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Posts posted by hppd24years

  1. U know there is a handful of peeps on this site that can smoke dope with hppd which is extremely rare but they can't drink booze or get drunk because it exaggerates their dp/dr. I'm the complete opposite I can get completely inebriated from alcohol and the next day I feel normality at its natural form. It's a catch 22 for me I simply can't drink every day. U_U hppd24years.

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  2. Wow!! The roar of a lion.. That's amazing that u guys can tolerate t.h.c. without feeling u are on ur bad trip again.. In all honesty I wish I could smoke marijuana again and feel that level of pure relaxation with no paranoia or panicky type feeling. To all the peeps that don't get paranoid from smoking weed did u have a bad trip at all?? Then received hppd?? Or did u just get it gradually from doing psychedelic drugs?? Hppd24years

  3. Hey, I remember that time like it was yesterday it is totally exciting and a great achievement to boot;O)

    Did u take drivers ed? Supposedly it knocks off some $$$ from ur insurance it did for me when I was sixteen. Congratz and have some fun while the novelty is still there mang!!

  4. Maybe but it works for me lol

    Brake how u doing? Are u still doing the Cannabidials if so do they tell u what specific Cbd's ur ingesting?? There is a great feeling of relaxation with certain terpinoids that mix well with Endocannabidiols that make a good stack all natural which is good. Just make sure u stay away from the TETRAHYDROCANNABIDOLS.. TRUST.. But then again some people can do it without freaking out, I wouldn't recommend it especially if u have severe hppdΘ_Θ

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  5. Yeah stop smoking weed !! Weed is well known to cause derealization...

    I have stopped all drugs, alcohol, stimulants and even tea !! I am sensitive to everything it's crazy.

    . I was just curious on the severity of ur symptoms as well as how long u have had hppd?? I too had to quit coffee and tea, it made my visuals go squirrelly. This disorder is horrible especially when ur at the pinnacle of it whilst everything seems to affect it.

    Hppdlife u are obviously not to far into hppd if u can smoke marijuana regularly, there is certainly a thrush hold and u could be on the brink of full blown hppd after ur last session with marijuana. Not trying to scare yeah I just wouldn't want to C u like me.. Trust!!

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  6. Whether you decide to see a psychologist, a licensed social worker, counselor, priest/pastor, life coach etc., they are all trained professionals and skilled in the methods to put the client at ease... to establish the rapport, guide the therapeutic process, help you by gently drawing out the areas of your life you'd like to address. If you find one who doesn't do those things, don't go back and find another one.  Counseling can and should be healing.  Nobody should feel alone with HPPD, but they sure do because of the condition's rarity and the community's misunderstanding of it.  A counselor can bridge the areas of your life that feel broken by helping you reframe your life situation into something manageable.


    A huge symptom common with HPPD is anxiety... not to mention the reclusive lifestyle so many sufferers resort to because of the difficulty with lights and noise.  Guilt/regret can be a big problem... blaming yourself for past drug use.  A counselor can ease such burdens and provide resources such as coping skills and healthy ways to process information and change your own "self talk" to more positive messages and affirmations of self-worth.  


    Many people with HPPD report that as time marches on, they are "better"... sometimes it is NOT because symptoms have alleviated, but because they have learned to work around the symptoms and acclimate.  Part of the adjustment is mental... ACCEPTANCE of what is.  In this process is the possibility of creating a meaningful life and finding joy DESPITE the difficulty.

    There is hope.  Everybody needs a soft place to land... And, friends and well-intended family members sometimes fail to say the right things or find patience when you need to unload.   A counselor can fill that void.


    Wishing comfort to all!


    Doreen M. Lewis, PhD


    Thanks for the input it felt like a nice cool breeze went through me after reading that..

    Well I started cracking this shell I've been living in and breaking through the chains that left me binded in solitary disassociation. Sometimes u feel alienated into self conviction wondering frequently"Y ME" "How the hell did I get myself into this mess"?? I constantly imagine what it would be like to break free from this whilst reaching for the feeling of normality like when I was 15 years old and prior to. I know what it's like to be hppd free, I just can't figure out how to get there??

    Are u the lady that had a son with hppd?? And if so is he doing ok??

    Anyhoot I'm choosing a doc tomorrow and making an appointment. I feel good about it, again thanks for the input everyone(*_*) hppd24yearandintomy25.

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  7. I feel very comfortable talking with my psychologist but that might just be because I'm a very open person, possibly to a fault.  I could totally see why you'd be apprehensive.  I usually just sit down and start talking about how my week went.  If your psychologist is good then he/she should be able to take what you say and steer it into further conversation/analysis.  When I describe my symptoms I get very empathetic reactions from my psych along the lines of "Wow that really sucks." or "That must be extremely tough to deal with." which makes me feel a little more comfortable talking to her because she doesn't judge, she simply empathizes and offers analytical insight.  She hadn't heard of HPPD but I sent her Dr. Abraham's website and she was happy to research it herself.  Like StateOfRegret said, it's not a cure, but it definitely relieves anxiety to talk about it and I believe that a change in perspective of/relationship with HPPD has potential to relieve symptoms for some people.  That being said, not every psychologist is great.  I'm sure there are some out there that might be judgmental or closed-minded and difficult to talk to.  If you get somebody like that I'd bail and try a different one.

    Thanks for the input, I'm thinking about a intro like "hi I have horrible anxiety and tinnitus at a alarming rate and I feel it is interfering with my life" as well as, "I see dead people" (<kidding) no more like, "I also see tracers, streamers, after images in my visual field constantly and it's been going on for 25 years now" I feel this is a good start for me I know I'm only scratching the surface but it is a giant step for this skeptical bastard('o')

    Then I predict it's the conventional drugs from there hppd stack with ready jets!!! Hppd24years..

  8. Hum, well I have to take a plunge here while first looking down to see were the hell I'm going to land.. I can't keep questioning everything or everybody.. I have to initiate the angle I'm going in on and trust it ultimately. I have taken bits and pieces from peeps on here while developing a criteria from it.. "Battle for my brain$ sanity" I hope it's the right answer for this equation or gives me some relief grrrr.. Thanks to all the peeps on here with their experiences, theories, knowledge, laughs and time. Please excuse my hiccups from time to time hppd24yearsandtimetomakeachoiceforthebetter!!

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  9. I have my first session with a psychologist scheduled for tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it! :)


    If u don't mind me asking like what do u say to this individual?? I mean u never met this person before I would imagine? Do u feel anxious or nervous like honestly?? I'm really seriously thinking about this myself I just have to get over the hump of humiliation by not feeling like a extraterrestrial being. No offence but do u feel weird inside seeing the psych considering ur job title? Or he/she might think of u as mentally crazy. (which we are not) maybe u can give me some insiders after ur meeting tomorrow on what they say or maybe ur opener to the psych. Good luck..

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  10. I'm a little bit apprehensive about seeing a psychologist. I just feel weird seeing someone I don't know and pouring myself into them in person especially. It actually makes me feel quivery to the point of shutting down just by contemplating it. I have to make a choice sooner or later about what I'm going to do. Its hard for my brain to wrap around it.. I just can't seem to make a dam choice while always debating with myself. I know there is cons or side affects to virtually all of conventional drugs in the pharmaceutical world.

    Money is not the issue for me its my mind:-o I pretty much live vicariously through others experiences and testimonial statements while ironically suffering intensively by myself.. I prey every day and even feel weird about that too.. I also have a bunch of intrusive thoughts running through my head. Anyways its been nice snickering at u all. Hppd24yearsandintomy25O_O fuck me (not literally just saying)

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  11. Dam, i forgot about the morphing on things i look at from a marginal distance.. Usually objects morph into animals.

    u know when I had a bad trip on shrooms laced with lsd I never hallucinated with these colors and morphs or tinnitus how is that?? I'm straight now, y am I still tripping 24 years later??

  12. I have some trouble understanding your style of writing but it seems to me that you´re quite a contradictory fella. First, you´re suggesting I take in all the evidence before expressing myself because you assume I haven´t read all the posts. As a matter of fact I have read every single word on this forum (mind you this isn´t something I consider an achievement) so how about you don´t make assumptions and rather base your argumentation on "evidence". Secondly, you ask me to "carry my flammable spark somewhere else". The only reason I chose to voice my opinion was because YOU brought the whole thing back up after the situation, and I´ll quote myself here if you don´t mind, "was as closed to being solved as it possibly could for the time being". It would also be great if you could drop the coalition thing because I sincerely don´t think anyone here is "out to get" certain individuals.

    If u can't understand my style of writing feel free to ask what things mean I will explain any analogies, metaphors, alliteration, catch phrases, strong poetic devices, ECT. I know sometimes things can get confusing in written form on here especially depending on what moods peeps are in(:

    So what did Chris say to me that u apparently read on here that would be considered disrespectful towards me? U know what man don't worry about it seriously. I have big shoulders as well as good intentions for everyone to get along on this forum. Just try to be responsibley respectful to other peeps post by not being directly offensive to their writing or beliefs. If u don't understand that then try giving ur head a shake while reaching out ur hand and shaking mine in some sort of agreement towards getting along. Remember u came onto me pretty strongly.. I never seen u before until ur positive comment towards me. Hppd24years..

  13. BigPapaChakra, I would like to take the time to say "U are a good kid with a big heart" even though ur family is unfortunately going through tough times financially, ur parents divorcing, ultimately ur brothers sickness and ur hppd. Wow that is compounded beyond my human mental horizon but I'm inspired by ur outlook with a optimistic constant view of seeing the good in everything and everyone. I do wish u the best in ur quest for searching in every crack and crevice for the cure of hppd. U are a very intelligent individual for 19 years of age I'm sure u heard that before. I really enjoy reading ur educational posts they are all great reads in fact I'm learning a lot from u and ur hyperlinks. I just wanted to take a minute in a well deserved acknowledgment from me to u "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK" AAAAAND CONGRATULATIONS ON UR WOMEN IN UR HANDS OF MARRIAGE.. HPPD24YEARS!!

  14. hppd24years: I couldn't understand half of what you wrote and, frankly, I don't want to get dragged into another pointless discussion with you. You asked why I always stand up for Chris? I don't. In fact, here's a post where I call him "exceedingly negative and critical without any discernible reason" and tell him that "It's fine to be skeptical, but plain negativity leads nowhere". Anyway, let's not turn this thread into another deranged rant-a-thon.

    I think it's pretty simple to interpret or understand.. If u have any questions u have my number.;)

  15. Not to beat a dead horse here.. but chris since I've come here almost every post I've seen from you has been negative. If more than one person has had to complain about it being a problem, then its not just their imagination, and they really don't need to bother providing concrete examples when you know full well of the time's you've gotten on peoples nerves.. maybe not everyone.. but more than enough that something should have been said, even if the way it came out and the strength of the words went too far.


    I wish you no ill will man.. but when more than one person has had to say it.. perhaps you should reflect on yourself a bit and the reasons that may be behind people feeling that way towards you..


    or not if you dont give a shit... but if you dont give a shit expect that to be returned to you


    I couldn't agree more and I can completely understand Jay for being sickn by Chris's childish antic games.. One day we will all have a drink to this.. Toast!!

  16. Okay I didn´t wanna involve myself in this mess as I´m still somewhat of a "rookie" on this forum, but you need to chill the fuck out hppd24years. Chris chose to share the message with the community and IMO rightfully so. Jay admitted he lost his temper for a bit, something we all do from time to time, and apologized. Most of your post looks like paranoid rambling to me. I you´re so obsessed with "dealing with differences in private like men" then why don´t you just do so instead of calling out several members of the forum and pissing all over a situation that was as close to being resolved as it probably could be for the time being?!


    Edit: I did not want to stir things up even more with this post and know that it´s not personal hppd24years. Perhaps this thread should be closed so we can all move on to more pressing matters (getting better would be a nice place to start).

    The only intention Chris had with that message was to expose Jay to make him look like the culprit while simultaneously playing the "Poor Me" Chris has been exasperatingly obnoxious with his low down dirty bandit type ways.

    Now;:).. with ur blah blah's to me with my personal situation with Chris, ur right, u have no idea what ur saying in regards to ur "CHIRPS about it towards me.

    Y are u really sticking up for Chris?? U most not have gone over all the threads.. I suggest that u take all the evidence first before u judge my find lost friend who really has no earthily business responding to something u have no idea of. U have a right to make ur opinion but keep in mind this situation of Chris's "PERSONIFICATION" has became placid which is a good thing!! Trust.. Please carry ur flammable spark SOME WHERE else because we don't need another erupted infernal roaring fire to spring up on this thread again. This craziness is finally coming down to a calm. Hppd24yearsandstillrolling!!

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  17. There was another person on hear that said she seen faces in the leaves on the trees which never happens to me..

    I see thick blue lines off of virtually everything, light seems to be stretched out off of most objects, lots of tinnitus ringing at its finest, colorful orbs' with crazy spectacular spectrum, lots of after images that make me feel sick and dizzy, a really weird sensation of tiredness and fatigue, in constant immeasurable pain physical, it's extremely hard to keep my sanity on a leash to say the least. This disease is so wrong and most doctors that I see look at me like I'm a extraterrestrial being from Martin Mars..

    My recommendation to u stay full clear of psychedelic, ,psychoactive, psychological mind alteratind drugs budz.. Trust..

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  18. I'm sorry to hear that seeing stars I too have horrible hideous visuals that haunt and taunt me every day.. There is a lot of testimonial experiences in regards to pharmaceutical drugs and natural on here from peeps that have a practical view as well as a good under standing of the pros and cons. I'm just starting to dive into it myself while learning all about it. I don't have much experience with it yet but I can recommend a few good fellas who do.. Visual, Onedayiwillsailagain, StateofRegret, and probably lots more. I will soon but I don't want to give u advice yet in that area.. I'll see u on the forum and wish u well. Hppd24years

  19. Almost forgot, Jay I hope u do not leave over this ordeal and I'm sure everyone would consensusly agree.. U mean well and Chris to be honest u should stay too just like visual said give each other a big hug just don't put ur hand on my ass.. Lol.. Thanks man.. StateofRegret I replied to ur last private message u sent me.. We are dealing with our differences in private message mode everyone like men.. Hopefully we will come up with good solutions for the better..

  20. Chris u are a whining little spoiled kid who constantly puts people down and then sucky baby pooh pooh faces all the way off this site while playing the "poor me" you do not like the shoe on the other foot do you???

    how about ur duck that u made a mockery out of jimmy's friend that went to Brasil in south America?? U completely were being condescending towards her or him<< (did u notice that StateofRegret??:) How cool is that?? Or when u called me a cunt for changing ur comment for the good?? Buddy u ain't coming out of this smellin like roses..

    This cutting into peeps feelings or posts and trying to act like a control freak by labeling how they write or what they say is pure defecating ludicrous behavior. Peeps have the write to speak and if Jay got pissed off like Chris got pissed off at me and called me a cunt and threatened me by making my life a living hell from the incidental prank I pulled.. well....- that is the biggest hypocrite and doubled standard person I have ever seen. SO Chris go eat another block of cheese and tuck ur tail in ur boot u rat pretentious copious Gang lander..

    NOW "STATEOFREGRET" Y DO U ALWAYS STICK UP FOR CHRIS?? U SEEN WHAT HE SAID TO ME- U SEEN HOW HE MAKES INFRONT OF PEEPS ON HERE BUT U NEVER SAY NOTHING TO HIM.. Y DONT U COLLECT HIS PARAGRAPHS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER AND JUMP ON JAYS SIDE FOR AWHILE CHRIS IS NO ANGEL HE MADE THREATS TO ME.. JAY SEES THE TRUE IDENTITY OF CHRIS IN ALL HIS POSTS SO IT PISSES HIM OFF WHEN CHRIS IS CONSTANTLY OBSESSED WITH TRYING TO GET PEEPS IN TROUBLE BEHIND THEIR BACKS. HEY CHRIS- FUCK U MR. FUCK U MAN!! U ARE A SHIT DISTURBER AND A BULLY.. STATEOFREGRET U LEAVE VISUAL ALONE HE'S JUST TRYING TO BUILD HARMONIZATION AROUND HERE IN REGARDS TO FORGIVENESS.. HATE THE GAME BudS NOT THE PLAYERS. HPPDGOODBYCHISTOPHERCOLUMBUSUBITCHESBITCH.. Ha!! And Jay I completely understand how u feel and the way Chris has a natural act for crawling underneath peeps skin.. This regurgitation on peeps here has to go and ratting too.. The escalation won't stop.. To anyone who reads this don't be a yellow belly under handing individual by trying to stir shit up with moderators on this forum be a fucking man and message them in private mode and figure it out one on one like adults not like kids.. This is Y all this shit is happening and being blown out of proportion.. The peeps in authority or superior positions don't need to hear it they have lives and better things to do.. Jamie..

  21. I assume u are young and ur brain is flicking back and forth with the little red fella in ur left ear while the right ear is accompanied by the halo dude. Don't fall for the pure pressure because u are the one who has to live in ur shell for the rest of ur life;) it appears to me ur body is showing signs as almost like a prerequisite to the final that might be finalized:) that would be H.P.P.D. Trust.

  22. Let me just make one thing clear; I derive no joy from this. Actually, it has been affecting my mood quite negatively, and I would never have gone into this discussion if it wasn't for the fact that I care very much about this forum, and that it saddens me to see fine threads ruined time and time again.


    (Unrelated: Quoting posts which already contain quotes works really poorly here! :P )

    I feel if there was any sincerity remotely from ur snickers you would be a man and address me or fundamentally come up with solutions in a more authentic way than this.. "Poor me" isn't a solution StateofRegret it's a tactical technique of ur persona. Maybe considering ur credentials u could come up with a more practical approach then this oxymoron ur fronting.. This is my last comment towards u and all this disarray. I will ask and maintain; Please do not bully me anymore with ur mockery of how I write or everything I say has no important values. That is my settlement in this synopses. Hopefully u can come to terms with it and comply. Hppd24years.
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