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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2013 in Posts

  1. there seems to be nothing on this board for people who have or had psychosis. Is this sufficiently unrelated enough from hppd to have its own separate support, or should hppdonline reach out to these people too? Would they be interested anyway, or are they too busy dribbling into their straight-jackets?
    1 point
  2. Anyone taken that lions mane mushroom supp yet? Any good?
    1 point
  3. Hello. I'm sorry if tehre is already a thread about this, but I looked for one and didn't find one. Actually, I did not put much afford into the search, which is caused by my problem... I can't concentrate on things for a long period of time and I have no motivation to do things. I am still at school but finishing it this year, in April. So for those big last exams I need to know so many things and the exams themselves will be about 5 hours each, so therefore I need to concentrate a lot too. But for a few days I just get my ordinary homework done, but afterwards I just can't get myself to study. Of course doing homework helps too, but it's not enough, I'm afraid. So I am just sitting around, listening to music or play some computergames in which I get lost, because of dp/dr. Everything does just not work as it should be.... Anyone knows what I can do in order to get something done? It is not all about learning for school, I also don't get myself to do other senseful things. I'm not taking any medicine or stuff like that, just some Kratom from time to time, which helps me dealing with other symptoms. At 4th February there is my first important exam, 220minutes of Physics, about everything I've learned in last two years. I Don't feel like I am going to remember everything which is important. But don't get me wrong, most of the time I am not in panic about this. Just sometimes. But most of the time I'm not even having enough motivation for being afraid of getting bad grades...
    1 point
  4. Hooooooooooooly shit. Thanks David. "YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE HPPD IN YOURSELF than receiving a correct diagnosis by a clinician." So true. My Harvard trained psychiatrist attempted to, while contradicting himself at times, tell me I did not have hppd. I will try to dig into these as much as I can, as I am taking a class on the neurological basis of learning and behavior, so this might be just barely what I can comprehend. You're a knight, man. I don't know if everyone realizes it, but you are.
    1 point
  5. So i guess the obvious one next is, are you still taking the substance as part of your daily routine? If you felt completely normal i guess it would be hard to just let it go.
    1 point
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