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Everything posted by Purps

  1. I have it, especially at night. It can make driving very terrifying. But yeah, I definitely know what you're talking about. This is so nice that people understand! Thank you guys! I've noticed stress and anxiety make it worse too. I've tried meditating but too many visuals when I close my eyes. Any advice?
  2. The clouds swirl for me... Like I'm seeing little vortexes in them. No one else sees them and the bf said it was my HPPD.
  3. I'm debating if I should even tell my doctor... I don't want them to throw me in the psych ward or even have it on my record. I skydive and stuff, I don't want to be restricted from anything. Should I tell her??
  4. Hmm, I've been taking kava on a daily basis and vaping CBD daily as well. I feel like I'm just in a fog or state of confusion unless I micro regularly. I've stopped for the past few months but that's when people started saying I was irritable and I felt a shift in my disposition.
  5. It feels so lonely when no one gets it. How do you explain your odd behavior to others? It's like I'm an alien to them.
  6. Do that's not normal for HPPD? Should I see a neurologist?
  7. Friends and family have said that my behavior has changed, that I'm more irritable and my emotions are exaggerated. The micros are What makes me feel normal and happy. This is a bad thing, I'm assuming. So I need to stop and be bitchy from now on? That kinda sucks.
  8. How does this all come into play legally??? Can I still drive? Skydive? Pack parachutes? I've tried asking lawyers and no one knows.
  9. Hmm I have scripts for Klonopin and ativan. The HPPD is already pretty intense. Visual snow daily, starburst,trails, tinnitus and many others but I don't find it to be unbearable. I don't want to leave Lucy, she was such a good friend! If you guess think I should knock it off, I might. I just still find the micros beneficial.
  10. Like the pics! Are you calling me a Troll? This is an honest question.
  11. So THAT is what has been going on! It feels like I'm half asleep, I'll walk into walls, feels like I can't think clearly and my body feels like lead. One morning I literally had to roll myself out of bed, onto the floor until it hurt my face enough to get me to move. What is this DR and DP everyone is referring to?
  12. I've noticed a huge change in my cognitive function. I get lost easily driving, I'm constantly forgetting things, being all around absent minded, confused easily, and I have no sense of time. It's affecting me everyday, I'm getting frustrated with myself. My friends and family don't understand what I'm going through and how defeating it is.
  13. Yea. People think I'm overreacting, I'm making it up, looking for attention and so on. My behavior has changed though, but they still don't get it. Even my boyfriend, who told me I had it, doesn't get it.
  14. I had an extremely hard time accepting it at first, but after a few months I've learned to enjoy it. The panic attacks kinda suck and I feel like I'm a little less in control of my emotions, but I still find micro dosing beneficial. The way I see it, it makes life more interesting. Should I stop with the micro dosing, can this get worse to the point that I DON'T like it? Is it bad that I DO enjoy it, and do I have to stop skydiving?
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