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Neverending Headache

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So I know I've touched in this before, but has/does anyone on here suffer from a chronic daily headache??

I find that my visuals are getting worse every week and I have a headache that hasn't gone for 5 months.

I am torn between calling my condition HPPD or visual snow/persistent migraine.

Funny thing is, I haven't really had the static until just the past week or so. My main issue is worsening negative afterimages.

Any input is appreciated, especially with suggestions on treating the headache.

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ok man...all too often i had to deal with these stupid migraines and everytime for 5 days in a row or so...since my hppd is gone and i have only slight dp/dr left, i dont get migraine anymore


things that helped me:

° valerian - gave little relief of anxiety, insomnia, dp/dr and sometimes even migraines

° opium - gave me good relief of migraines,dp/dr,depression,anxiety and other pain (find your dose through microdosing)

° tramal - gave great relief of migraines,dp/dr,depression,anxiety and other pain (find your dose through microdosing)


hope these things will help you..for me they did..i know what its like..hang in there and all the best for you 

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