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Trails are still getting worse 16 months in.

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I've had HPPD for 16 months now.  I've cut out all recreational drugs, caffein and alcohol.  I keep a steady sleep schedule, take vitamins/magnesium and exercise regularly.  I consider myself lucky because many of my symptoms have improved and/or disappeared.  However, my trails and after images continue to get worse and worse, month by month.  It started with vague negative after images, then strong negatives, then positive trails on lights/LEDs, now I get strong positive trails on everything.  This is the only symptom that really freaks me out.  Has anybody else had this big of an issue with ever-increasing trails?  Do I need to worry about it continuing to get worse to the point that I can't read or drive?  Any suggestions on how to manage this?



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trailing is one of the symptoms i started to notice later on, about 4-5month in. its not severe as in it fades in less than a second but anything that moves basically has trails if i focus on it through my peripheral vision. so even my hand will produce trails 100% of the time. 

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Just an update.  A month later and it still seems to be progressing.  Very annoying.  I'm trying Natural Calm magnesium which seems to be helping, along with some meditation and relaxation exercises, but the trails behind moving objects seem much longer now than ever.  I just wish this symptom would stabilize.  

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