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Intense Meditation Reduced Visuals


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So I learned a meditation technique where you inhale for a count of ten, then exhale for a count of ten. You repeat this cycle fifty times. After I did this I found tha my trails were almost non existent. As well as my positive after images. My depersonalization was also markedly improved. I think there may be someting to this. What do you guys think?

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How long did the remission last? 


Meditation is beneficial in many ways.


It relaxes tension, more oxygen to the brain/body/blood/etc, emotional relief, massages your organs,  and many more. A quick google search on "benefits of deep breathing" showed me those. 


Nice to see that it helped, i will try this! ty

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I'd supposed the kinetics of breathing with your abdomen instead of your diaphragm, could somehow affect other organs. 
I'd imagine that because the parasympathetic system would eventually kick in, that blood flow to intestines etc. would increase, thus deep breathing may be beneficial to other organs as well.But "massaging" is a bit vague.

Anyway, no doubt meditation can help. For me personally, I breathe shallow and irregular (ever since HPPD.. strange), so meditation can be an annoying reminder that my breathing is impaired.

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if i need to answer that question for you chris then it shows a lack of understanding of how the body works... let's see.. organs.. throughout the human body. use something called oxygen as well as other.. lets call them minerals and chemicals.. increased  bloodflow <gasp> increases the oxygenation of organs and improves efficiency and helps stimulate immune system. 


how does that help hppd.. well maybe having a healthy body and healthy organs is necessary to you know.. get healthy. it doesnt hurt that increasing your control over your mental processes, may help mitigate the you know.. mental issues.. caused by hppd.


maybe instead of asking me to explain it and having a seeming dislike to anything meditation related you could read some of the 1000's of books and studies on meditation. and maybe, if you still dont care about it, you can stop commenting in threads written by people and responded to by people who do care and are interested in it. 

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I asked how it helps "exercise" internal organs and how, if it does, this would help with problems of excitation in the brain. Maybe it would, but your explanation seems far too vague and speculative. Also, if it does help with this why would someone who has practiced meditation for fourteen years or whatever still have visual and cognitive problems and need to use this forum. Sounds a bit like you're flogging a dead horse. And for the record, I do not have a dislike for anything meditation-related.

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bull.. every thread i've seen that mentioned meditation since i started posting her ends up with some snarky comment from you. again. if you need an explanation pick up a book and stop acting like you have anything worth saying on the matter. you're putting words in my mouth again when i've already been through this with you, but you werent "satisfied" with my explanation and probably still insist i have some agenda you've made up in your paranoid mind.. i've been doing the meditation that i've been doing less than 6-7 years. i've improved my issues leaps and bounds over where i was then and that improvement has been due to meditation. if you dont like it well sorry, but go screw yourself and stop this need to prove me wrong somehow. 

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Well, that was constructive. Do you recommend any book in particular since you are so well read on the subject (I'm unaware of any books specifically on meditation and HPPD and you seem unable to give a proper condensced explanation yourself)? Also, which "issues" have improved and to what extent? And without a control group you, how do you know that meditation was responsible for these improvements? If the improvements are in terms of coping with and tuning out symptoms then I maintain that the brain is likely to do this on its own and the improvements would have occured anyway. But believe me, if meditation can be shown to have tangible benefits regarding HPPD symptoms I'll be the first one to start practicing it.

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did i say books on "meditation and hppd" ?? no. i said read a book on meditation and HEALTH AND THE BODY in general.. do you need someone to have concrete proof on everything before that thing becomes something worth people trying to pursue to see what kind of broad range benefit it has?


honestly. I could care less what questions or criticisms you have . you've made it clear you're not interested even as you claim you'd be the first on line. i'm not here to argue with contrary people so if you're going to hijack another persons thread trying to draw me into an argument then forget it. it's not happening. you keep wanting me to prove a personal experience in a place where people are supposed to share their personal experiences. but the second i offer anything you continue to twist it.


if you dont have any personal experience yourself with the subject of meditation or its benefits then i maintain your opinion means 0 to me regarding what those benefits are or are not. 

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oh but if you need some articles because.... proof... well why not start with a google search meditation and mental illness ... 




first link... you want to be ignorant on something then dont be ignorant on something 30 seconds of effort could answer



edit... and heres a second link.. just posted yesterday in fact.. http://healthland.time.com/2013/08/07/does-meditation-help-or-hinder-mental-illnesses/


doesnt relate directly to hppd?? oh well.. how about that.... oh wait... hppd is barely recognized in the medical world so the chances of finding a study relating the use of meditation to it is limited you say? oh no.. you dont say.. because well.. proof.



2nd edit... oh theres more he says.. http://www.neurosoup.com/hallucinogen-persisting-perception-disorder-hppd/ another community mentioning hppd and meditation... all these people they must just be crazy.. why would they try something with no proof.. its just sillyness.. 

Edited by disguyhere
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You read A book on meditation, health and the body? Woah, sorry, didn't realise. And no, I only need concrete proof when someone is going to assert something as fact (we've covered this). And I should point out that one does not need experience of something to point out a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy. But I will reiterate, when evidence is forthcoming that meditation helps with HPPD symptoms I will certainly be pursuing it.


As for the link, well, gosh. I feel less-informed than when I read it. I believe meditaion can help with certain mental issues (I'm concerned speciffically with HPPD) but this site doesn't explain how, it just says "the holistic practices discussed on this page can be an excellent compliment to therapy and medication and "(t)hese methods of self-discovery can help you become more in touch with your mind, body and soul" and then just describes various methods. What, exactly, does this prove?

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proof proof proof... thats the only thing you have to add to a conversation. tell me.. what do you care? nobody here is presenting their opinions as a fact. the only one asserting things is you. what do you care if people want to discuss something ?


you're just making yourself out to be a contrary ass every post you make man. if only the ignore feature worked I wouldnt have to bother seeing any of your negative crap anymore. i've said it before and i will say it again. nobody appointed you the hppd police. stop acting like anyone here owes you proof when everyone here is free to speak their opinions. 

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allow me to apologize that your thread was hijacked by this pointless meandering over "proof" .. apparently we're not allowed to talk about meditation here without mister chris the hppd police taking over and demand we only talk about proven scientific things because thats what he as hppd police chief numero uno demands.

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Again, how can one be the police of a disorder? Yes you tried that line before and it still doesn't make sense. Stop trying to be clever and stop the pathetic attempts to ingratiate. I'm afraid you have asserted things as fact regarding both medication and meditation. That is my only issue. That and pseudo-scientific assertions about organs being "exercised" and how this is relevant to HPPD. Regarding your added links, they don't add anything (unless you believe HPPD is a mental illness) other than "Meditation, yoga, exercise, and talking about the experience with supportive and knowledgeable people may also be helpful", which I am happy to concede. But yes, I am rather concerned with proof (although in this thread I have only used the word once after you first mentioned it). I am sorry it is a concern you do not share.

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Also: "apparently we're not allowed to talk about meditation here without mister chris the hppd police taking over and demand we only talk about proven scientific things because thats what he as hppd police chief numero uno demands".


Seriously? Are you twelve years old? Debate like an adult or don't bother.

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ok mister proof... prove one instance of my asserting anything as fact. please.. go back through every one of my posts since you obviously have such free time on your hands to waste with pointless exercises like this and prove that I have once said anything I have tried myself is PROVEN to work. you wont be able to because you are full of shit and again twisting my words to suit your own personal agenda..


oh we dont like having those accusations twisted around on us thats right... 


and how can one be the police of a disorder? you tell me. you're the one who is acting like thats what he is. and if you think its just me that believes that then explain why in a one sentence response you had a mother of someone suffering hppd feel you were on the attack? you assigning your belief that this is psuedo scientific blah blah blah.... thats your opinion. you're free to have it... stop pushing it on the people who dont agree because we choose to have the opinion there is potential in it... opinion. not fact.. not proof... opinion. if you can't prove that I asserted anything as fact then to turn a phrase the english should be able to understand... bugger off

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Also: "apparently we're not allowed to talk about meditation here without mister chris the hppd police taking over and demand we only talk about proven scientific things because thats what he as hppd police chief numero uno demands".


Seriously? Are you twelve years old? Debate like an adult or don't bother.



not everything is the debate you want to make it into... how about.. debate like someone who doesnt have to make shit up to make his point.. or dont even bother. 

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I didn't say that you have said things that you have tried are proven to work but that you have asserted things as fact regarding medication and meditation. Even I don't have time to go through all your lengthy, rambling posts but one expample from your first one (which I flagged up at the time): "(regarding HPPD) there is no medication that will undue (sic) the damage". Oh really?


One can't be the police of a disorder because it doesn't make logical sense, so therefore no one can act like they are. As for the women you are talking about (who made a honkingly bad, unsupported and potentially harmful assertion), even if she did feel I was attacking her (which I wasn't, I was simply pointing out the former and have never had more support from post i have made), why would she also think this illogical HPPD police nonsense? Why am even replying to that? And well done for digging up that incredibly old thread - and you accuse me of trolling? And make shit up? Do we need to revist the organ exercising?

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you are still making shit up... how is saying for some.. not for all.. that medication doesnt help. making an assertion of fact.. can you say for certain that there is medication that works for all? hmm? no..  then you're making assertions of fact too by your own logic. and who the hell are you to say what the woman was saying is honkingly bad.. thats exactly what i mean by you acting like the hppd police. because you are taking it upon yoruself to decide what is or is not worthy of being discussed. 


this is tiring. you are pathetic in your attempts to make yourself seem the victor of some kind of debate that you see this all being inside your own little world over there. 


and yes chris. you are a troll. you are the definition of a troll. and it doesnt matter whether you believe that is the case or not, anyone who has read any of the things you write where you prop your opinion up on a pedestal would agree. you're trying to get people to argue and debate with you over shit you know nothing about. if that's not trolling i dont know what else is. so keep it up... keep insisting shit. keep making claims and twisting things around and yelling to the heavens im right im right.. nobody cares. you wasted your time my time and anyone else's who have had to read through this. good job.. hope your proud of yourself. you sir are the internet at it's finest. 

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For someone who wants an ignore user function you certianly seem to relish replying to my posts. 1. Where did you say for some?. 2. How do you know there are some people that can't be helped by medication? Regarding the women, god you're fucking dumb (yes I'm going join you in the insults thing, you've worn me down). I didn't say that what she asserted was not worthy of being discussed -it certianly was. What I pointed out, if I remember correctly, was that it was completely unsupported. And given the nature of the assertion it had better have very good support as it could affect peoples' thinking in terms of making a major life decision.

As for the last two paragraphs they're too full of spelling and grammatical errors, and just generally babyish and badly argued, to bother with.

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