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i found another sophomore with hppd at my school, everything he described matches it and he definitly isn't having a fun time with it. This makes me mad because this shit is so common that you'd think we would have a lot of research into it by now

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i think tell  him not read these forums because unless hes an independent thinker he will get scared by what everyone says... HPPD isnt debilitating(mostly) but anxiety and depression and depersonalization are. 


yeah i met a junior at school and he didnt like it either, its helpful to have a friend with hppd who is willing to talk about it

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It's definitely more common but the difference is severity and how people react. It's a spectrum where some find it mildly annoying while others are socially and cognitively disabled by it but calling it uncommon or rare is criminal. If anything it is neglected.

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