lamotrogine since it's apparently has been shown to have a good effect on some in the litterature. So i wonder, has anyone here tried it and how did it help you? Also, do you believe that taking it in some way may impair my brains ability to heal this? In the litterature there's a few cases were people have been on benzodiazepines and still gone in to remission, even after they quit them, but i haven't found any on Lamatrogine or Keppra.

  7. On 3/22/2021 at 11:18 AM, Onemorestep said:

    I believe in time you will heal on your own :) a few people on here (myself included) reaaaallly pushed the envelope. It’s a slippery slope and no one here really knows what happened unfortunately.


    ssris gave me a lot of weird physical anxiety in my abdominal area. It was highly distracting and a huge relief when I came off them and it disappeared. But I would say if you feel better on them, it’s not going to change much. 

    first time I got hppd I was on ssris and it was better on them than off. When I got hppd BAD that’s when I couldn’t tolerate them anymore. Kinda forgot about this. 

    Give this some time and then return to us if it’s still a problem in a year :) if you really can’t handle the anxiety, or your cognition seems to worsen overnight, try some gabapentin. 

    baclofen returned my cognition to me. Probably because of this: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24838625/


    ... but who knows. It also gave me anhedonia after 8 months of high dosing. Not exactly a case study haha. 

    Thanks mate, i really hope you're right, because this decreased cognition and shitty vision is driving me nuts! Besides Dr. Abraham i also read this: 

    "A large portion of cases spontaneously resolve within a year. In some situations, the symptoms can persist for years and decades


    So it would be wierd if it lasted more than a year for me since i've just tried cannabis at a few ocations in my life and never used any other drugs except alcohol 4-5 times a year.

    Thankfully the anxiety has improved ALOT the last couple of days. I quess that the chock of it all is subsiding.

    How was it the first time you got it? Did it heal and did you get your vision back?

    Thanks, i will look in to it! I've ordered NAC as well since i read that it might help.

  8. Thanks for your reply, i've been of the benzos for three days now! I am however bound to continue with my Citalopram, i have tried to taper of them very slow a couple of times over the years (- 1 mg each month), but when i come down around 15 mg i haven't been able to handle it (anxiety, more migraines etc). I believe that since i started eating them when i was 18, before my brain was fully developed, it has grown dependant of them, i might be wrong though. So i hope that i can heal from this despite being on them, like Charlie above. I also read a case report were the HPPD patient got on Sertraline, which temporarily increased his visuals after each dose increase, but after 6 months his HPPD went in to remission while on them.


    Oh trust me, i will never go close to any drug again. If i had known about HPPD prior to this i would never have tried weed. I pray daily that i will get my clear vision and cognition back, because i really don't know how to go on without them.


    In which ways did you feel better of them if i may ask?

  9. That's good to hear, do you remember how long it took? That's my "only" visual disturbances, or well, i'm sensitive to light as well, see halos around street lights and have a hard time looking at pc screens (flickers). The first week i did see a light move for a few seconds and an object "pulsating" as well, but no more since then thankfully.

    I've read some and it seems that those that get it from weed generally gets it milder and less visual hallucinations.


    Yea, there really is nothing worse than strong anxiety, hope yours gets better! I am however sure that the brain fog isn't because of that, because i've had many periods in my life with strong anxiety and never experienced it before, this came with the HPPD. Also, since this started i've been on the BETA-blocker Propranolol which hinders the body from producing stress hormons, my heart would probably have exploaded by now if i wasn't.

  10. That was calming to read, thank you! But what was your symptoms the first time? Did you have the brain fog, anxiety, blurry/visual snow and did they go away completely? I feel that the brain fog and anxiety is the worst atm, really cripples me.


    Yea, i will never go near weed or any other psychedelics again. Same with alcohol and caffeine, don't want to risk anything.

  11. Glad to hear that it didn't have an effect on that! Yea, i will get off them tomorrow and try another sedative, like Prometazine, since it isn't addictive. I will also look in to meditation tomorrow! 


    How long have you had HPPD, what did you get it from, what was your symptoms in the beginning and which remain? Once again, thanks for taking the time to answer!

  12. Thanks for your answer! Glad to hear that your symotoms have decreased, which if i may ask? Have the s/blurry vision cleared up?

    When it comes to the anxiety nothing but benzos help, i've tried keeping myself busy, but it does nothing, my fear of this not going away and the consequenses it would have completely dominates me atm. I've had to pause my studies because it's too difficult reading on the screen and it feels like the brain fog has robbed me of half my IQ and ability to focus.

    But i have stopped all drugs, including caffeine and i get enough sleep. It's quite ironic that i got this since i've only used marijuana at a few ocations in my life and drink 4-5 times a year, eat well and have exercised 4-5 days a week the last 13 years. 

  13. So, i got HPPD from a couple of hits of cannabis 4 weeks ago which have pretty much ruined my life because of the crippling anxiety, blurry/static vision and slight dr. Anyhow, i read that Abraham said that around 50% makes a spontaneous remission within the first months, which i pray for! But i wonder, do you think that the use of SSRI (Citalopram) will lower the chanses of this? I've been on 20 mg daily for 13 years.

    I also take 10 mg of Oxazepam daily now to relieve some of the symptoms and make this nightmare more managable. 

  14. Hi! New here! I suspect that i have gotten a mild form of HPPD after only two hits of cannabis 19 days ago (first time in years), it didn't even give me a "rush", only calmed my breathing down a little and made me tired. But the day after to today i have experienced a crippling anxiety and regular panic attacks over the days, slight feelings of derealization, a brain fog, wierd pressure in my head that comes and goes and worst of it all, visual snow and a slightly decreased pherpipeal sight. The visual impairment gives me the worst anxiety because i'm so scared that it won't go away and it have robbed me of the thing that i love doing the most here in life.

    At first i only thought that it was a migraine with aura since i normally get feelings of derealization, great anxiety and a brain fog a day to hours before (prodromal phase) the aura- and pain phase, which i did get the day after, but everything above didn't go away after the migraine like it normally does and the anxiety was way worse than it normally is, so i'm pretty sure that it's HPPD. Also, about a week after this started i saw a light in a store "move" up and down for about 5 seconds, then it stopped, the same day i also looked at an object which for a couple of second became bigger and smaller, like it came towards me and then went back, except these two i haven't had any other visual hallucinations. It have more or less destroyed my daily life since it occupies my mind 24/7 and i haven't been able to work or study since it's so diffucult reading text on the screen and i don't dare to drive a car in this state, so i wonder, have anyone else here gotten rid of the visual snow? If so, how long did it take? I would gladly give both my legs to get rid of it. God! I'm so angry at myself for taking those two hits of cb, if i knew that it could cause anything like this i would never have touched it😭

    Have anyone here tried any of the medications that have helped in some of the studies that have been made? Like the antiepileptic lamotrigine? I have felt some relief of the symptoms the days that i have used the sleep med zopiclone which acts on the GABA like benzodiazepines, Oxazepame also gives a slight relief, but i'm scared of eating these daily because i don't want to get addicted to benzos.

    PS, i haven't used any other drugs in my life than alcohol 4-5 times a year and cannabis at a few occations, like 10 times during 13 years.

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