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Black Dot at Side of Eye? (Bigger when I blink)

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Hey everyone,

I have had HPPD for like 3 months now, and I was just wanting to know if anyone knew what this was? I have discovered a black dot at the left side of my left eye. (The very far peripheral, i can't really make it out to well unless I blink) and I was wondering if this was related to HPPD? or if anyone has experienced this too? if i look forward and then blink a lot, I can see it gets bigger then fades away. I do overthink tremendously so i don't know if it is maybe just my eyelashes? or if i'm looking at the inside my eye and thinking its in my feild of view? or maybe its just the crease of my eye that i'm seeing?? anyway i'm quite scared because when i look it up i find sites for retinal detachment, and that scares me becasue i can only see out of one eye. if anyone could give me an answer to calm my nerves that would be great.


PS. i'm going to the opticians soon to get it checked out. 

PSS. I also have autism so i am hypersensitive. 

Edited by Tistik
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