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Can you eloborate Why its not good? Because of the risk of memory loss?

I was told I can go do it, yes im alittle afraid, then again a brainreset is something which sounds sweet.


Yep because memory los and its take a lot sesions wich can be exausted and its posible geth no results buth its medical aproved so you can go for a shot

If you have a healty life style and dont recover from depression then i should go for a shot


Hah trip in to hell. That is how they did it ages ago. Search some more for ect on YouTube.

Ive read that ect also helps People with parkinsons and other mental disorders.

Umit I agree with you. My lifestyle is boring the only things I do I smoke alot and take an snri and a little bit benzo. Besides that nothing, no alcohol or drugs.

I can.imagine its exhausting, but it does work for depression which exhauses too.

The only thing is hppd is a whole other story then a depression and it might get iversable worse, thats Why I ask here.


Buth whats the point of doing it if you dont change your life style you wil be same after a time and they dont have experience with hppd patients i gues


it might be approved but not everything approved is good for us...no one here can tell you how it would affect hppd nor how it affects you...so you can only find it out for yourself but i can not recommend doing it...choose wisely...

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