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HPPD from cannabis only


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I'd like to preface my story by mentioning that ever since I was a little kid, I've had lots of HPPD symptoms before doing any drugs. The first one I noticed was visual snow. i wasn't born with it, but it developed when I was probably about 5. I actually thought it was normal. I also started seeing CEVs, with big splotches of bright colors moving around in my vision after closing my eyes for long enough. Then when I was maybe about 13 I started developing mild palinopsia. I never saw afterimages per se, but if I darted my eyes somewhere, and they happened to pass by a light, I would see a long trail of the light. There were a few other symptoms but they were pretty mild.


About a year ago, I first started smoking cannabis a few times a month (not synthetic). It's the only psychedelic I've ever done. For the first 6 months or so I had no problems at all. One night though, I got much higher than usual. I don't know exactly how many hits I took, but even my friend who was an experienced smoker admitted to being really high. After I came down, I was driving home and I noticed some trails or afterimages along the white lines on the street. I could see that something had changed about my vision as time went on, but it was really mild. I would see more afterimages than usual and was more sensitive to light. I ignored it and attributed it to being a coincidence. I smoked a few more times, but in small amounts, and it never got worse. Convinced that the weed didn't cause it, I decided to get really stoned again just to see what would happen, and sure enough the palinopsia got much worse. I now saw true afterimages after looking at anything, even if it wasn't very bright. The afterimages lasted about one second. I felt very depressed but eventually got used to it.


Now here's where you'll stop feeling sorry for me. 3 months after the last episode, I decided to try smoking in a very low dose again. Since I didn't have any problems with the lower doses before, I figured it might be okay. I only took about 5 hits or so and the palinopsia did get a little worse. The afterimages are more intense and easier to induce. Also, my visual snow has noticeably gotten worse. It's been about two weeks.


Needless to say I've learned my lesson now, but it does suck because I'd honestly like to continue smoking, but I guess I can't take any more chances. Migraines run in my family, so I have a feeling that this is an underlying migraine problem that's just been exacerbated by the weed. I've been seeking treatment from a neurologist (although I didn't tell him this was from a drug). He prescribed me Topamax which I tried briefly and experienced no results from. I don't like that drug because it messes up my cognitive function so much. That's the extent of my treatment thus far. I decided to join the forum after learning that this was HPPD. I hope I can get back to my old normal one day.

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You should consider youself lucky if you just got this from weed. I don't know what marijuana-induced HPPD is like, but I'm guessing it's much less severe than HPPD derived from more hardcore drugs. Not trying to downplay your suffering or anything -- we're all here together -- but I just think it's good you've caught this before it gets really terrible. You should definitely stop smoking pot immediately. I know it's tough being a teenager with peer pressure and the desire to fit in, but you're now talking about your longterm health that's in jeopardy. The more drugs you do, the worse your HPPD will get -- even if you don't notice it right away. If you ever want your vision to be back where it was before smoking pot you need to stop, simple as that.

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I am stopping, and I have thought about how lucky I am. If I'm this sensitive to the most mild psychedelic imagine what taking LSD would have done. It's good I discovered that I have this problem without ruining my entire life. It's still a pretty tough break though :(

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