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Posts posted by SomebodySomewhere

  1. After reading the potential withdrawl symptoms from the Ashton Protocol, I'm a bit scared of this. I've been on Klonopin for around 14 years, and before that I was prescribed Ativan as-needed for general anxiety, so I've been on benzos a very long time.

    According to the Ashton Protocol site this is what I'm going to have to potentially deal with:


          Excitability (jumpiness, restlessness)
          Insomnia, nightmares, other sleep disturbances
          Increased anxiety, panic attacks
          Agoraphobia, social phobia
          Perceptual distortions
          Depersonalisation, derealisation
          Hallucinations, misperceptions
          Paranoid thoughts
          Rage, aggression, irritability
          Poor memory and concentration
          Intrusive memories
          Craving (rare)

          Pain/stiffness - (limbs, back, neck, teeth, jaw)
          Tingling, numbness, altered sensation - (limbs, face, trunk)
          Weakness ("jelly-legs")
          Fatigue, influenza-like symptoms
          Muscle twitches, jerks, tics, "electric shocks"
          Dizziness, light-headedness, poor balance
          Blurred/double vision, sore or dry eyes
          Hypersensitivity - (light, sound, touch, taste, smell)
          Gastrointestinal symptoms - (nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea,
          constipation, pain, distension, difficulty swallowing)
          Appetite/weight change
          Dry mouth, metallic taste, unusual smell
          Urinary difficulties/menstrual difficulties
          Skin rashes, itching
          Fits (rare)

    Aww fuck. Merry Christmas to me I guess :P

    Plus I can't use the Ashton Protocol, my psychiatrist won't let me.

    He wanted to have me taper off at 0.5mg every week until I screamed bloody murder, so now it's 0.5mg every two weeks.

    This is going to be unpleasant...

    It's necessary to get off this crap though. I'm definitely starting to have some bad side effects from long term use.

    I'm worried that I'll go off it and find that I still have HPPD. Given the withdrawal symptoms I think I'm going to need to remember not to think it's HPPD for at least several months after I'm completely off them, it could just be withdrawals.

    I'm also not going to go back on them if I do still have HPPD. I think the message @Fawkinchit has brought up is a good point, we need to look for a solution, not a band-aid.

    Today is day one. Bring the pain 😕

  2. I'm glad to hear you're doing so much better, that's great news.

    Some people do recover, sounds like you're one of them :)

    The weed concerns me, but I'm not your mom, you know the risks.

    In terms of the memory, did you take benzos for HPPD or are the memory problems related to HPPD?

    I'm glad you're feeling better. Whether it's technically gone or not I guess is irrelevant in a way, the fact that you're feeling well and accepting things is really what matters, as long as you're happy.

  3. Oh, I didn't know that.

    Regardless, I'd ask a doctor, it sounds like it has some serious side effects.

    I'll let someone who's actually tried it chime in.

    A drug that might help Depersonalization, that I have tried personally, is Naltrexone. I'm currrently on it for alcoholism, but I'm also noticing I now seem more "with it". I guess I've been depersonalized and I just became used to it. There's research backing up it as a treatment for depersonalization.

    I feel for you, I know how bad DP is, it's even worse than HPPD itself.

  4. Why are you interested in trying Sinemet? It's a drug for Parkinsons, but if you do have Parkinsons, I don't know, ask a Doctor.

    Here's a site that lists some possible interactions and side effects: https://www.drugs.com/mtm/sinemet.html

    Since a possible side effect is hallucinations, I have to wonder how well that would work with HPPD.

    If you're interested in taking this in order to treat HPPD, don't. It won't help.

  5. Hi,

    I can sense your frustration.

    I agree that we do need to find alternatives. SSRI's and anti-psychotics WILL make things worse, and benzos are simply an effective band-aid (I'm taking them but plan on going off of them post-Covid).


    Shouldn't drunk post.

    @Jay1Ever since the forum update we can no longer delete our own posts. Please add that back.

  6. It's possible it's HPPD, but I'd still rule other things out, especially since I'm not a Doctor.

    HPPD can go away over time, for other's it's permanent.

    I've been taking Clonazepam/Klonopin for over a decade to treat HPPD, and it works very well. It's the best treatment option in terms of effectivness at getting rid of symptoms, just understand it isn't a cure, and it's highly addictive (and dangerous to suddenly stop taking).

    If you determine it is indeed HPPD, then I would suggest Clonazepam, the lowest dose possible. You'd need to take it every day in order to get proper reflief, which is a decision that you should put a lot of thought into, as you will become addicted to it.

    I think my HPPD may be gone by now, but I don't know because Clonazpam rids me of 90% of my symptoms.

    I've met someone who had HPPD from LSD and it went away for him after 10 years. There's other people on this forum who had it for a much shorter period than that. It's definitely possible it could go away, so don't lose hope. Worst case scenario is needing to take Klonopin.

    I remember how when I first got HPPD I would think "I can't live with this, I'm going to end it". Klonopin is why I'm still here, and doing fine.

  7. Hi,

    First I'd visit a Doctor to rule out other possibilities, just to be safe.

    If you do have HPPD, there isn't a cure per-se, but there are ways of managing it, and if you search the forum you'll find accounts of people who've had it go away over time, and others that claim success with specific treatments and techniques. Minimizing stress, focusing on things you enjoy doing that aren't too visually stimulating, have a good diet, get proper vitamin intake, and obviously stay away from all drugs.

    IMO, Clonazepam is the best medication for HPPD, with the most research backing it up as a treatment option, however there are some very serious pro's and con's. It's crazy addictive, you can't stop taking it suddenly so you need to make sure you don't run out, and .25mg isn't enough to help much with HPPD symptoms. The minimum effective dose in my personal experience is 2mg, but less is better, so if you feel the need to keep using Clonazepam, start slow, and don't take more than the bare minimum you need to get by.

    I've been on Clonazepam for over 10 years due to severe HPPD and it's made life fairly manageable. However, I think my HPPD may be gone now, so I'm going to go off soon, which is the worst part about Clonazepam/benzos: you have to titrate down very slowly and the withdrawals are pretty bad.

    Don't give up hope.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I'm not so sure a headache is a common symptom of HPPD, I don't remember ever having headaches.

    You might want to visit a Doctor and rule out other possibilities. Maybe it triggered migraines? It's possible I suppose, especially Migraine with Aura, which can have visual symptoms. Epilepsy might also be possible.

    I wouldn't determine that it's HPPD yet based on the information you've given.

  9. Yes, it's possible to develop HPPD after 3 weeks after ecstasy use. It's possible after using it even once.

    Can you list every symptom you've had since then in detail?

    Are you still using any drugs, including pot?

    You've mentioned: light sensitivity, floaters, anxiety, stress, visual snow, tinnitus. Anything else? With light sensitivity, have you noticed fluorescent lights especially make things worse? Any geometric patterns on surfaces? Any motion trails?

    Right now it's important to remain free of any drugs to be on the safe side. I know this forum isn't very active, but I know I check in here once a day minimum.

    Are you currently taking any medications or herbal supplements?

  10. 4 hours ago, NickMaxon17 said:

    I dont know fs if I have hppd but I ha e expansions on surfaces and tracers on and off but its not hallucinations or anything crazy can anyone help 


    You haven't gone into enough detail.

    How long has this been going on, and did it start after one particular trip? Having read through this board, do you experience other symptoms people talk about, like depersonalization/derealization, bad anxiety?

    The more info the more we can help.

    Also, quit using weed IMMEDIATELY, if you don't, and you do have HPPD, you're going to make it much worse.


  11. 6 hours ago, Onemorestep said:

    this stuff will melt your brain

    Um, what?

    Curious what you're talking about.

    Same with "bad for people with severe methylation issues ", what do you mean (in regards to NAC)?

    You also mention genetic mutations, do you have other disorders besides HPPD?

    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but intranasal insulin? Why are you recommending that? Same with Kava: Kava can cause bad liver damage unless prepared a certain way.

  12. 8 hours ago, joanapalmer said:

    I’ve been smoking hemp/cbd only for 2 weeks..just smoked some medical cannabis.

    Yeah, we can tell you just toked: this has nothing to do with the topic...

    @rlopes I don't get that myself, but you're right, likely related to anxiety. Even if you're not actively feeling more anxious than normal, am I correct in assuming there's always some underlying level of anxiety?

  13. Update: As of yesterday I have been taking L-Theanine. I must say, unlike most herbal supplements, I'm actually noticing a pretty decent calming effect. It's too early to know for sure, but if it continues to work this well after a month of use, I think it will be time to begin slowly tapering off of my Klonopin. I've also been using California Poppy extract, which I'm also finding helpful.

  14. Double-post but I feel this is worth mentioning.

    I just took the survey, and one improvement I would suggest, if you don't mind, is having multiple options to list drugs under "Other". There are tons and tons of psychedelic drugs out there, and your list only has a handful of available options. Other than that, good work, hopefully everyone fills this out.

    If you haven't already, you should also post this on the HPPD sub-reddit.

  15. Hello,

    I'm so sorry for what has happened to your son, and what you are going through as well.

    You said he took Klonopin for a while, and it sounds like he doesn't want to take it because he's now afraid of drugs (I haven't heard the term "shark-bit" before, just guessing). Klonopin can be very helpful, especially if his symptoms are as bad as you say. I've been on Klonopin for over a decade, and while it isn't ideal, it's better than suffering constantly. I've found the minimum effective dosage to be 2mg a day, less than that isn't helpful. He'd need to be taking it every day though, and it's a very addictive drug, so it's worth weighing the pro's and con's, if he'd be willing to take it.
    If you search the medication section of this board, you'll see people have tried other medication treatments, with varying degrees of success, but I can't vouch for them.
    I have found lifestyle changes like getting enough aerobic exercise, eating healthy, and perhaps giving mindfulness meditation a try, might be helpful for you son. It's also important for someone with HPPD to avoid things like Caffeine, and obviously he needs to stay away from other drugs, especially pot, but it sounds like that's already how he feels. It's also important to avoid SSRI anti-depressants, and anti-psychotic drugs, they can make symptoms worse, sometimes permanently.

    I'm not at all surprised that out of all those specialists none have been helpful, I'm sure the majority of us here can tell you we've been through the same. There isn't a lot of research out there on HPPD, and Doctors are never trained in it.

    The best advice I can give you to help your son, is to try and understand the condition as well as possible. That's something that is a wedge between me and my parents: they don't fully understand it, which further drives frustration and depression. You came here looking for help for you son, so I have no doubt this is already the case, but it's worth mentioning that sometimes those of us with HPPD may need to vent about it, without judgement. Other times we may not want to talk about it. Perhaps finding some new hobbies for him to focus on that aren't overly visually stimulating, and are relaxing, especially if they give him a feeling of accomplishing something. One thing I find with HPPD is that I often feel "what's the point in trying, my life is basically over", but by having a goal that you can reach, it shows that you're still kicking, and you're still capable.

    The other thing that could help him, is to visit a support board such as this one. Sometimes it can just help to know you're not alone, and talking to people with the same condition can be very helpful, as unless someone has it themselves, there's only so much others can understand.

    It's also worth mentioning that some people get lucky and have it go away. I had met a Doctor for psychological testing (for different reasons, not relating to HPPD) and he confided in me, after he saw in my chart that I have HPPD, that he also had HPPD, from LSD, and after about 10 years it just went away. I don't know how common it is to go away, as there are people who still have it decades later, but it's worth holding out hope that it is possible.

    I'll try and think of other things over the course of the day.

    I'll be thinking of your son today, and you as well.

    Take care, and if you have any questions or need any advice, you can send me a PM as well, I try and get back to people as quickly as possible.

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