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Hey guys, lately things have been getting worse for me. I have had HPPD for about 8 months now and by months 4 and 5 I thought I had it under control. I have been drug free since month 2, and for the past 5 weeks things have been getting progressively worse to the point where today and yesterday were probably the worst things have ever been for me HPPD wise. I can't get the HPPD off my mind and its making me so anxious. I feel hungry, but I can't eat it don't know if this has anything to do with the HPPD. Worst of all the techniques that used to help me cope have not been working very well. Has something like this happened to anyone else? if so how did you cope with it?

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Thanks for the input LS-Me, I'm starting to think that maybe some sort of mild flu is bringing some of these terrible feelings. Have you yourself had any problems with sickness making things worse? The past 2 weeks have been awful and they feel like an eternity. I'm just holding on for dear life that things will stop progressing each day, but it seems like as the days go by things slowly get worse. Has anyone else experience anything like this with any sickness? or at all?

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I got sick when things werent really bad for me at all, just slightly annoying and it made my eyes have that oily film on them and itch alot and i could barely keep them open or go for more than 30 seconds without rubbing them, but that was about it...NAC and vitamin c should help you kick it, i got the flu vaccine too just in case

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Hey wolf, is there anything in your personal life thats changed negatively recently? For me my physical symptoms get better if im happier or way worse if i get sad/bummed out/frustrated. I used to blame everything negative on my hppd but its not true before hppd i have had bad days sometimes weeks as well, with hppd tho you can keep blaming hppd even for stuff that would be there even if you could percieve everything normally and you can fall in a frustrated anxious trap. (I fall in it quite often). For me what works is meditating and asking myself "What am I really anxious about? Is it that everything is feeling messed up right now? Is it that i fear i wont be able to have a normal life? Or is it "Im having a fight with a friend" "Im having relationship troubles" "Im worried with hppd i wont be able to maximize my career?" Remember hppd cannot hurt you or limit you. Only you can.

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Thanks a lot for the input Lee, I haven't really had a big change in my life at all which is kinda why I was freaking out about some of my symptoms getting worse. I do think though that I am dwelling on this shit way too much. I have been trying to think that it can't hurt me which works pretty well, but sometimes my anxiety makes me forget that and starts going off.

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Sickness actually changes the neurotransmitter balance in the brain. So not only do you feel back from flu symptoms - brain function actually is altered some.

There is a recent flu going around that affects moods unusually hard. Some have reported feeling suicidal from it. Kind of unusual. But this all should pass as the weeks go by.

There are reports from some that their visual symptoms change when they have a fever. http://hppdonline.com/index.php?/topic/322-body-temperature-and-visual-symptoms

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Hey don't worry. The main thing to avoid is having a vicious anxiety cycle where you start thinking things are getting worse, and then you start to freak out and obsess about it, and that, in turn, makes thing seems so much worse and so you start obsessing about it even more. It's a really common loop for anyone with anxiety in general, and for anyone with HPPD, in particular. Things do "objectively" get better and worse in the short term. Some days visuals are worse than others, some days we just don't feel as good mentally as we do during others. But your best bet is to stay above these changing currents to the extent possible and just trust that the unusually bad spells will pass.

These spells are the worst when there's no real reason for them that you can identify -- like what you're going through now. But just trust in the kind of terrible, but reassuring, predictability and repetitiveness of HPPD that things don't just start permanently getting worse all of a sudden.

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Thanks Visual and ComfortablyNumb. My visuals and DP/DR are still pretty bad and getting slowly worse, but I have gotten my anxiety under control. The anxiety is really the worst symptom because it makes you so much more aware of everything else. Today and yesterday I was very relaxed even when my visuals were pretty bad so at least in that aspect things are getting better.

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Noticed that some people report symptoms peek in 2-3 months. There are a rare few that their symptoms didn't even start for 5-6 months. Most seem to start within days or from a 'trip' that never left.

The original problem didn't affect me for a couple days each time. As I got 'sensitive' to it, it would start to affect visuals in 15-20 minutes. If I got away from the cause, things would correct in 2-3 days at worse. However, if I didn't get away from the cause, the problem would slowly progress and peek at about 3-4 weeks, then remain at that level.

Some have visuals affected by anxiety but emotions have never changed my symptoms.

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