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i started taking serrapeptase to see if it could help with my stiff legs.  It seems so far to be the most successful supplement for keeping my brain clear.  Not sure why, perhaps its anti-inflammatoryness, or removing protein fragments that are clogging my brain.  Felt quite out of it yesterday despite feeling lighter - a bit like detox.  Only been on it 3 days so will see how it goes.  


The stuff i bought was quite strong - 250000iu and is quite expensive (i bought 250 vitacure pills from ebay for about £50).  You take one or two pills per day.

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Very interesting, thanks for reporting this. Maybe its due to dying out of the bacteria? When I did fasting few times, there comes a moment of mental clarity, i guess its due to the digestive system clearing out and maybe the improvement of bacterial flora.


How do you feel so far?


I will be collecting all info I come across about this supplement in this note: http://www.evernote.com/l/AbQAEW4m1-hOdqA5nqle9fAk84vUplJqxPU/

  • Info:
It is used as dietary supplement and appears to be safe. 
Serrapeptase is a proteolytic (protein destroying) enzyme from bacteria native to the digestive system of silkworms. It is the enzyme responsible for dissolving a silkworm’s cocoon.

Traditionally, serrapeptase has been used for its anti-inflammatory properties. Today, it is marketed as a joint health supplement.

Serrapeptase has been found to have the ability to liquefy mucus and reduce bacterial biofilms (reducing bacteria’s ability to stick to surfaces and each other). This means serrapeptase may be able to reduce phlegm buildup, nasal discharge, lung symptoms of cystic fibrosis and help other compounds fight bacteria. Additional research is needed to confirm these effects.
  • Used for migraines
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