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fuck this. I don't deserve this shit. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. i just started feeling super weird about 30 minutes ago. This is almost impossible to describe. None of this feels real. There is something else controlling me while I watch myself from 3rd person point of view. I see a different person when I look in he mirror. I think it's time


By "I think it's time", I meant that I started thinking that it was time to kill myself. I have become suicidal again but now I started thinking if I kill myself, the dp/dr and HPPD would probably follow me to heaven. I am feeling very weird and unreal. Dp/dr is very bad now and I am currently trying to get my parents to take me to the doctor so I can get Keppra prescribed


i know exactly what you are talkiing about saying you are afraid it will follow you...thats typically resulting from severe dp/dr (dpd)..its a feeling of being coursed and forced to experience this nightmare over and over again..when i was at my worst with dp/dr (dpd) i was even afraid that i have to live again and again and all these lifes will be like this nightmare forever and i can not die which is a very painful and torturing awareness..but it wont happen..its just in your head ..its a sign of a mind exhausted by anxiety (dp/dr is an anxiety symptom since it is a protection mechanism of the brain to avoid any further traumatic experience)


the fear of death is nothing else than the thought of not having had enough experience in life...if you think of it for a while..what should happen..what is so scary about dying..is it physical pain ?, the thought where you will go to?...no...there is no reason to be afraid of death other than you had an unfullfilled life...thats why wise people dont fear death...they had enough experience in their lifes and are ready/prepared to die to change into another level of existence..

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