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Posts posted by WuWei

  1. That's great it did not affect ur vision! Do most medications affect your vision? What aboit antibiotics? I'm just trying to get an idea if you are similar to me.

    Hopefully I will go through with the scan


    Antibiotics seem to make my symptoms worse.  Hard to say for sure though.  SSRI's as well.  Honestly I'm not bothered by visual symptoms anymore.  The perceptual symptoms and cognitive difficulties are the most difficult to cope with.

  2. I've had a head MRI with contrast.  Had no issues with it other than I got anxious when they injected it but it goes away in like 5 seconds.  I asked the tech about it and she said something like "Yeah that happens... some people feel like they're going to pee themselves.  We don't tell people usually because it makes them nervous about it and it only lasts a second."


    I had no issues with it.  Don't worry about it.

  3. Helps mine.  Klonopin helps nearly everything HPPD related for me... to a greater or lesser degree.  It makes it possible for me to survive. 


    I take a tiny dose at night to help me sleep and I usually feel pretty good in the morning when I wake up for a few hours. There is a long half life on it.  12 hours I think.


    Don't take too much!

  4. Yep... stress is the biggest contributing factor to HPPD.


    My advice is to take Klonopin as needed... not on a schedule.  If you've never tried it take 0.25 mg every 6 hours as needed.  If that doesn't work you could work up to 0.5 mg every 6-8 hours as needed but I wouldn't go much beyond that as it will make your tolerance go up and lower your anxiety threshold.


    I would hold off on any other meds and focus on a more holistic approach unless you can't deal even while being on a small dose of klonopin.

  5. Sorry to hear...


    I would take the klonopin as needed short term and cease all drug use (obviously).  Take a good multivitamin and wait for your brain to heal.  SSRI's are hit or miss with HPPD but most people report an increase in symptoms.  I wouldn't go that route right off the bat personally.


    Good luck!

  6. Yes I am taking 400mg 2 times a day of magnesium glycinate so it's a fair bit for me, also glycinate is a known "relaxant" wonder if that had to do with it. I'm starting to realize it feels A LOT to me like low blood sugar as I've experienced it before. When you had the low blood sugar episode did you feel kind of confused with some head pressure and anxiety?


    Yeah I felt dizzy, confused and anxious.  Agitation is common too- and headache.  Mine's a mix of gycinate/lycinate.  I took my blood sugar at work and it was 58.  8/


    I bet that's it.  I'd back off a little on it.  800mg is a lot to start.  Maybe 400mg and a magnesium rich diet (with small, spaced out meals) would be better to start with.  I try not to eat a lot of calcium either.  There's plenty in the foods we normally eat without eating a ton of dairy, but the magnesium will balance what you do eat and you will actually absorb it from what I've read/watched.

  7. Not really... I felt a little weird... not unpleasantly so.  I felt like I was sort of "submerged" or "swimming" perceptually..  It didn't effect my thinking (in fact my cognition was better).  I guess that could be sort of interpreted as derealization but I felt better so I didn't care.  I think it's what it feels like to actually have enough magnesium in your system.  It feels kind of like a cocoon... I stopped worrying so much about my HPPD symptoms.  I would notice some perceptual glitches here and there but I had an "OK" reaction to them instead of a "Not OK!!" reaction.  It has subsided mostly or I've gotten used to it.  Not sure if that makes sense to you.


    Never had any anxiety with it... the opposite in fact.  I've hardly taken any klonopin after about 5 days in.


    Are you taking a multivitamin with it?  You should at least be taking some B complex and D to metabolize it.


    What dose are you taking?  How is your mood?  You might need to go a little slower with it.  I had a low blood sugar episode the other day so I'm staying where I'm at for now (I looked it up... apparently Mg is a very strong blood glucose regulator).


    I actually haven't felt the greatest the last couple of days, but I'm under a lot of stress right now and I got mandatory overtime a few days ago all night (which always throws me for a loop).

  8. You're feeling better... and I think you're one of the lucky ones who's HPPD will get better/subside.  That's great!


    I think when you're having really bad HPPD symptoms or a panic attack (at least for me) your brain isn't really processing memory in the normal manner.  It's processing it like it would a traumatic event.  Traumatic memory can only be experienced... not remembered.  I think you might not be remembering how "wrong" everything felt when you were having the severe HPPD symptoms (or they weren't as severe as some in the group here) or you wouldn't be posting things like this.


    Try saying these kinds of things when you're experiencing full blast HPPD like some of the people here (myself included).  You wouldn't be able to.  It's completely debilitating.

    • Upvote 7
  9. http://www.amazon.com/Doctors-Best-Absorption-Magnesium-Elemental/dp/B000BD0RT0/ref=sr_1_3?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1435896756&sr=1-3&keywords=magnesium


    That's the one I've been taking.  I take it about 20-30 minutes before I eat twice a day and before bed.  200mg each time for a total of 600mg a day.


    I also try and get a lot of magnesium rich foods into my diet and I'm thinking of ordering a topical spray for bed time. 


    I'm trying to work my way up slowly.

  10. It's says a lot of stuff I can't really sum up-


    1. We don't get anywhere near the magnesium we need... it's pretty much been farmed out of the soil.


    2. We eat a tremendous amount of calcium due to dairy farming that can't be metabolized because we don't get enough magnesium and it causes all kinds of problems


    3. Magnesium oxide found in multivitamins and supplements sucks as far as absorption is concerned (about 4% is bioavailable)


    4. It's good for a ton of ailments.


    Use your google-fu.  Seriously man all I can do is say it's helping me tremendously and encourage people to check it out. I feel I owe that to the HPPD community. Watch the video and order a good formulation.  It's a half hour of your life and a cheap supplement to buy.

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