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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. IMPORTANT RESEARCH INTO HPPD-ADVERSE VISUAL EFFECTS FROM PSYCHEDELICS HPPD stands for hallucinogenic persistent perception disorder. This is a disorder that occurs after the use of psyocactive substances, these include LSD, MDMA, marijuana, magic mushrooms,even cough medicine has been known to trigger this condition. I myself have been living with severe hppd for over 30 years. HPPD leaves a person with disturbed vision, halos and trails around lights, a feeling of depersonalization and derealization, not knowing what is real or not, everything they see is brighter and can warp and move, visual snow is very common with HPPD also. All these symptoms leave the sufferer with feeling of despair, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal and isolation , suicidal thoughts, many people with HPPD have in fact ended their life rather than endure this horrific condition. There is the chance to have a study of this condition at the Macquarie university in Sydney , lead by internationally acclaimed professor, Dr Harry McConnell. Professor McConnell has the protocol and ethic approvals to go ahead with the research. This study is vital to help people suffering now with HPPD and for those that sadly acquire it in the future. Awareness is also needed about this condition. The Macquarie study needs funding. Would you be interested in meeting with myself and Professor Harry McConnell so we could discuss more? If so, please reach out to me via direct message. Thank you for your time Kindly https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/projects/hallucinogen-persisting-perception-disorder-hppd-protocol-multimo
  2. That is awesome. Massive congratulations!!!
  3. Okk.. interesting to know.. Yeah I feel I have definite elements of OCD also.. tho in an attempt to try and distract myself from symptoms.
  4. Can severe hppd cause OCD ? Has anyone seen any cases of this? Thanks
  5. Yeah I totally understand this.. I was cut from the medication from silly doctor Yes has been exacerbated hugely since
  6. Cool sure im aware of the highly addictive nature and worse withdrawals from kpin. About four months ago I was on a very high dose of kpin / 6 mills per day. I had to do a monitored detox in hospital for four days and nights for severe withdrawals / insane cold turkey. Was taking it for for approx 1 year and 3 months though for the last four months around 6 mills per daily. Withdrawals lasted approx 6 weeks or more. Have been clean for approx 2 - 3 months though suffering very badly due to the intensity of hppd and dp. Maybe this is partly due to the trauma of abrupt withdrawal and additional high stress ? Have just started the kpin again over the past week. O.5 - 1 mil daily . No more than that. Thanks Cheers
  7. We have recently submitted our first work on HPPD to The Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry. An early preprint (already downloaded over 500 times) acknowledging the contributions of the foundation is available here: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/xeg96/ There are several other outputs in the works.
  8. It has been my intent after recently start klonopin again to follow Jays dosing skedule / on four days on 3 days off etc to not build dependence or tolerance etc However, I am finding symptoms on "off days" especially when heading to bed way to extreme, brutal and generally torturous.. like I don't know if I can do it / handle it. Generally up until 3 am engulfed in the most vivid shit you can possibly imagine.. Anyhow, a bit concerned as 1) seriously disturbed without the K pin and finding it unbearable. 2) the possibly of taking K pin more frequently to assist in managing, and do my best to not get up to a too higher dose, use it respectively as to not build a tolerance etc. I know other sufferers use it on a day to day basis.. Any thaughts ? Thankyou
  9. Absolutely mate 100 % Correct Yes I will have to stick to it proper this time. Thankyou
  10. I'm now back on K Will stick to your dosing schedule jay 1 Many thanks
  11. Hi Jay Like this new psyche prescribed me an anti psychotic that made things worse. Have stopped that. I have been completely K free for about 3 months or more with only very small amounts of V inbetween. Tho at present I'm seriously not coping.. This level of symptoms is completely F omg off the charts and would drive aneyone completely off the wall. Like this is sone seriously nasty shit and it's very concerning...it hurts so bad. Therefore.. I cannot do this anymore. I will have a session with him psychiatrist at 1 pm tomorrow and he better be be prescribing me some K... Hope this makes sense. Cheers
  12. To be honest Looking at a screen (my phone )is a "coping strategy" to try and distract myself from constant hallucinations and dp It's not effective and not healthy.
  13. Majority terrible Only one helpful one Though some help lines are very good showing true empathy and compassion
  14. Why the F can't I get treated? We all have the basic human right to medical treatment.
  15. Right now we are still doing our very best to secure funding for the Macquarie Protocol hppd study to actually find a legit treatment or cure for the condition. This is really the main priority and objective. It would be super awesome and great if part of hppdonline could be made into a funding platform to meet our desired objectives / outcomes. It is some food for thought. Please give it some thought and consideration. Thankyou.
  16. Thanks y'all I think it's making my snow much worse and thicker Also I just feel not with it today and "weird" I may stop taking it Thankyou
  17. Just seen a new psychiatrist He prescribed me LAURASIDONE A little concerned as it is the antipsychotic class (although apparently new) I guess I may have to give it a go I really hope it does not make it worse Thankyou
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