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Been ages since being diagnosed! Like 20 years

William B

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Dr Abraham put me through his tests and then after head injury do to seizure caused by Bartonella bacteria went to neurologist and he saw my brain waves are abnormal. I was on medication Klonopin, Zyprexa, some anti depressant. 

Now Klonopin, Trileptal and cymbolta(don’t mind the drug spellings). 

I have derealization like I’m seeing as though my sight changed from human to say a bird. I can’t explain it but that part doesn’t involve seeing things. 

I have light trails but not heavy anything. Lights all star out when at a distance. 
My situation started not using I was with my family and it popped. It caused major freak out and totally bonkers as I had no clue what was going on. It’s tough to say how much was Drug related vs other underlying condition. The Bartonella causes many of the same symptoms as it goes into brain. 

For new people stop the regret and every other thought that pops into your head because you hate this experience!

Its too late and now you will learn to live with it. 
Stop looking for expiration date as none exists.

Eventually time makes your old life vanish and this new one becomes normal. 

let me tell you about zyprexa as it fixed my tripping in my dream state. I use to wake right when dreaming started this caused extreme anxiety because of the delusion sensation and thought of going crazy. Zyprexa was best band aid for my sleep. It had its negatives like weight gain but stopped the crazy feeling when mixed with Klonopin. Took Zyprexa for 10 years. Scary is it is a anti psychotic with bad side effects if you get them. The new version of the drug isn’t the same so it doesn’t knock you out. During this point it would create the most powerful feeling of sleepiness. 

Klonopin stables me through my day without it my brain is over active and becomes strained and exhausted. It use to cause panic and anxiety but now I know what’s happening so I’ll lay down and deal with it till I can take it. 

im waiting to get my Klonopin filled so brain fog and becomes hard to keep writing.  

last thing you know you are not going crazy because you think about it.

My old buddy has Schizophrenia and believes gang members are hunting him down. 
First if this was true these are worst killers. If you had to and two years later you still haven’t then it’s time to get into a different career choice. Also he was on anti psychotic medication. After his mom died it went down hill. Also when he talks about it you think it’s true. He doesn’t make any changes in speech just speaks normal about it. He says know one believes him. 

Well I put as much as I could if you feel like you are loosing it. If you are loosing it I’ve been loosing since 2000. Lol 

Makes you feel better I ended up having my own family so HPPD did not ruin my life too much. Hell worked for ADT security as installer and now I work in cable industry(tv/internet). Basically customer service. 

time is your friend 






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On 9/23/2022 at 12:18 PM, William B said:

My situation started not using I was with my family and it popped. It caused major freak out and totally bonkers as I had no clue what was going on. It’s tough to say how much was Drug related vs other underlying condition. The Bartonella causes many of the same symptoms as it goes into brain. 

Wait so.... it was caused from drugs, or had a completely spontaneous random onset? I cant really tell

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