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It's been two years. A situational update.


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Some of you might remember me since i was fairly active about a year or so ago. It's good to see some familiar faces.

Anyhow, i'm just checking in and saying hi! I haven't been active lately since i don't feel like i need to, in my opinion i've won the fight with hppd and it took almost two years. Safe to say, it's far from gone and i still have all imaginable visual symtoms, the only symtoms i lack now would be dp/dr and thank fuck for that. Although they have 0 impact on my life anymore, i can function like any other human. I work six days a week and exercise when i have the time for it and i hang out with friends so my life's all good.

I just want to say that if you're new to hppd, the only thing that can make a difference is yourself. It's too late for regret and what's done is done. You are still in control of your life although it might not feel like it if you're impaired due to anxiety and whatnot. The world is your oyster, you just have to open it and dare to see what's inside.

Take care you all.

Best regards,


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Hey man.


I've definitely seen your name whilst lurking older threads and your posts have been useful to read! Awesome to hear that you're doing so well, I think hearing success stories like yours are crucial for us still in the depths of it to become success stories ourselves. Mind if I ask what your symptoms were like at their worst? Particularly, how severe your DP/DR was? How long it lasted? How quickly it faded and whether anything in particular caused it to do so? Etc. etc.? Without DP/DR and its suite of comorbid symptoms I'd be able to live pretty happily/normally and I'm sure a lot of others would say the same.


Thanks a bunch for popping in.

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That is wonderful to hear morbide :-) I hope you go on to live a successful and fulfilling life. Im well on my way to "recovery." Hopefully I can be just as happy as you in the near future. Most of my visuals I dont care about anymore. Im not afraid of dp/dr anymore, so thats starting to fade. There is really only one symptom holding me back at the present moment. With any luck, either the symptom will fade, or I will get used to it. Best wishes!

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Hey man.


I've definitely seen your name whilst lurking older threads and your posts have been useful to read! Awesome to hear that you're doing so well, I think hearing success stories like yours are crucial for us still in the depths of it to become success stories ourselves. Mind if I ask what your symptoms were like at their worst? Particularly, how severe your DP/DR was? How long it lasted? How quickly it faded and whether anything in particular caused it to do so? Etc. etc.? Without DP/DR and its suite of comorbid symptoms I'd be able to live pretty happily/normally and I'm sure a lot of others would say the same.


Thanks a bunch for popping in.

When i was at the worst peak which was a couple of months after i got hppd all my symtoms were just horrible, everything i looked at kept warping and i had multi-colored visual snow, afterimages were severe aswell i mean i could look at a streetlight and still see a green blob burnt in on my eye for almost 15 minutes. Dp/dr was a bitch, i felt like my head was empty but atvthe same time an angry badger was going mayhem inside of my skull, i got stuck in deep thought-loops and whatnot. Man i could barely think during that period. After a couple of months i got so annoyed and pissed about hppd so i decided to encounter the dp/dr by exposing myself to it (a concept i learned while going to the shrink for amxoety) i could lay down on the sofa and just let it get to me and get me in it's claws and during my worst episodes i realized that it's just like amxiety, not dangerous at all and nothing to fear. I started to stop paying attention to the dp/dr feelings and feeding it with energy. And after a couple of months it was just gone!

That might've been a blurry chunk of text, oh well!

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