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So I have noticed that at night I have some starbursting and it happens when I'm driving especially looking at traffic lights, street lights and headlights on cars....the light looks like it's expanding and rlly bright going across my visual field.

All this happened just from being around second hand meth smoke from a guy I was sitting around...man hppd sux :(

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Haha, no I'd never indulge in meth, but my addictive personality got the better of me and led me to binge on Adderall whilst studying for finals last semester, and I've essentially baselined in regards to my symptomology; at least I'm vehemently committed to never abusing a mind-altering substance again. It instilled the beauty of sobriety into me again, but I'm a fucking cognitive wreck. Might as well as smoked some ice with the amount I ingested, considering ampthethamine just lacks a methyl molecule, and is virtually structurally identical to methamphetamine. :P

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Yeah, I initially contracted it in July 2011 after a nightmarish/ethereal trip off of three hits of pure LSD. I was relatively experienced with psychedelics at the time, but grossly underestimated the potency of those blotters! Klonopin ameliorated the majority of my symptoms, including cognitive defects literally overnight. I had 11 months of sobriety then relapsed on cannabis with a vengeance, which inevitably led to my short lived Adderall binge two years later.

In regards to it amplifying my HPPD, I've essentially baselined with an entirely new visual perception; it's surreal as fuck and literal déjà vu, lol. I am thankful for being so flagrantly irresponsible, because my path of living an apathetic, addictive lifestyle was destructing everything around me, and now I can truly confront this insidious illness once and for all.

Did your cognitive impairment manifest immediately after your Ibogaine flood?

P.S.- You have my deepest sympathies for locating a seemingly tangible cure for your DR, that catalyzed your HPPD. Unbeknownst to me at the time, I also suffered intermittent phases of DR when traveling or entering unfamiliar buildings, etc. all pre-HPPD and drug use/abuse. I actually started smoking cannabis to cure it; the irony, right?!?!?

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Fuk that!! U took 3 hits of LSD .?? But why !?? Lol

Benzos onky make my hppd worse ...in fact all drugs do :(

What u r describing sounds like derealization ? Is that what ur experiencing ...the surreal déjà vu vision ? Everything feels fake and like cartoon vision

Yeah I got cognitive impairment immediately after my ibogaine flood....I got blank mind, total anhedonia, inability to process shit at all and basically a brain that just no longer worked

Yeah I had the worst luck :( I fuking hated dr so much it was so awfull ....dr is fkn creepy tho I'm glad I don't have it anymore but of course hppd is much worse in a different way :(

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The feeling of invincibility associated with youth, and I was no neophyte to LSD; I presumed one additional hit wouldn't be that dramatic of an increase in a hallucinogenic experience, haha. I didn't comprehend the difference between "acid" which is typically adulterated and pure LSD at that epoch, either......Yeah, I've had DP/DR ever since that harrowing trip over three years ago; my Adderall trip amplified it greatly, and left me with cognition that feels equivalent to suffering a severe TBI. I'm going to postulate with time and effort your cognition will improve to virtual pre-Ibogaine treatment levels.

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The cognitive dysfunction is the worst shit ...but I also despise dp I guess coz I has dp for 7 years before I got hppd...but now my dp perception is 20 times more fuked with hppd

I rlly rlly want my cognitive functions back I'm sick of feeling like a fuking retard

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