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Posts posted by Kellen

  1. It will work on its own. But you should use a b 12 complex too. Just good take.

    I don't know exactly how much of the mag but I mix half a teaspoon with water every morning and I have noticed a difference.

    It won't interact with anything you're taking. Well it did when I was taking keppra but that's only because the keppra really messed with my stomach.

    You'll know you've taken too much mag when you have to run to the toilet. 500mg should be fine tho

    • Upvote 1
  2. To be fair he never knew you would end up with hppd. I just look it was you got burned. Some people are lucky enough to walk away from all their drug experiences and can't comprehend how badly it can effect other people. You are certainly not entirely to blame but pointing fingers at home won't get your anywhere. If he was a true friend I think he would accept SOME responsibility and at least acknowledge that. I tuned a lot of friends onto blow. I was out of control with it and wanted everyone to be in on it. I realizes how much of an asshole I was and I have apologized. But no one has blamed me for their habits. And my apologies were always met with criticism. In the end it was your choice but it would be nice, just as a friend, for him to step up and say sorry.

  3. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Always good for the mind to get some stress taken off you.

    I was scared to go to the dentist for years. 7 years without a visit. Went a couple weeks ago expecting the worst but had no cavities. Nothing.

    I broke a tooth on a dorito about 12 years ago. I know how much it sucks getting caps put in. Root canal tho. Jesus. So glad I never experienced that.

  4. That's a good start! What kind of symptoms were you experiencing? Dosage? For how long did you take it? Any other success regarding your visuals?

    I have visual static, auras, halos, closed eye visuals, tracers, star bursts. I got the whole set!

    I was on keppra 250 mgs. I suggest giving it a shot before you try benzos. If you do try benzos do as Jay does. 3 days on 4 days off

  5. I've been on lamictal for almost a month now. Still only on 25 mg. it's been up and down with this med. there has been no improvement with visuals at all. And I do get very anxious at times. Yet I feel its helping me in other areas. I'm somewhat more positive, I have more energy and it is helping with dp/dr.

    Sorry to hear it didn't work for you. I'm not sure if I should continue on it or try something else at this point.

  6. We all suffer from hppd. It can be hell. But post some of the things that are positive or unique to you.

    Any accomplishment, hobby or activity that may bring some kind of purpose or pleasure to your life. Really interested in seeing what other people do who have hppd.

    I'll start

    I host a radio show twice a month. I force myself to do it and people actually seem to enjoy it. I used to have another show that was much better and more organized than this one. But I still make sure I go no matter how out of it I feel.

    I collect records obsessively which brings me some joy cause I love music.

    I collect VHS movies too, mostly cheesy/ horror movies

    I go to the gym once in a while and I ALWAYS feel better after

    I've started cooking more and I make food for my friends

    I occasional make "music" with my friends. But only when I'm able to do it

    I go to shows once In awhile

    I bought turntables and djayed my friends party recently

    I like to go to thrift stores, gives me something to do. Gives me a destination to reach.

    Aside from all this I'm drinking tea, on my ipad, or laying in bed.

    Please share anything positive you may have going on in your life.

  7. Ya it is nice to know I don't have to pretend when I'm with her. Or make excuses for myself. It's all honest and she gets it. She's been through the ringer with some issues herself.

    Not sure what the lamictal is doing right now. It has increased my anxiety and made it harder to stay asleep. On the other hand I'm able to accomplish more and do feel more like my old self. I've had spots of dp/dr (especially the past few days) but it hasn't been as constant as before. I think I will increase my dose to 50mg and maybe take a low dose of Prozac for the anxiety. Again it's all trial and error

  8. Been a while. Hope everyone is doing OK.

    I've been having some success with lamictal. Although lately I've been getting that deep gut anxiety pretty bad.

    Also tonight my hppd symptoms were through the roof. Which of course happened while I had a girl over. We were making out but I was feeling anxious then my mind started getting all these intrusive thoughts and the static was blinding. Was feeling totally detached. Luckily my friend who was over is really cool. She understood and we just kinda laid with each other and listened to records. She's coming over again friday and I hope I'm not a total space case this time.

    Was feeling it yesterday too. The panic and the hppd. Hope this is just a flare up cause I was doing pretty okay for a while there

    Ps I'm only taking one tab, 25 mgs a day. Should I increase the dose? What dose do people usually take?

    Peace be with you

  9. End of day 3. Lamictal hasn't cured anything but it sure makes living with hppd more tolerable. The symptoms are there but not screaming at you like before. Everything's kinda muffled. And in a way that's all I could really hope for at this point. I'm thinking of upping to dose to 50 mg and adding 10mg of Prozac. Only because last time I took Prozac I noticed a difference in libido and sensitivity. I am a single guy now so in the off chance I meet a nice girl ( well she doesn't have to be nice) I want to be able to have adequate sex, should the scenario work out that way.

    I Don't think that's too much to ask.

    But I digress. Lamictal is really helping so I suggest giving it a try.

    I'll keep this thread up to date with my progress

  10. ANY success story is welcomed here. I'm very happy for you and thank you for coming back and giving people some hope.

    I want to get to a point where I'm the one posting on here saying " hey guys remember how fucked up I was?"

    Were there any meds you took along the way that helped?

    Thanks again for sharing

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