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So I took LSD about two months ago and experienced extreme depression and anxiety after a bad trip. It gets a little better everyday but I still experience DP and DR. The only visuals I have are visual snow and a slight tint of purple or green. I am a college student and sometimes I have small panic attacks in class were I get really hot and have shortness of breathe but it's not bad enough to where I make scene or need to leave the room. Every time I smoke weed my anxiety comes back super hard and it feels like it takes a few weeks for me to get over it. I've had a continuous headache for about a month now and that makes it very hard to sleep. Life kinda sucks right now but I'm dealing with it pretty well.

Before my bad experience I was thinking about getting screened for ADD because my brother and father have it and I believe that I do too. I've always been very distracted and it has always been hard to do school work but I was smart enough to get away with it in high school. Now that I'm in college it is a lot harder to finish my work and develope good study habits. And now that this HPPD has been affecting my life I am very worried because I keep getting distracted by my DP, DR and visuals which causes more anxiety and panic attacks.

Does anyone think I should try to get a prescription for adderall? Or do you think it would make me more anxious and depressed like weed does? It's hard to try to fight this HPPD, ADD and college at the same time. This is my first post and I'm still getting used to this so any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!!

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I would recommend getting an anti-seizure medication rather. Keppra, Lamictal or something of the kind.

It will clear up much of the DP/DR, and help the cognitive work.

Also, you can not use any type of hallucinogens or cannabis again.

You have only had your symptoms for two months, which means you have a really good chance to recover!

To the question of CNS stimulants (ADHD meds): they aggrevate HPPD really much.

But it's possible to use them if you have an effective anti-seizure medication prior to getting CNS-stims.

I have diagnosed ADHD and HPPD, and use both Concerta (methylphenidate) and Keppra. Got Keppra a year before Concerta.

Got the antidepressant Wellbutrin (it's actually a substituted amphetamine), some years before Keppra.

During the adjustment period of that med, I had serious visuals. Like I was semi-tripping. Melting walls and detailed colorful CEV:s etc.

But then I got Keppra and after that Concerta. Concerta packs a lot more punch than Wellbutrin, and I thought; if Wellbutrin can aggrevate so much, what can Concerta do?

But I got no aggrevation at all to my surprise, I later found out that Keppra stabilized the surge of neural activity which Concerta causes.

In other words, never use an CNS stimulant without having a stable anti-seizure medication before, when you have HPPD.

The symptom aggrevation is unbearable..

It's basically the same principle as they use when they medicate coexisting ADHD and Bipolar. To get optimal effects without risks, they use both a CNS-stim and anti-seizure.

It can be a frustrating situation to have so much to do and getting HPPD on top of it, and having a jittery ADHD brain, messing all up. A lot at once..

You should keep studying, and quit the drugs.

See a doctor and get properly diagnosed.

If you need meds; get an anti-seizure med first of all. Keppra IMO.

Avoid the CNS-stims until you have a diagnosis in your hands. They are really beneficial for ADHD, but not nice for HPPD (at least not without anti-seizure stabilization)..

This process can take a long time to get right, maybe even years.

And remember, you might recover entirely if you quit the drugs!

Hope what I've written makes some kind of sense.. :-)

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I think stimulants are the worst thing you could try... aside from more LSD...


I think you should treat your anxiety.  That's what's causing you to not be able to focus.  I can relate to your story a lot... I did the same thing when I first got HPPD... went and got tested for ADHD and everything.


If I were your doctor, knowing what I know about HPPD, I would give your brain time to heal and put you on some Klonopin short term to deal with the anxiety.  Your HPPD is so new you don't want to start treating it with heavy psychotropics yet IMO.


Good luck... your symptoms seem mild and have a good chance of clearing up on their own.


I would cut out the weed for a while and take care of yourself.  Hope you get this message in time to think about this stuff.. I think the odds of your regular doctor putting you on ADD meds or anti-convulsants are pretty slim without a neurology consult or some testing.

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Gott snack!

It makes me a bit worried about my brain health when i was off all my meds to do a Qeeg and when i popped the Keppra 750mg right after the test knocked out for 14 hours. The days before i slept like two hours/night due to the over active brain while off meds.

I would recommend getting an anti-seizure medication rather. Keppra, Lamictal or something of the kind.

It will clear up much of the DP/DR, and help the cognitive work.

Also, you can not use any type of hallucinogens or cannabis again.

You have only had your symptoms for two months, which means you have a really good chance to recover!

To the question of CNS stimulants (ADHD meds): they aggrevate HPPD really much.

But it's possible to use them if you have an effective anti-seizure medication prior to getting CNS-stims.

I have diagnosed ADHD and HPPD, and use both Concerta (methylphenidate) and Keppra. Got Keppra a year before Concerta.

Got the antidepressant Wellbutrin (it's actually a substituted amphetamine), some years before Keppra.

During the adjustment period of that med, I had serious visuals. Like I was semi-tripping. Melting walls and detailed colorful CEV:s etc.

But then I got Keppra and after that Concerta. Concerta packs a lot more punch than Wellbutrin, and I thought; if Wellbutrin can aggrevate so much, what can Concerta do?

But I got no aggrevation at all to my surprise, I later found out that Keppra stabilized the surge of neural activity which Concerta causes.

In other words, never use an CNS stimulant without having a stable anti-seizure medication before, when you have HPPD.

The symptom aggrevation is unbearable..

It's basically the same principle as they use when they medicate coexisting ADHD and Bipolar. To get optimal effects without risks, they use both a CNS-stim and anti-seizure.

It can be a frustrating situation to have so much to do and getting HPPD on top of it, and having a jittery ADHD brain, messing all up. A lot at once..

You should keep studying, and quit the drugs.

See a doctor and get properly diagnosed.

If you need meds; get an anti-seizure med first of all. Keppra IMO.

Avoid the CNS-stims until you have a diagnosis in your hands. They are really beneficial for ADHD, but not nice for HPPD (at least not without anti-seizure stabilization)..

This process can take a long time to get right, maybe even years.

And remember, you might recover entirely if you quit the drugs!

Hope what I've written makes some kind of sense.. :-)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Im in the same predicament as you are in terms of psychology . 


im 19. (all of us seem to get hppd young since we arent fully mentally secure)...


I have ADD plus ADHD. At least i am pretty sure that I do. I match every single criteria for it.



Ok, ADD people have low blood brain levels. so weed temporarily increases it then decreases it the next day. read my other thread about this . but its especially hard for ADD becuase our natural low blood brain. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I managed HPPD and ADD quite well while I was on Lamictal and Wellbutrin. I guess an anti-seziure medication is a must before starting any cns stimulants.

Now that Wellbutrin is no longer available in my country (and I cannot get a prescription for concerta, adderall or that kind of stuff), I am trying out a combination of Lamictal and Modafinil... My concentration isn't that bad on Mondafinil, but I feel quite lethargic and sometimes have heart palpitations so I might stop using it.

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i wouldnt trust stimulants b/c worsening HPPD symptoms personally... plus keppra causes irratable effects i heard? that combined with stimulants would be irritable x irritable .. idk, sounds sketchy to me. 



Green tea caffiene free may be the best bet I can think of. increases focus, deceases anxiety. win-win for ADHD/ADD whatever, idk the difference. 


but meditation and especially EXCERSIZE are seriously beneficial for the negative ADHD symptoms. 



I find ADHD as a gift. They think Leonardo Da Vinci and Einstein had it ... Einstein's teachers percieved him as lazy lol. 



idk, i dont see myself going to college lol. trying to be an entreprenuer



But when I did use stimulants, I could focus on mundane tasks like Spanish homework for like 8 hours straight without getting bored. Like 8 hours would pass sooooooooo fast, would be focused the whole time ... kind of a fucked up drug Tbh in my opinion.. cuz its like tweak.


last time I took it to study for finals, I stayed up for 3 days straight, tweaking on the second day during school was high on weed, went to nurse lol tweaking muscle spasms too. Ended up having panic attack with high heart rate, called 911 lmao ............ only 20 mg adderall no tolerance.. im sensitive to drugs.. ...

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Well, tbh I don't think that ADD is a gift at all. Not being able to complete any important mental tasks just because of the lack of focus, not being able to follow a conversation for more than a couple of minutes without distrupting... which means I cannot follow most conversations because I'm usually too shy to distrupt, so over the years I developed skills to look as if I'm listening, most people think that I'm a very good listener lol.

Yes it is a sign of an overly active mind and can be related to higher intelligence, but what's the use if you can't put it to work?


When I was studying for the university enterance test (quite a big deal in my country and a lot harder than the SATs actually) I was taking Gingko Biloba (regulates the blood flow in brain) extract and fish oil capsules regularly and drinking red bull while studying. Don't know if it really worked or if it was just placebo, but I got very good results. (this was before hppd)

Also alternating study with physical exercise helps a lot. During that time I was usually just studying for half an hour, then did some juggling practice for 15 minutes, then started studying again. Repeating this cycle for 5-6 hours for 3 months got me a great scholarship in one of the best universities in the country.


Then I couldn't go to classes because of my depression, while I was depressed I couldn't manage ADD anymore, then HPPD kicked in, and I lost the scholarship lol.

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damn dude im sorry to hear that. 


wow juggling haha sick, ive always wanted to learn that. i agree that it helps focus



I think that in ADHD, its like swapping executive functions(memory, sequence), for creativity. so in University or something yeah Ide see it as a problem.


I just graduated high school barely lol. depression and hppd problems I barely passed lol. didnt do a shred of work hardly last year lol, copied. and aced tests.


funny cuz last year i got an A in Physics without doing homework, and an A+ in algebra 2, but failed Spanish twice and copied  my way thru ....... lol damn flash cards 

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