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I'm suffering from what i believe to be hppd from an LSD trip 3 months ago. i've also been experimenting with all sorts of drugs in the past.

My symptoms are mainly visual snow all day (it get worse at night and in the dark), some after images and that awful feeling of being here but not here and that nothing seems real, like being in a haze, disconnected from everything (DP/DR).

At first the doctors thought i had a psychosis and put me on an anti-psychotic (olanzapine) that didn't really help and an SSRI antidepressant (escitalopram) for the depression.

After doing some research and talking to my psychiatrist he agreed to let me try Keppra next month. I'm gonna have an EEG and a blood test done (already got a MRT that showed nothing).

I'm gonna keep you updated i hope that it will work

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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently in the hospital for 2 weeks. I'm getting an EEG done tomorrow and will be starting with Keppra 2x250mg. Wish me good luck :)



Quick Update


07/20/2013: 4th day on Keppra @ 2x250mg : i feel tired all the time, a bit more irritable and short-tempered. No changes concerning HPPD symptoms so far.


07/23/2013: Going to switch from Escitalopram to Bupropion because of the side effects. Still no change concerning Visuals/DP/DR

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Welcome to the forum!

Just curious: why didn't you inform the doctors that they were being incompetent in their assessment?
EEG testing could confirm HPPD, have a look over at the Downloads section for both EEG studies in HPPD. They'll help your doctor in detecting abnormalities that would otherwise not present themselves in "classic" analysis. One is "EEG coherence in post-LSD visual hallucinations" and the other is "Stable quantitative EEG difference in post-LSD visual disorder by split-half analysis: evidence for disinhibition", or along those lines.
Why are you in the hospital? Something unrelated I presume? Good luck with the Keppra. I sincerely wish it works for you.
Are you going to step up dosages biweekly? If so, you'll be at the same dosage used for the Keppra-HPPD study in 6 weeks, so try to stay patient about it (having trouble with that myself.. aargh).

Wishing you the best,

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Thank you

Actually at first i didn't know what was wrong with me so i believed them when they said that i had a psychosis :/

the doctors agreed to start the treatment only if i was under their supervision cause they didn't want to prescribe it for an off-label use and wanted to monitor the side-effects so that's why i'm in the hospital. 

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That's a pity.. I've learned the hard way to think twice about a doctors opinion. Maybe I had an advantage in distinguishing because I had been through an actual psychosis with amphetamines once. Trust me, it's fucking horrible. Either way, it's good they've reassessed that now.

Keppra is pretty harmless though, but I get it with all the rules and regulations. Check out the Vitamin B supplementation article over at "Research Articles" if you experience any significant unwanted side-effects. I also got offered to stay in a (mental) hospital, but I just shuddered at the idea and said I'd never submit to that unless I was truly psychotic and capable of doing harm.

But yeah, hope you're more resilient to such situations than I am. Be mindful of benzo's while you're there and try to make the most of it.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Recently switched from Cipralex to Elontril (Bupropion) and upped the Keppra dose to 1000mg/day

While i'm still on the starter dose of Elontril i can tell something changed. Visual still the same (my main symptom is visual snow) but i feel a good lift in the mood,

more energy and focus. DP/DR also improved even if it's not gone. 

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