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Everything posted by Silva

  1. I experimented some electrical shocks before to sleep while I was on MD, that was quite frequent. Since you do not have has any drugs in the body during a long period, it is more likely to be caused by your anxiety. Maybe your body is overwhelmed by it and the fear makes your body uncapable of any movement, like when someone realizes is in the front of a car and is going to be hit. When I have panic attacks, this is quite the feeling I get.
  2. Definitely worth a try, if I had a smartphone I will get it. It has to do with HPPD since our eyes seem to not work together anymore, we have to relearn how to do it; and anything that supposed to improve eyesight will surely do.
  3. Aldous Huxley was nearly blind because an illness during his teens. He practiced the Bates Method and wrote the book The Art of seeing after his eyesight dramatically improved with it. He was also really into LSD but it seems he never had HPPD. I will try to follow a therapy in autodidact as well.
  4. Welcome! At which moment did you went over HPPD? Did you have any particular things that have helped you?
  5. I can't help you with etizolam, but I had frequent problems as you had when it was the moment to sleep. I was on my bed and felt like I was floating, sometimes I had the feeling that I was going at 150km/h spinning around, other times were panic attacks... That sucked. I began to take two MagneB6 pills before to sleep and I never had these problems again... Now I experiment sleep paralysis (who are really scary, seriously I reconsidered my opinion on the succubs etc...) and out of body experiences when I drink alcohol, which is what I do since 2 days. After tonight I will stop for some months. Hope you'll find what you need, and try magnesium...
  6. Thanks onedayillsailagain, if you wonder about my avatar it's the artwork of Vladimir Kush; I don't like everything but some are truly beautiful.
  7. I can't permit to myself to take a med who could likely make my depression worst at this level. I will stick to my plan to find some Sinemet and will try to take some fish oil high in EPA tomorrow and see how my moral will be doing in a month. Thanks for you answer though, hope you'll have success with your new meds!
  8. During the day, it's easy to not think too much about my symptoms, I can handle them as long as I am in movement. Considering the self pity and everything, I know that I made a mistake "playing" with drugs. I was taking Methylone everyday, I knew that I'll have problems in a way or another. But I'm not hard on myself with this, I have many other subjects where I am better in this field. Try to not read too much about your symptoms, eventually you'll forget them more easily during the day after a week! Your state of mind with this pathology seems to play a determinant role in the recovery.
  9. Ok, I'll try to Yes, I will try to get some Sinemet soon and hope for the best. If it doesn't work I'll go with SSRIs to try to get a relief... Panic attacks suck, I didn't know when people were talking about them that they were that violent and leaving you with this feeling of being on the edge with the fear of falling into another one every second. I'm lucky that they are less frequent now. I had to deal with anxiety way before my HPPD, just being with people make me cringe, but now I get this when the light is flashing really fast in my eye that's pretty much the worst; it doesn't seem that someone else got this symptom though. Hope you're going to be better
  10. Thanks man, yes sadly I had the occasion to read that too much people were into this shit too...
  11. Hey, I have HPPD since 2 and a half months but I have been in a strong depression since 7 years and now I feel that I can't do without a chemical help. I had really dark thoughts these last times and I think way too much about suicide. I saw a psychiatrist who gave me an anxiolytic named Stresam but it doesn't seem to do that much, maybe it helps to cope with the physical effects of the anxiety but I'm not even sure. That was one month ago, I told him I didn't want to try SSRIs since it seems that many people have had bad experiences with them. I would like to know if someone had a success with a combination of SSRI/Benzo or SSRI/Dopaminergic. I'm considering trying Sinemet next week, if my psychiatrist is OK with that. I'll bring him some papers about HPPD and the first medication trials from Dr. Abraham and see how it goes... Since I am in an early stage of HPPD, I would like to not ruin all my chances to recover from the visuals with a medicine but in the other hand I feel so bad with myself than I can not stay in this situation for months.
  12. Hey everyone ! I am a 21 years old french guy who now have HPPD since 2 and a half months, who has been induced by a wild Methylone trip triggered by a very large dose of it. This trip included very realistic and vivid hallucinations during 10 hours. Since then, I have visual snow, little sparkles of light dancing around, some purple going out of nowhere, after-images. Not visuals but disturbing too are the sleep paralysis, out of body experiences, anxiety, panic attacks... I stopped caffeine since it gave me thoughts that doesn't sound like mine and stopped alcohol too. Visuals might get better with time, during the day when I'm outside I'm noticing nothing at all. Things get pretty bad when I lack of sleep though, so I'm very careful with this. I'm on this forum to seek advices... Hope I'll read you soon. Sorry for the mistakes, take care
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