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David S. Kozin

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Individuals interested in obtaining other articles on HPPD and have a link can request them on this thread. Individuals with articles not listed and want to share can attach them to the post or if they prefer, host them on a file sharing service or ask me to post them.

I have not been on the message board for myriad reasons, and one has been unemployed for almost a year (yes. despite my resume and connections!) This is the driving force for my trip overseas. I do not have health insurance, and without adding exhaustive details I can say that over the last year inability to gain access to treatment has resulted in significant impairment. Three days ago, I have been able to obtain the required treatment and consequently facing an overwhelming amount of tasks that I now have the ability to do. This includes 10,000 e-mails, 6,000 unread, and after reducing spam, notifications, and easy to recognize garbage I still have 1,000 e-mails that contain content requiring me to read it and save or respond. About 100 would be HPPD related by my estimate.

I apologize for the high level of variability regarding: my presence and production with this web site, development of a final draft of my HPPD text, responding to e-mails, and other tasks. A keen observer of my behavior over 10 years would recognize severely impaired attention (and a person familiar with EEG readings having seen my published report would identify results in the report consistent with very severe ADD.) When treated, you have seen results including finally graduating from undergraduate school at 33 years old despite having produced graduate level publications in medical journals years prior.

This is not an excuse, but an explanation. Additionally, I have been interested in the % of population in the HPPD and DP/DPD community with significant and testable diagnosis for deficits in Attention. HPPD involves problems with information processing and DP/DPD symptoms have recently responded well to medications increasing dopamine. DP/DPD has been treated with stimulant medication in the past, but is not generalized as a treatment. Stimulant medications increase dopamine, but as many are aware have a high-rate of abuse and individuals have reported symptoms worsening with stimulants. My case is unique, and I find symptom reduction -- even if this is a subjective response to enhanced performance resulting in less attention wandering to notice visuals. I am sure to find "inability to focus on a task" a high responding item in a survey of HPPD/DPD individuals, but this does not suggest the same mechanism of ADD, but if individuals have problems focusing and performing and if you review your past and notice a disparity between your ability to complete tasks and projects with your general intellectual performance scores (for example, you were frustrated in high school because you never seemed to be able to finish homework despite a passion for education and your teachers calling you lazy because your aptitude tests indicate a significantly higher level of achievement than delivered) and you are continuing to have a problem: perhaps you should discuss this with a clinician and seek neurocognitive testing.

This completes my apology and looking forward to the future,


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I am producing a second thread with links to my extensive collection and including many more articles for DPD, research related to processes that may be involved in HPPD (but not directly HPPD related articles), and other interesting pieces. These articles are intended to individuals with an interest in the science and theory, but understand these articles are generally assuming a reader with a strong background in the sciences and not to draw conclusions and post them without a grasp on the topic.

Here is an example of a paper that would be included along with the Abstract to the paper:</p>

Functional signicance of inhibitory interactions between inhibitory interneurons in visual cortex

Vivek Khatri, Philip S. Ulinski*</span><br />


A patch of layer 1 inhibitory interneurons from turtle visual cortex was modeled in order to explore the functional roles of inhibitory interactions between inhibitory interneurons. A simulated light produced action potentials in the neurons with latencies of 37}52 ms. Blocking GABA1 receptor-mediated inhibition resulted in doublets of action potentials in many cells and increased the range of spike latencies to 37}69ms. Inhibitory interactions between inhibitory cells may serve to produce a strong and temporally focused inhibition of pyramidal cells and to regulate the occurrence of spike doublets that are thought to be important in generating synchronous oscillations in cortex.

I will advise users when this directory is available. I will also include the general DPD articles from this group in the general group and update my original list above.

Best wishes,


Edited by David S. Kozin
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Hooooooooooooly shit. Thanks David.

"YOU ARE MORE LIKELY TO CORRECTLY DIAGNOSE HPPD IN YOURSELF than receiving a correct diagnosis by a clinician." So true. My Harvard trained psychiatrist attempted to, while contradicting himself at times, tell me I did not have hppd. I will try to dig into these as much as I can, as I am taking a class on the neurological basis of learning and behavior, so this might be just barely what I can comprehend.

You're a knight, man. I don't know if everyone realizes it, but you are.

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I have so many articles named fulltext(x).pdf where x is any value from NULL to 400 or so. Additionally, many of the articles download with a number sequence. I am working through the articles and placing them in appropriate category/etc not only for this purpose but for a project.

I have completed an audio version of my HPPD plan I wrote, and working that with programs to break it up into sections and put it up on the visiondisorders.org web site.

- dk

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