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Hydroxyzine and DR/DP and HPPD


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My doctor prescribed me lexapro and hydroxyzine. Should I take it ?? I took shrooms almost a month and half ago and I had terrible dr/dp. So many panic attacks. The first month about I couldn’t even cook dinner. Eat well. Anything.  I could barely take care of myself. But I didn’t really experience visuals. But now it’s been 7 days I haven’t had any flashbacks and the feeling would always come and go.. even from the start. I used to smoke a lot of weed but it would make my anxiety worse so I stopped. I went to the doctor for my anxiety and this is what they gave me. 

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The longer time goes by the less frequent I have these terrible feelings. I’ve never seen visuals. Like when it comes to seeing this warp and change. I can read and no words move. But I feel like I catch myself seeing glimpses of small little circles of light and maybe some weird colors every now n then but I feel like this is when I’m focusing on hPPD and when I have bad anxiety about it. It could totally be my brain jidt playing a trick on me. 

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1 hour ago, Jayly said:

But now it’s been 7 days I haven’t had any flashbacks and the feeling would always come and go.. even from the start.

Seven days without flashbacks, on medication or without it?

Are you talking about continuing the medication or starting?

I don't think I would start taking it now if you feel fine most of the time, and your symptoms are generally mild.  I think it would likely give you major withdrawal symptoms if you start taking it now.

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9 minutes ago, jh875 said:


Seven days without flashbacks, on medication or without it?

Are you talking about continuing the medication or starting?

I don't think I would start taking it now if you feel fine most of the time, and your symptoms are generally mild.  I think it would likely give you major withdrawal symptoms if you start taking it now.

Sorry I’m still trying to figure out how to use this website. But I haven’t started the medication and I’m likely not going too. I’m just gonna tell my doctor I don’t like it and need something different. I want to bring up benzos bc that’s what I think I need and what I originally went to her for. I want them to take as needed for panic attacks and when I have flashbacks but I don’t want to seem like a crackhead trying to get drugs. I just know benzos seem to really help these situations. I’m gonna continue being drug free til I see her 

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It may be useful having the medications around for panic attacks. Some people with hppd only take medications, in the same way you are thinking about doing for panic attacks.

I probably wouldn't take them regularly if your symptoms are tolerable and improving, but for some usage for flashbacks is fine. That is what I meant to say.

Glad you are feeling better!

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