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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/13/2013 in Posts

  1. Has anybody ever physically met a fellow hppdr? If so how was it. Did it feel weird lol. In a way it's like we've got more in common than anybody ever could. You see these folks with one in 10 million outlandish tumours meeting up and I would imagine they'd be awkward as fuck cos atthe end of the day it's just a tumour-a-like connection. They'd be two completely different people. I've been irrationally thinking the last wee while how could it would be to meet a hot hppd bird who totally got me n vice versa. In reality we'd murder each other before 6 months was up. It's so hard to explain it to potential girls you wanna get to know better though. You could keep Schtum but even if your in a good place when you meet it'd justbe a matter of time before it reared its ugly head. Nobody I've mets been strong enough. Wimps lol.
    1 point
  2. After a long time hello again So, i have Ambylopsia since my birth on the right eye, and in the recent time i noticed that when i close my good eye that my HPPD freaks out completely, espacially Micro-Macropsia and Trailing. Ambylopsia kept short means that my eye didnt learned to process information, the eye at itslef is ok. what i´m wondering is how can one HPPD have two "strenghts"? My eye is taking correct information but processing it false as it has not fully learned to process. The only problem with the eye is that i just see all blurred (In past and now), but positions, light-impressions etc. are being shown correctly. (Since HPPD, the positions etc. are correct in first frame, but after a few seconds HPPD also kills those) So, what is increasing the HPPD?? I had 2 thoughts to it: Is it the right eye that catches the information and by processing it false it increases the HPPD? Or is 5HT2a (i think i read it´s a filter) not able to process broken parts of information so it lets go the signal pass unfiltered? The differnce of the HPPD-strength compared form the left eye to the right eye are just too big to say there´s nothing influencing it :/
    1 point
  3. Ok so basically I need some nausea medicine due to the op I had and I've read this works on the seratonin system and wondered how this might effect me would it make things worse ?
    1 point
  4. Dont worry. I got issues from 2nd hand CB. I spoke with another person who had the same experience at two times and both times it took him 3-4 weeks before it got better and 5-7 weeks before baseline. My experience is the same. Took me four weeks to get functional, before that i had a lot of anx. Now i have migraines since i am starting to get better, 5 weeks post the toxic exposure. The migraines comes because i start to do things again but stil a bit fragile minded with slight visuals. Dr. Halpern adress the need to try not to focus on symptoms for a better healing progress.
    1 point
  5. Don't get discouraged about the low rate of response. We must be standing on the edge of a cliff, waiting for the sound to reach the other side. But you are not alone I have never taken more the 1mg / day for any length of time (except ramping up to 4mg for a couple weeks to see if it would affect visuals). For the most part, it doesn't affect my visuals. However, it is good for anxiety and sleep. For the most part, took only 0.5mg / day for over a year. Reducing that was actually hard, mainly sleep. I find, for better or worse, that gabapentin helps me the best ... and without it, the "pre-seizure" state is poor. Don't like depending on it. But last year mostly only took one 300mg pill a day. This year am taking 2 - 3 a day and it is a much better year. I mention Gabapentin because it seems to be useful for getting off Klonopin. There are similarities, though clearly very different drugs. I do pop 1/4 - 1/2 mg Klonopin now and then when needed, but it is truely difficult to describe the 'needed' bit - probably because after all these years, I just work with meds PRN without 'studying' it anymore (for sanity reasons). Where are you at with 'withdrawal' at this time?
    1 point
  6. This ones worrying me. Does anyone else get semi hallucinations. Kinda like the grusome faces etc that can happen when ur tryna sleep but when ur awake like this is haaard to explan. Its not a full on hallucination but a thought u can kinda see sorta pops up.
    1 point
  7. "Keep in mind, there are very few cases of permanent hppd." What? I hate to say it, but this is just plain wrong. "Most cases clear up in months but it could possibly take up to a year to recover normal vision." Again, where are you getting this from? Sources etc.? It is possible that it could clear up in months or within a year but if that was regularly the case there would be little need for this site or explanation for its popularity.
    1 point
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